The American People Do Not Understand Their Elected Officials Have Turned on Them in Order to Hold Their Power Positions and a Seat at the NWO Table


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What the Hell’s Going on’: Ted Cruz Roasted for Claiming January 6 Was a ‘Violent Terrorist Attack’ — The American People Are About to Get a Lesson in Trusting the Politician

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, attends a hearing to examine the nomination of Nicholas Burns to U.S. Ambassador to China during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Ted Cruz (R-TX) received backlash for claiming on Wednesday the January 6 riot was a “violent terrorist attack.”

While Cruz may have ambitions to run for president in 2024, the senator from Texas echoed familiar Democrat rhetoric about the incident.

“We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week. And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol,” Cruz claimed.

Many Republicans reacted to the statement with derision and suggested Cruz was betraying the Republican Party, though Cruz has tried to dig himself out from his statement.

Sebastian Gorka suggested that Cruz has become compromised. “Who got to Ted Cruz,” he tweeted.

Cheney: Blaming Pelosi for 1/6 Capitol Security Same as Blaming Store Owners for BLM Protest Damage

Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY), the vice-chair of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot, said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” that blaming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the security breach during the riot is the same as blaming store owners who suffered damage as a result of the Black Lives Matter protests during the summer of 2020 in the wake of the George Floyd killing.

When asked about Pelosi’s role, Cheney said, “The committee itself is very focused on that issue. You know, we have an entire investigative team focused on the security failures that day, focused on the response of that day. We have got investigators looking at the exactly the kinds of things that you mentioned. That is a really important set of issues. No office is off-limits. No issue is off-limits. We certainly need to get to the bottom of that.”

Liz Cheney: Pence Is a ‘Hero’ — We Look Forward to His Cooperation With January 6 Probe

Liz Cheney (R-WY), the vice-chair of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot, said Thursday on NBC’s “The Today Show” that former Vice President Mike Pence was a “hero” for his role in certifying the 2020 presidential election at the January 6, 2021 joint session of Congress to count the electoral votes.

Host Savannah Guthrie asked, “How does former Vice President Pence fit into this case? Are you willing to subpoena him to get his testimony? Do you think he’ll cooperate?”

Cheney said, “You know, former Vice President Pence was a hero on January 6th. He refused the pressure of the former president. He did his duty, and the nation should be very grateful for the actions that he took that day.”

It Should Be Clear by Now Our Elected Officials Are in Reality Members Of, Enablers of the New World Order, the Department of Justice Has Asked Congress for Indefinite Detention Powers, Citing the Coronavirus, That’s Laughable, They Intend to Turn Total Control Over to the United Nations, People Like Bill Gates That Have the Demonic Vision for Humanity Here’s the Good News They Only Have 7 1/2 Years and Jesus Will Returns and These Ungodly Individuals and Groups Will Reap Their Reward, a Life TIME of Torment, Enjoy Reprobates… StevieRay Hansen

Update: 10/1/21 Satan Dark Princess Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill To Require COVID Vaccination In Order To Fly Domestically

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation that would see Americans forced to be vaccinated or to provide a negative COVID test in order to travel within their own country.

Feinstein’s  “US Air Travel Public Safety Act” would “require the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Aviation Administration to develop standards for airlines to verify that a person has either been vaccinated, tested negative for COVID-19 or has fully recovered from a coronavirus infection to be able to fly,” The Hill reports.

Feinstein’s office released a statement that claims “Ensuring that air travelers protect themselves and their destination communities from this disease is critical to prevent the next surge, particularly if we confront new, more virulent variants of COVID-19.”

The statement adds that “It only makes sense that we also ensure the millions of airline passengers that crisscross our country aren’t contributing to further transmission, especially as young children remain ineligible to be vaccinated.”

Given that the Biden administration is intent on mandating vaccines and punishing people who wish to stick with the option of tests, and given that DHHS head Xavier Becerra has labeled those who choose natural immunity over vaccines as “flat earthers,” it seems likely that those options would be removed from any legislative action.

If this ‘show your papers’ legislation did pass, would Feinstein herself follow her own rules, or would she continue to demonstrate that authoritarian subjugation is purely for the American public?

Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

Update:9/28/21 Joe Biden didn’t just announce a Covid-19 vaccine mandate on companies employing 100 or more people, he plans to enforce it.

On Saturday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House quietly tucked an enforcement mechanism into their $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill, passed it out of the Budget Committee, and sent it to the House floor.

Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees.

The increased fines on employers could run as high as $70,000 for serious infractions, and $700,000 for willful or repeated violations—almost three-quarters of a million dollars for each fine. If enacted into law, vax enforcement could bankrupt non-compliant companies even more quickly than the $14,000 OSHA fine anticipated under Biden’s announced mandate.

The Biden Administration has already started implementing its vaccine mandate enforcement blueprint:

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set precedent this summer and published an emergency Covid-19 rule in the Federal Register taking jurisdiction over and providing justification for Covid-19 being a workplace hazard for healthcare employment.
  • Early in September, Biden announced his 100-or-more employee Covid-19 vaccine mandate and tasked OSHA with drafting an enforcement rule to exert emergency vaccine compliance authority over companies with 100 or more employees.
  • The legislative provision that passed the Budget Committee raises the OSHA fines for non-compliance 10 times higher – and up to $700,000 for each “willful” or “repeated” violation. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not announced when the House will vote on the reconciliation bill that includes the new OSHA fines.
  • If the legislation is enacted, OSHA could levy draconian fines to enforce Biden’s vaccine mandate, a move that could rapidly bankrupt non-compliant companies. The Biden mandate affects employers collectively employing an estimated 80 million workers.

The Democrats are playing hardball.                      

President Biden embraced an aggressive stance earlier this month when he challenged Republicans who are threatening lawsuits over what they decry as his federal overreach: “Have at it. … We’re playing for real here. This isn’t a game.”

The Legislation

The provision tucked in the House reconciliation budget bill (on page 168) that increases OSHA fines reads:


(a) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970.—Section 17 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 666) is amended—

(1) in subsection (a)—

  (A) by striking ‘‘$70,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$700,000’’; and

(B) by striking ‘‘$5,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$50,000’’;

(2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘$7,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$70,000’’; and

(3) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘$7,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$70,000’’

That provision would change existing law relating to OSHA’s enforcement fines, the very same section of law whose fines OSHA referenced in its June Covid-19 healthcare worker rule and is likely to use again to enforce its forthcoming vaccine compliance rules.

The Existing Law

29 U.S.C.§ 666 lays out OSHA enforcement fine levels. The 1970-enacted law reads:

29 U.S. Code § 666 – Civil and criminal penalties

(a) Willful or repeated violation Any employer who willfully or repeatedly violates the requirements of section 654 of this title, any standard, rule, or order promulgated pursuant to section 655 of this title, or regulations prescribed pursuant to this chapter may be assessed a civil penalty of not more than $70,000 for each violation, but not less than $5,000 for each willful violation

(b) Citation for serious violation Any employer who has received a citation for a serious violation of the requirements of section 654 of this title, of any standard, rule, or order promulgated pursuant to section 655 of this title, or of any regulations prescribed pursuant to this chapter, shall be assessed a civil penalty of up to $7,000 for each such violation [emphasis added].

Each year, OSHA adjusts these penalties for inflation, so for 2021, the fines are not actually capped at $70,000 and $7,000, but $136,532 and $13,653 per violation. If House Democrats get their way, by enacting the page 168 changes, those fines would increase to $700,000 for willful and repeated violations and $70,000 for serious violations.  

Section 654, cross-referenced in the OSHA enforcement penalty code, outlines the law requiring workplaces to be “free from recognized hazards” causing harm or death:

29 U.S. Code § 654 – Duties of employers and employees

(a) Each employer

(1) shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees;

(2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this chapter.

(b) Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this chapter which are applicable to his own actions and conduct [emphasis added].

OSHA has already published a rule this year claiming Covid-19 is a workplace hazard, and the agency is using this provision of law to assert and enforce its authority. It is likely the new rule to enforce Biden’s mandate will also use this authority, and by extension use the fines upon enforcement.

Huge Crippling OSHA Fines, Likely By Design

The crippling change described on page 168 of the Democrats’ bill isn’t a typo or a clerical error. It was inserted by design and, likely, with the hope that no one would notice before Democrats ram the bill through Congress.

If enacted, it could bankrupt a whole host of companies that do not believe they should have to comply with the Biden administration’s mandate or harbor the cost of intrusive, weekly tests.

In its June 2021 emergency rule affecting health care workers, OSHA complained it was having a hard time motivating employers with its paltry $13,653 fine:

“OSHA has been limited in its ability to impose penalties high enough to motivate the very large employers who are unlikely to be deterred by penalty assessments of tens of thousands of dollars, but whose noncompliance can endanger thousands of workers …”

The Critics

Some have openly discussed businesses defying the mandate and taking their risks with OSHA fines. For example, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) tweeted that businesses “should openly rebel” against any OSHA rule.

It’s one thing to defy a $14,000 fine. It’s quite another to risk incurring hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. One or two disgruntled employees, for example, could bring an employer $70,000-$140,000 in OSHA fines. If considered “willful,” as per Rep. Roy’s tweet — just three “violations” could quickly become a $2.1 million OSHA fine.


If its provision becomes law, the Biden administration may force American businesses to choose between vaccinating their employees, testing them weekly for Covid-19, or going bankrupt under crippling OSHA fines.

In September, Biden warned the tens of millions of Americans who have declined vaccination against Covid-19, “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.”

Now the Democrats in the House are hoping to make employers foot the bill for that “cost” in the form of fines and bankruptcy.

Republicans might want to read page 168 of the Democrats’ bill. After all, as we like to say at, the text of the bill is online in real time. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire

You Would Have to Be Blind Not to See Where This Is Going, “Yoked”…

How Long Before USA Says: We Will Not Comply?

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid


The first psalm warns us not to keep company with evil people. We are told not to listen to their counsel, stand in their way or sit in their seats. The word ‘blessed’ is translated ‘happy’ in some newer renderings. Blessing implies the goodness of God will be with such a person. Look for these beatitudes throughout Scripture. If the Word gives us instruction as to what to do to find God pouring out His goodness on us, we should give careful attention to that instruction. You will be blessed if you avoid bad company. Man has a natural tendency to gravitate toward mocking and complaint. Don’t!



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. ragman57 on September 29, 2021 at 11:07 pm

    By mid January 2021, fifty-five people in the United States had died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports submitted to a federal system. By mid-March, that number of deaths after getting vaccinated increased to 1,524, and by August over 13,000 have died and another 18,000 permanently disabled.

  2. Edward O'Hara on September 29, 2021 at 12:20 am

    States need to hurry and pass legislation that will counteract these illegal pieces of “legislation” like Montana did months ago. Doing so to circumvent these usurpers. State law supersedes federal law because states gave the feds what little authority they have. And that authority is defined by the 9th and 10th amendments. And because the states gave it they have the Constitutional authority to take it away.

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