The Lies We Are Being Told About The Coronavirus, Headlines Are Misleading


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Promises Made, Promises Broken: Biden Now Says ‘Nothing We Can Do’ To Change Pandemic Trajectory

After saying on Thursday that “We didn’t get into this mess overnight and it’s going to take months for us to turn things around,” adding “We will defeat this pandemic, and to a nation waiting for action, let me be the clearest on this point: Help is on the way,” Biden lowered expectations even further on Friday.

Here’s what Biden said in late October on the campaign trail about how he’d deal with COVID-19:

Imagine a day in the not too distant future, when you can enjoy dinner with your friends and family, and maybe even go out to a movie.”

Just not for a while, apparently.

Career politician— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 22, 2021

The past 4 years were the only time Biden has spent out of government since the Nixon administration

lol @ people just finding out he breaks promises— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 22, 2021

As an aside, here’s how the Bidens dealt with the National Guard being forced to sleep in a parking garage after they were booted from the Capitol grounds:

Biden brought about 25 candy bars……for a group of about 200 soldiers

I guess she’s not a “Doctor” of mathmatics— Rogue1-the Jeff Faria Project (@PatriotsOfMars) January 22, 2021

Source: ZeroHedge

Up-Date: 7/.8/2020

The Headlines Are Misleading, Mainstream Media and Some States Continue to Put Out False Positives for the Coronavirus

Florida Reports Another 10k COVID-19 Cases; NYC Mayor Says Schools Won’t Fully Reopen In September: Live Updates

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

by Tyler Durden


  • NYC schools won’t reopen in September, mayor says
  • Dr. Fauci: “I never saw a virus with so many symptoms”
  • Cuomo calls for a press briefing at 1130ET
  • Moderna completes trial enrollment
  • WHO finally admits there’s “some evidence” of airborne transmission as US severs ties
  • Kudlow says moving back toward lockdown would be “a mistake”
  • Mt Sinai, Emergent Bio announce plans to test new COVID plasma drug
  • US reports 60k+ new cases on Tuesday
  • NJ orders mandatory mask-wearing outside
  • US coronavirus cases top 3 million
  • US reports ~44k new cases Tuesday
  • 56 Florida ICUs hit full capacity
  • Texas hospital occupancy at more than 90%
  • World reports 5k new deaths
  • US sees the highest daily death toll since June 9
  • Brazil president says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine
  • Trump demands schools reopen in the fall

* * *

Update (1050ET): As we wait to hear from Gov Cuomo at 11:30, NYC Mayor de Blasio has predictably weighed in to announce that the city won’t be reopening schools in September, even though whether the city sticks to this plan will likely be contingent on what happens over the coming months. If there isn’t a resurgence in new cases, it might become difficult to justify.

The plan shared by de Blasio with the NYT reportedly calls for no more than 12 people including teachers to be in a classroom at a time. Most students will only attend class two or maybe three times a week.

About four months after 1.1 million New York City children were forced into online learning, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Wednesday that public schools would still not fully reopen in September, saying that classroom attendance would instead be limited to only one to three days a week in an effort to continue to curb the coronavirus outbreak.

The mayor’s release of his plan for the system, by far the nation’s largest, capped weeks of intense debate among elected officials, educators, and public health experts over how to bring children back safely to 1,800 public schools.

The decision to opt for only a partial reopening, which is most likely the only way to accommodate students in school buildings while maintaining social distancing, may hinder hundreds of thousands of parents from returning to their pre-pandemic work lives, undermining the recovery of the sputtering local economy.

Still, the staggered schedules in New York City schools for September reflect a growing trend among school systems, universities, and colleges around the country, which are all trying to find ways of balancing the urgent need to bring students back to classrooms and campuses while also reducing density to prevent the spread of the virus.

Under the mayor’s plan, there will probably be no more than a dozen people in a classroom at a time, including teachers and aides, a stark change from the typical class size in New York City schools, which can hover around 30 children.

Of course, the city still has months to change its mind. With little evidence available on how the virus spreads among, and affects, young children, the city should have a very good safety reason if it wants to keep schools partially shut, hamstringing and burdening millions of working- and middle-class families.

* * *

Update (1030ET): Florida has once again reported roughly 10k new cases of the coronavirus. Florida added 9,989 (+4.7%) new COVID-19  cases Wednesday. Now with 223,783 (up from 213,794 yesterday), the state also reported 14.15% of its 75,865 test results coming back positive. The number of tests run is close to record highs for the state. Florida’s positivity rate has been north of 14% since June 29. The figure is lower than yesterday’s 16.2%.


Its the biggest single-day jump in new cases on a Wednesday, and up 50% from last Wednesday’s reading.

The median age of those infected ticked lower to 39.

* * *

Update (1015ET): Just some food for thought….

* * *

Update (1000ET): Doctors have been struggling to explain rare cases of people who are infected with the virus more than once, or whose symptoms just never seem to subside, even after months of infection.

One Texas man who shared his story with CNN said the second time around, his symptoms got “much worse.”

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While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Up-Date 3/19/2020 @ 11:55 PM CSTSocial media platforms CDC and WHO ( The Reprobates) continue to hide the truth from the American people, the blood of Our Nation people is on their hands, StevieRay Hansen

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Advanced Knowledge? CDC Started Hiring Quarantine Program Managers Last November to Cover Quarantine Centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts, and More

The CDC appears to have had advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, as the agency which deliberately delayed testing kits in the USA for nearly a month was hiring quarantine program advisors in November of 2019, to cover Texas, New York, California, Washington, Florida and many other areas where the pandemic is now exploding.

This job listing page at describes job announcement number HHS-CDC-D3-20-10640010, paying up to $93,077 per year, with an open application period from Nov. 15th, 2019 to May 15th, 2020.

The cities and states described in the job listing are:

Dallas, Texas, El Paso, Texas, Houston, Texas, Seattle, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska, Los Angeles, California, San Diego, California, San Francisco, California, Miami, Florida, Atlanta, Georgia, Honolulu, Hawaii, Chicago, Illinois, Boston, Massachusetts, Detroit, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Newark, New Jersey, New York, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San Juan.

Here’s a screen shot of the listing:

Job duties

Here’s a description of the job duties:

“Assist in planning and implementing a program for preventing the importation of communicable diseases from abroad and spread of these diseases domestically.”, “Monitor disease trends and consults with senior leaders to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the introduction/spread of communicable diseases by travelers, etiologic agents or vectors.”, “Provide technical assistance, consultation and guidance to national, state and/or local agencies; health organizations; federal, state and local law enforcement agencies; airport and seaport activities; hospital networks, and other private entities.”, “Ensure appropriate communication networks, planning documents, and emergency response protocols are in place, tested and regularly updated.”, “Develop and present training to various governmental agencies and local partners on emergency response protocols, communicable diseases, and quarantine activities.”

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Epidemiology, emergency preparedness, and emerging infectious disease

This job listing also contains a section entitled, “Other Information” which adds these interesting notes:

Additional selections may be made within the same geographical location CDC-wide. The utilization of shared certificates within multiple Centers of the Center of Disease Control and Prevention may be used from this vacancy announcement for specialties to include but not limited to: Applied Epidemiology, Behavioral Epidemiology, Chronic Diseases, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Environmental Health, HIV/AIDS, Immunization, Infectious Diseases (e.g. Viral, Parasitic, etc.), Influenza, Malaria, Non-communicable Diseases, Outbreak Investigations, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Surveillance, Tropical Medicine, Tuberculosis (TB), Viral Hepatitis, and/or Zoonotic Diseases.

Here’s the map of the virus spread so far, thanks to the communist Chinese cover-up:

Advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic that’s now leading to forced vaccinations for everyone

How did the CDC have advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic before it was announced to the world? Well, we already know the CDC is a criminal front group for the vaccine industry, and we know the CDC had a hand in releasing measles at Disneyland in California in order to create mass media hysteria to push for the vaccine mandate law there, SB 277, which just happened to be pre-written by the pharmaceutical industry and ready to push through the California legislature.

That’s why the CDC is characterized as, “an edifice of fraud” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Although we have no direct proof, it would be entirely consistent for the CDC to be part of a globalist program to deliberately release a deadly pandemic virus in order to push for mandatory vaccines and funnel billions of dollars into the vaccine manufacturers (which has already begun). Former CDC head Julie Gerberding, you may already know, went to work as a top executive for Merck, and the CDC functions largely as a revolving door with Big Pharma. Part of her job was covering up vaccine fraud involving the mumps vaccine.

What better way to enrich the criminal pharmaceutical companies than to watch as a global pandemic virus gets released, granting the CDC extraordinary new powers (and funding), leading directly to mandatory coronavirus vaccines (the kill switch for global depopulation).

It also just happens that this coronavirus is the perfect excuse for a global financial reset that steals money from taxpayers by mass printing trillions of new dollars to bail out wealthy corporate executives, drug companies and industrial giants. Did you notice that the new family leave act which guarantees companies will pay employees for quarantine isolation time is exempting all companies with more than 500 employees?

That’s because this planned pandemic is being used to achieve all the goals of globalists: Censorship, confiscation of wealth, mandatory vaccines, depopulation, medical tyranny, martial law, a cashless society and much more.

And yes, the CDC had advanced knowledge of it all. The proof is right on their own website. Long before China even admitted to the existence of the coronavirus, the CDC was hiring quarantine managers in all the areas that are now being hit hardest by the coronavirus. There are no coincidences when it comes to such alignment of events. Source: NewsTarget HNewsWire

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According to a Time article, WHO listed eight lessons it learned from the crisis, including “communicating more clearly what is needed,” and later proposed nine remedies to do a better job in case of future outbreaks such as setting up a “Global Health Emergency Workforce” with a contingency fund.

They Are Lying, and Dr. Boyle Contends That (Who) Knows Full Well What Is Occurring In That Lab In China…

The below visualization The Secret History of Coronavirus Bioweapon is based on GreatGameIndia‘s exclusive report Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It

The Saudi SARS Sample

On June 13, 2012, a 60-year-old Saudi man was admitted to a private hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a 7-day history of fever, cough, expectoration, and shortness of breath. He had no history of cardiopulmonary or renal disease, was receiving no long-term medications, and did not smoke.

The Canadian Lab

On May 4, 2013, a sample of this Saudi SARS (aka novel Coronavirus) from the very first infected Saudi patient arrived in Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg via Ron Fouchier of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands who sequenced the virus sample.

Chinese Biological Espionage

In March 2019, in the mysterious event, a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML ended up in China. The event caused a major scandal with Bio-warfare experts questioning why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China.

Four months later in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian lab – the only level-4 facility equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases where Coronavirus sample from the first Saudi patient was being examined.

Xiangguo Qiu

The scientist who was escorted out of the Canadian lab along with members of her research team is believed to be a Chinese Bio-Warfare agent Xiangguo Qiu.

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu is married to another Chinese scientist Dr. Keding Cheng – the couple is responsible for infiltrating Canada’s NML with many Chinese agents posing as students from a range of Chinese scientific facilities directly tied to China’s Biological Warfare Program.

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu made at least five trips to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory located only 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market which is the epicenter of the outbreak.

The Canadian investigation is ongoing and questions remain whether previous shipments to China of other viruses or other essential preparations, took place from 2006 to 2018, one way or another.

Frank Plummer Assassination

Meanwhile, in a very strange turn of events, renowned scientist Frank Plummer received the Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab from where the virus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents has died in mysterious conditions in Nigeria.

The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words, to steal western technology.

Weaponizing Biotech

China’s national strategy of military-civil fusion has highlighted biology as a priority, and the People’s Liberation Army could be at the forefront of expanding and exploiting this knowledge. Chinese military’s interest in biology as an emerging domain of warfare is guided by strategists who talk about potential “genetic weapons” and the possibility of a “bloodless victory.”

Scholars or Spies

Given the history of the United States government and its military-industrial complex concerning biological and germ warfare, the use of these agents against large populations, and the desire to create agents that are race-specific strains, these powerful entities have become compassionless purveyors of death to the innocent. Manmade viruses meant for warfare, whether for economic destruction, starvation, or mass death, are the workings of the truly evil among us. Predation at this level is relegated to those in power; a president, for example, could give the order to wipe out millions due to his inability to control a problem he caused and perpetuated, and then lay blame on the victims.

Who would ever have believed that modern warfare could be more brutal, more torturous, more painful, and more harmful to innocents, especially children, than past atrocities committed in war? Memories of millions sent to their deaths fighting in trenches, cities obliterated by atomic bombs, entire countries destroyed, and millions purposely left to starve in order to appease some tyrant or elected “leader.” I once thought that nuclear war would signal the end of life as we know it, but considering modern warfare and technology, I now think that uncontrolled and deadly viruses may consume the world population, as one after another poison are released as acts of hidden war. There can be no end to this madness, as any retaliation in kind will result in the spread of worldwide disease; all created by man.

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The new Coronavirus, Covid-19, is one in a line of many that were not just likely but most certainly produced by man in laboratories, is affecting almost exclusively the Chinese at this point. This has seemingly opened the floodgates to speculation as to its exact origin. This virus has unique characteristics that have happened before with SARS and MERS, and has genetic material that has never been identified, and is not tied to any animal or human known virus. This should be troubling to all because if this is manmade, it was manufactured as a weapon of war. So who is responsible for its release in China? It is possible that this virus was created in China and was “accidentally” released into the population, but that does not sound credible at any level. Do any think that the Chinese government would create a Chinese race-specific virus and release it in their country?

Interestingly, in the past, U.S. universities and NGOs went to China specifically to do illegal biological experimentation, and this was so egregious to Chinese officials, that forcible removal of these people was the result. Harvard University, one of the major players in this scandal, stole the DNA samples of hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens, left China with those samples and continued illegal bio-research in the U.S. It is thought that the U.S. military, which puts a completely different spin on the conversation, had commissioned the research in China at the time. This is more than suspicious.

The U.S. has, according to this article at Global Research, had a massive biological warfare program since at least the early 1940s, but has used toxic agents against this country and others since the 1860s. This is no secret, regardless of the propaganda spread by the government and its partners in criminal bio-weapon research and production.

As of 1999, the U.S. government had deployed its Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) arsenal against the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, China, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, Haitian boat people, and our neighbor Canada according to this article at Counter Punch. Of course, U.S. citizens have been used as guinea pigs many times as well and exposed to toxic germ agents and deadly chemicals by the government. Keep in mind that this is a shortlist, as the U.S. is well known for also using proxies to spread its toxic chemicals and germ agents, such as happened in Iraq and Syria. Since 1999 there have been continued incidences of several different viruses, most of which are presumed to be manmade, including the current Coronavirus that is affecting China today.

There is also much evidence of the research and development of race-specific bio-warfare agents. This is very troubling. One would think, given the idiotic race arguments by post-modern Marxists, that this would consume the mainstream news, and any participants in these atrocious race-specific poisons would be outed at every level. That is not happening, but I believe it is due to obvious reasons, including government cover-up, hypocrisy at all levels, and leftist agenda-driven objectives that would not gain ground with the exposure of this government-funded anti-race science.

I will say that it is not just the U.S. that is developing and producing bio-warfare agents and viruses, but many developed countries around the globe do so as well. But the United States, as is the case in every area of war and killing, is by far the world leader in its inhuman desire to be able to kill entire populations through biological and chemical warfare means. Because these agents are extremely dangerous and uncontrollable and can spread wildly, the risk to not only isolated populations but also the entire world is evident. Consider that a deadly virus created by the U.S. and used against another country was found out and verified, and in retaliation, that country or others decided to strike back with other toxic agents against America. Where would this end, and over time, how many billions could be affected in such a scenario?

All indications point to the fact that the most toxic, poisonous, and deadly viruses ever known are being created in labs around the world. In the U.S. think of Fort Detrick, Maryland, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, Horn Island, Mississippi, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, Vigo Ordinance Plant, Indiana, and many others. Think of the fascist partnerships between this government and the pharmaceutical industry. Think of the U.S. military installations positioned all around the globe. Nothing good can come from this, as it is not about finding cures for disease, or about discovering vaccines, but is done for one reason only, and that is for the purpose of bio-warfare for mass killing.

The drive to find biological weapons that will sicken and kill millions at a time is not only a travesty but is beyond evil. This power is held by the few, but the potential victims of this madness include everyone on earth. How can such insanity at this level be allowed to continue? If any issue could ever unite the masses, governments participating in biological and germ warfare, race-specific killing, and creating viruses with the potential to affect disease and death worldwide, should cause many to stand together against it. The first step is to expose that governments, the most likely culprit being the U.S. government, are planting these viruses purposely to cause great harm. Once that is proven, the unbelievable risk to all will be known, and then people everywhere should put their divisiveness aside, stand together, and stop this assault on mankind.

“In vast laboratories in the Ministry of Peace, and in experimental stations, teams of experts are indefatigably at work searching for new and deadlier gases; or for soluble poisons capable of being produced in such quantities as to destroy the vegetation of whole continents; or for breeds of disease germs immunised against all possible antibodies.” George Orwell – 1984

In an exclusive interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with a gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it.

This day is here– get ready, the virus WILL spreads throughout the US and Europe, governments will respond the same way China’s government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This would lead to civil war in the US because we are armed and many people will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed. The establishment then suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a viral spreader. China is already pushing this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus even local economies become completely centralized as private trade dies. “AntiChrist Is On His Temporary Thorne”
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

Dr. Sylvie Briand, the WHO’s director of epidemic and pandemic, tweeted a screenshot of what appears to be a new WHO guide to these ‘alternatives’ to the cheek-kiss and the handshake, popular greetings throughout the world.

Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything has collapsed, no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no trustworthy news, no legitimate Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats from the elitist.

The power structure that is hell-bent on bringing the New World Order into the reality of the sleeping masses get woke or get yoked, and the choice still lives in the people’s hands. Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of humanity, We are on the Doorstep of the Great Tribulations.

Our elected officials, bureaucrats so-called law enforcement agencies are turning the people against each other, it’s demonic, The history of bureaucrats setting on the people, Nixon, Clinton, Bush, and of course Obama, the finale, Donald Trump, On November 8, 2016, I cast my vote for Donald Trump for President of the United States. I wanted “The Great Disruptor.” I wanted the swamp drained. But, above all, I wanted America to truly become great again. It didn’t happen, none of it. Instead, we’re in a far worse far more dangerous spot than we were just two years ago.

One where the Welfare State and the Warfare State threaten to destroy our economy, leaving ordinary Americans crippled in the wreckage. One where our national debt is approaching an astounding $23 trillion with no end in sight. One where border wars, trade wars, and Twitter wars have stolen our focus from a ticking time bomb, Americans freedom. One where the Deep State has boldly emerged from out of the shadows to steal our democracy right from under us, the elitist have taken over and the New World Order emergence. Americans fear their police force, the elected officials, and it’s obvious our justice system has no justice, Demons Knights have hijacked our churches, and the vast empire is in a state of despair. SRH…

2 Timothy 3:1-5
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people as CDC, The WHO…

More Coronavirus Censorship: Social Media Companies Partner With WHO To Censor Info

Source ZeroHedge

Social media companies have made the decision to partner with “health authorities” (government officials like those who work for the CDC) to combat “misinformation” about the coronavirus. We all know what this means. Under the mainstream media’s seemingly innocent words lies a rash of new censorship coming down the pipes.

Now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned to watch for “pestilences” in the last days.
Once again, only time will tell if COVID-19 is one of those “pestilences”, but without a doubt, all of us should be taking this virus very, very seriously.

Here in the U.S., COVID-19 has now reached 33 states, and the number of confirmed cases seems to literally be changing every few minutes as more announcements are made.  Over the weekend, we witnessed another wild round of panic buying as people feverishly stocked up for an extended pandemic, but at least Americans are not throwing punches at each other over toilet paper like we are witnessing elsewhere in the world.  Needless to say, all of this insanity is badly rattling Wall Street.  The markets are going absolutely nuts, and it looks like this could be a truly historic week.  Much more importantly, it looks like any hope of containing this virus is now completely dead.  In fact, Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the Food and Drug Administration just told the entire nation that we are “past the point of containment” now.

This now Godless Nation, or this now nearly Godless nation, has built, upon the provably false foundations of Darwinism, Freudianism and Marxism, a “new” house, made out of falsehood piled upon falsehood, stacked up and leaning on supports of falsehood.  It is a house of cards.  This newly Godless nation is a virtual insane asylum built and run by lunatics.  The lies and falsehoods never end.  All of them, without exception, insist on federal government regulation, restriction, taxation, control, monitoring, more bureaucracy, more bureaus and departments, more people working for the government, less in the private sector, and general migration of power from the people to the central government.  

Just trying to count the lies that are now generally accepted axiomatic truths in the dumbed-down public square can test your adult judgment and patience.  The ice caps are melting.  The polar bears are drowning.  Oil is running out.  Oil is polluting the planet.  SUVs are causing global warming.  Silly little legislated light bulbs can save the planet.  Plastic going into landfills is dooming the planet.  If you don’t get your flu shot you’re going to die.  The American Constitution is causing children to die.  Heterosexuality is perverse (it must be because homosexuality is natural.) This problem – whatever it is – is too big for anyone but the federal government to solve.  This problem – whatever it is – is too big for just one federal government to solve. 

All problems – including non-problems invented for political reasons – become simple if you put God back into the equation.  A thing is either right, or it is wrong; a statement is either true, or it is false. 

Today you will hear and see and read government-sponsored, tax paid commercials for such things as, getting your little children vaccinated against the HPV venereal disease, which is transmitted by any skin contact in the genital area.  Now, why would your little children need such an inoculation unless they were being taught in school to seek skin contact in the genital area?  That would be a sin.  Remember?  Once upon a time little children, if they were taught anything at all about sex, what they were taught was chastity and sexual purity. 

“COVID-19 outbreak has seen a massive ‘infodemic’ – an over-abundance of information – some accurate and some not – that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it,” the WHO told ABC News.

“Therefore, WHO is working with various social media platforms, including TikTok, to help us reach the right audience (the right community, the right age group, etc.), as well as to detect the spread of misinformation on the new coronavirus. We understand that different platforms might have their specific audience, hence important to make trustworthy information available where people are looking for it.”

So in other words, WHO is asking TikTok to make sure their narrative infects the minds of the young adult and youth audience they are said to attract.  Only the information from the WHO will be deemed relevant to this outbreak.  The censorship surrounding this virus is ongoing, but it’s becoming obvious authorities are continuing to have problems completing the totalitarian squashing free speech.

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The Chinese have taken to using force to prevent information from getting out. Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are supporting the “authority” on health to and ramming the official narrative down people’s throats.

“We’re focused on making sure everyone can access credible and accurate information,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement this week.

“If you search for coronavirus on Facebook, you’ll see a pop-up that directs you to the World Health Organization or your local health authority for the latest information.”

We all know this is elitist speak for “you’ll read and hear what we want you to read and hear.”

Only the official narrative from those in the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will soon be allowed on social media. Last week, the social media app TikTok, popular with youths and young adults, announced it would be partnering with the WHO in an effort to spread veritable information on the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, in addition to best public health practices.

UP-Date: 3/9/20 @ 2:00PM CST

Mike Pence admitted Thursday that the administration will not be able to follow meet its promise to deliver one million coronavirus testing kits by the end of the week.

‘We don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate the demand going forward,’ Pence said during a visit to a 3M Company plant in Minnesota Thursday afternoon.

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U.S. Administration Still Lying to the Public by Claiming It’s All Under Control


  • New York has reported its third case: the son, wife, and daughter of an infected Westchester County lawyer have been diagnosed with the virus
  • Italy will ban public events, and close cinemas and theaters even though the government denied an earlier ANSA report that the country would also close schools & universities momentarily
  • Italy urges elderly people to stay indoors if possible
  • Ecuador confirms 3 new cases, raising total to 10
  • German finance minister declares outbreak “a global pandemic”
  • Israel urges people to stop shaking hands, will quarantine travelers from most of Europe
  • EU reports a second coronavirus case at its headquarters in Brussels
  • France has reported 45 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 257
  • UK cases surge by 34 to a total of 85 – a 66% surge.
  • China reported 119 additional coronavirus cases and 38 additional deaths
  • South Korea reported 809 additional coronavirus cases and 4 additional deaths
  • Israel quarantines group of soccer fans
  • “Official” Iranian death toll hits 92
  • Saudi suspends Umra pilgrimage
  • Japan confirms 3 more cases from Osaka

Update (1040ET): As deaths mount in Iran and Italy, Al Jazeera reminds us that Poland, Morocco, Andorra, Armenia and Argentina have all confirmed their first cases of the virus over the last 24 hours.

Ecuador has just confirmed three new cases, bringing its total to 10.

(Update 0950ET): A Yeshiva University student who is the son of the Westchester County man infected by the coronavirus, has also been diagnosed with the illness, the school announced Wednesday. “We have unfortunately received news this morning that our student has tested positive for COVID-19. Our thoughts are with him and his family as well as to all those affected,” Yeshiva said in a statement. “We are taking every precaution by canceling all classes on Wilf Campus in Washington Heights. This includes all in-person graduate courses on that campus as well as the boys’ high school,” it added.

The student’s father, attorney Lawrence Garbuz, 50, runs a boutique law firm with his wife that also employs one of their four kids as a paralegal, according to the information posted online. The seven-lawyer practice, Lewis & Garbuz, is located across the street from Grand Central Terminal.

In addition to the son. Garbuz’s wife and daughter, as well as a neighbor who drove the man to the hospital, are among the new cases confirmed in the state.

According to Governor Cuomo, this means that there are now 6 confirmed cases of coronavirus in New York State.

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Time To Debunk The Skeptics: COVID-19 Has A Death Rate That Is About 34 Times Higher Than The Flu

COVID-19 is an extremely deadly virus, and nobody should be trying to downplay the severity of this outbreak.  By now, you have probably heard a lot of people try to convince you that COVID-19 is not that dangerous because the flu has killed far more people this winter.  And that is true.  But what they aren’t telling you is that the death rate from the flu is extremely low.  Tens of thousands of Americans die from the flu each year, but if this coronavirus spreads all over the planet the death toll will be in the tens of millions.  This coronavirus outbreak is likely only in the very early stages, and if it becomes as widespread as the flu, it will become a public health crisis, unlike anything we have ever faced in modern times.

After taking a look at the numbers, hopefully, you will understand what I am trying to say.

On Tuesday, the World Health Organization announced that the global death rate for COVID-19 is now 3.4 percent

World health officials said Tuesday the case fatality rate for COVID-19 is 3.4% globally, higher than previous estimates of about 2%.

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva. In comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected, he said.

I have a feeling that number will continue to go up, but for the purposes of this article let’s assume that number if accurate.

As for the flu, the CDC says that there will be between 32 million and 45 million illnesses in the United States during this flu season, and somewhere between 18,000 and 46,000 deaths.

That means that the death rate from the flu this year will be about one-tenth of one percent.

So can we please stop with the comparisons between COVID-19 and the flu?

COVID-19 is at least 34 times more deadly, and experts are warning that up to 70 percent of the global population could ultimately catch the virus.

If that happens, we will see a death toll in the tens of millions at a minimum.

Here in the United States, the death rate is running well above 3.4 percent so far.  Out of 118 confirmed cases, nine victims have died so far

The eighth and ninth persons confirmed to have died in the U.S. from the coronavirus lived in Washington state, just like the previous seven victims. Washington accounts for 27 of the 118 cases so far reported in the U.S., and state officials said 231 people are under public health supervision.

I have a feeling that the death rate in the U.S. will go down once we start testing more people, but we will see.

At this point, coronavirus clusters are starting to pop up all over the nation.  For example, the number of victims in Santa Clara County has now risen to 11

Santa Clara County announces 2 new cases of COVID-19 Total now 11.

Over on the east coast, a newly confirmed case in New York City is making headlines.  Authorities are telling us that it is a “community spread case”, and this particular victim just happens to be a lawyer with a firm in midtown Manhattan

The latest coronavirus case in New York City is a 50-year-old lawyer who resides in Westchester County, about 20 miles north of New York City, and is a partner at a firm based in midtown Manhattan, multiple sources confirmed to Business Insider. The office building is in the vicinity of Grand Central Terminal, which sees about 750,000 daily commuters.

Before he was finally diagnosed, was he spreading the virus to countless others in midtown Manhattan?

We shall see what happens in the coming days.

As I discussed yesterday, the U.S. has been much slower than other nations to conduct widespread testing for the virus, and it looks like that was a major mistake.

Down in South Florida, one woman was recently told by her doctor that she probably has COVID-19, but officials refused to test her for it

In what may be the first case of coronavirus in South Florida, a woman who recently returned home from Italy says she was told by doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital that she “likely” has COVID-19, but that they are unable to verify it because state and federal officials refused to conduct the necessary tests to confirm it.

“The doctor himself told me that, you know, he thinks that the results of my [preliminary] tests mean that I most likely have the COVID-19, but that the Department of Health did not want to pursue it further,” said the woman, who requested that her name not be used to protect her privacy. “It was either the Department of Health or the CDC that decided not to further pursue the inquiry. But I was basically told that it is most likely that I have this virus and that I should self-quarantine.”

As Dr. Matt McCarthy has said, this refusal to test probable patients is a national scandal.  There is no excuse for this sort of negligence, and it has the potential to create all sorts of problems.

At this point, fear is spreading like wildfire all over the nation.  Due to concerns about COVID-19, Twitter is asking “its entire workforce” to “work from home”

Twitter is asking its entire workforce of 5,000 people to work from home, part of its effort to keep employees safe and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The company said working from home was mandatory for its workers in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea, where there are higher rates of the COVID-19 disease.

Other companies are taking similar steps, and this will inevitably slow down the economy.

But this could be just the beginning.  If you can believe it, one NBA owner is actually saying that the NBA could eventually “ban fans” from games if things get bad enough…

Marc Lasry, co-owner of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks, told CNBC on Tuesday that sporting events could possibly ban fans if the coronavirus outbreak worsens.

“If you’re going to do it to basketball, you’re going to do it to baseball,” Lasry said on “Fast Money.” “I hope we don’t get there.”

I hope we don’t get there either.

Because once we start banning public gatherings, we won’t be able to go back to normal until this pandemic is over.

And sometimes pandemics can last for a very long time.  The Spanish Flu pandemic lasted for three years and killed tens of millions of people.  If what we are facing is similar, then all of our lives are about to change in a major way.

Sadly, some people are saying that if they get the virus they will actually purposely go into large crowds to try to spread it.  Here is one example

Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is getting major blowback over a controversial tweet sent on Friday.

CdeBaca quoted a tweet that said, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.”

How sick in the head do you have to be to say something like that?

We live at a time when hearts are growing very cold, and it is only going to get worse as time rolls along.

Hopefully, by now most of my readers understand that we need to take COVID-19 very seriously.

This isn’t anything like the flu.  This is an extremely deadly virus that has the potential to kill millions of Americans.

Let us continue to keep praying that this outbreak will eventually subside, but let us also continue to brace ourselves for a worst-case scenario.

Perhaps officials figured they could only fudge the number of new cases by so much since the WHO team was in Wuhan on Saturday. Who knows. But it’s notable that cases doubled, the latest sign that China’s policy of quarantine and containment doesn’t seem to be working. At this point, whatever the numbers coming out of China, they almost are no longer relevant, since nobody believes them anyway.

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Where do we find Watchman, and, specifically, where do we find them in the Bible? What is their physical and social location?

To judge by popular American perceptions, Watchman is easy to recognize. Check the wilderness and woods, because Watchman always stands outside, protesting the system. Look for the shaggy, crazed, wild-eyed guy, the one wearing a hair shirt instead of an Armani suit. Listen to the one who speaks in shrieks and whose personal habits embarrass polite society. Anger is the Watchman characteristic emotion, and the jeremiad his characteristic genre. The Watchman is more at home in the angular world of Flannery O’Connor than in the elegance of John Updike. It’s this image of the prophetic outsider that has inspired radicals from the Romantic period on to dress in the mantle of the Watchman.

As U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin said, “Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” When a culture abuses its democratic power, the result is chaos and ruin. Either a democracy, guided by self-control and morality, keeps itself in check, or it crashes. When the crash happens, control falls to a non-democratic system, either willingly or by force. Cultures that drift from Christianity tend to drift from “true” democracy into other, democracy-flavored political schemes and, eventually, into subjection to tyranny…

Watchmen, of today, are called to speak the word of the Lord from within the court, mounting an internal critique. The pressures on Nathan to keep silent after David seized Bathsheba and sent her husband to his death must have been enormous. He could have vented himself in a scathing editorial and then kept his head down. From all appearances, though, Nathan had free access to the court, was a friend of David, and a close adviser. It is said that prophets spoke truth to power, but that goes beyond cliché when we realize that prophets spoke the truth face to face with power, to powerful men and women whom the prophets knew intimately, frequently from their own position of power.SRH…

Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).


And here’s just one more reason why: In a video recently posted to Twitter, a doctor from a hospital in Hunan confirms that he counted 50 new patients the other day and submitted those numbers to health officials. In turn, they included only 1 case in the official count.

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Only Authoritarians Seek to Censor Truth Tellers,

Where do we find Watchman, and, specifically, where do we find them in the Bible? What is their physical and social location?

To judge by popular American perceptions, Watchman is easy to recognize. Check the wilderness and woods, because Watchman always stands outside, protesting the system. Look for the shaggy, crazed, wild-eyed guy, the one wearing a hair shirt instead of an Armani suit. Listen to the one who speaks in shrieks and whose personal habits embarrass polite society. Anger is the Watchman characteristic emotion, and the jeremiad his characteristic genre. The Watchman is more at home in the angular world of Flannery O’Connor than in the elegance of John Updike. It’s this image of the prophetic outsider that has inspired radicals from the Romantic period on to dress in the mantle of the Watchman.

As U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin said, “Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” When a culture abuses its democratic power, the result is chaos and ruin. Either a democracy, guided by self-control and morality, keeps itself in check, or it crashes. When the crash happens, control falls to a non-democratic system, either willingly or by force. Cultures that drift from Christianity tend to drift from “true” democracy into other, democracy-flavored political schemes and, eventually, into subjection to tyranny…

Watchmen, of today, are called to speak the word of the Lord from within the court, mounting an internal critique. The pressures on Nathan to keep silent after David seized Bathsheba and sent her husband to his death must have been enormous. He could have vented himself in a scathing editorial and then kept his head down. From all appearances, though, Nathan had free access to the court, was a friend of David, and a close adviser. It is said that prophets spoke truth to power, but that goes beyond cliché when we realize that prophets spoke the truth face to face with power, to powerful men and women whom the prophets knew intimately, frequently from their own position of power.SRH…

Joe Biden Demands Media Declare Total Obedience to Democrats and Blacklist All Dissenting Voices, Birth Pains …..

For an American politician, Joe Biden plays a pretty good Nazi dictator, as he and his campaign staff prove once again that the Democrat Party no longer embraces core constitutional values such as freedom of expression and speech.

The Biden campaign, already stung by a burgeoning scandal involving the former Veep’s corrupt dealings with Ukraine — along with his son, Hunter — sent an angry letter to Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, this week complaining about a column in the paper written by investigative author Peter Schweizer.

In it, Schweizer laid out a pattern of multi-year corruption by the Bidens in Ukraine and China, and called on the federal government to investigate and, if needed, indict the former VP if those dealings are found to have violated the law, Breitbart News reports

Lies are a powerful form of magic; they can mislead large groups of people into making terrible errors, as well as cause them to be blind to the obvious. Lies make people hurt themselves while thinking they are helping themselves. It is a truly dark and horrific act of sorcery.

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As the world stands at the edge of a global pandemic event, the people who are immune to the effects of lies have an opportunity to take action should the virus continue to expand beyond the borders of China. We have a small window of time, perhaps a couple of months, in which we can prepare ourselves for the fallout and ensure we are as protected as we can be. This means taking precautions to prevent viral transmission, increasing the strength of our own immune systems, prepping for the loss of supply lines and freight shipments to retailers, organizing family, friends, and neighbors for mutual aid and security, as well as preparing for the inevitable government attempts at martial law.

Of course, a person cannot or will not take any of these measures as long as they believe that the virus is not a threat, or they think that the pandemic will have little effect on their daily lives. I have recently seen a discomforting level of propaganda and disinformation agents invading the media and discussion boards related to this issue. Whenever I see such an intense disinformation campaign surrounding an event, this tells me a couple of things:

1)  If they are trying to overtly downplay the seriousness of the event while lying about the facts involved, it tells me that the event is a legitimate threat and it will probably get worse as time passes.

2)  If they all push the same false narrative and talking points it tells me that this is an organized effort paid for by a larger party with extensive resources.

If the narrative glosses over or hides recently revealed evidence by claiming that the event is “all hype”, then it is designed to create inaction in the public – It is designed to make us apathetic, which means there is a concerted conspiracy to harm us. It is not just an attempt to hide the guilt of the people involved in creating the crisis.

A Royal Caribbean cruise ship that has 12 passengers quarantined over fears of coronavirus has docked in Bayonne, New Jersey, this morning with ambulances on the scene.

The “Anthem of the Seas” arrived in New Jersey just hours ago, at about 6 AM, in thick dense fog, according to ABC 6. Several ambulances were on standby at the scene. 

The passengers in quarantine will all be tested by the CDC, who was also awaiting the arrival of the ship on the scene. The passengers of the ship are all Chinese nationals – many of whom started exhibiting symptoms while aboard the ship, which was coming back from the Bahamas. 

The NY Post reported that some of the passengers “have pulmonary issues”. 

Royal Caribbean said in a statement: 

“We are closely monitoring developments regarding coronavirus and have rigorous medical protocols in place onboard our ships. We continue to work in close consultation with the CDC, the WHO, and local health authorities to align with their guidance and ensure the health and wellbeing of our guests and crew.”

Robert Isaacson, whose 75-year-old mother is on the ship, said that crew members have not alerted passengers to the sick people on board. 

“We have been chatting throughout the cruise and she has not brought any mentions of the crew alerting the passengers of a potential situation involving sick passengers,” he said, referring to conversations with his mother.

This news follows last night’s news “Nightmare at Sea” news that 42 additional cases of coronavirus, including an infected passenger who got on the ship in Japan, had been discovered on the Diamond Princess cruise ship which is anchored in Yokohama, Japan.

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Japan says 273 people on the cruise ship were tested and 61 were found positive, and 41 new patients have been sent to hospitals in 5 separate prefectures.

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe said no foreigners on board the MS Westerdam, run by Holland America Liner, would be allowed to disembark in Japan. The ship is capable of carrying 3,000, but it’s unclear how many are on board. Passengers on the Westerdam say the ship has already been refused entry to the Philippines and Taiwan over the virus fears.

Stephen Hansen, one tourist onboard the ship, has express concerns that the ship could be quarantined for two weeks.

Hey, Stephen, maybe New Jersey will let you in. 

So what are some of the most insidious lies being spread right now on the virus threat? Let’s go through a quick list of those I’ve identified so far:

Lie #1: Deaths Caused By The Coronavirus Are Nothing Compared To The Death Rate Of The Average Flu…

This lie seems to be the most common being used to plant seeds of apathy in the public consciousness right now.  I have even heard people on the street regurgitate it verbatim as they try to convince themselves that all is well.  But even using official numbers, which are likely false and greatly reduced, the argument is simply wrong on every level.

There is a big difference between the “number of deaths” and the actual “death rate” of a virus. The flu infects tens of millions of people annually around the world with deaths in the US numbering usually under 10,000. In the US in the 2019-2020 season so far, the flu infected over 9 million people resulting in 4800 deaths; meaning the death rate of the flu is minor compared to the number of sick.  Flu deaths are usually collated over the course of a year, yet people are already trying to compare death rates to the coronavirus, which has only been active for a few weeks.

Keep in mind also that the CDC has been called out for greatly inflating influenza death rates in order to push vaccine propaganda.  They consistently attach flu death numbers with pneumonia deaths; which I would point is is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Chinese are doing with the coronavirus numbers.

The coronavirus has been active for about a month in China, it has a hibernation of around two weeks, and, China has been lying extensively about the number of deaths associated with the disease by labeling most deaths due to pneumonia.  We truly have no idea what the potential death rate of this illness is. What we do know is that it behaves much like SARS, which had a death rate of around 11%.  According to official numbers, the coronavirus transmits faster and has already killed more people in a few weeks than SARS did in over a year.

The notion that the virus only kills the elderly is also incorrect.  The two deaths now confirmed outside of China were both men in their 30’s and 40’s.

When considering the issue of the viral death rate, we have to take into account the capacity of local medical facilities in handling the patient load.  If hospitals are only handling a few cases at a time, then the patients will get better overall treatment and fewer deaths will occur.  But, if hospitals are overwhelmed with thousands of cases at a time, as is happening in China, then treatment quality will go down and many more people will die.  A minimal death rate outside of China today does not mean a minimal death rate tomorrow should the virus spread beyond hospital capacity.

With the flu, people can usually treat themselves with ease at home; the coronavirus is obviously much more dangerous.  No country in modern times has EVER quarantined over 50 million people in 16 cities because of the average flu. The comparison between the coronavirus and the flu is patently ridiculous. There is no comparison. The coronavirus is on another level entirely.

Lie #2: The Coronavirus Came From An Animal Market And The Claim It Is Engineered Is A “Conspiracy Theory”…

The phrase “conspiracy theory” is usually exploited as a way to dismiss facts and evidence without consideration on the basis that the official story is the only story that has any validity. In other words, the official story requires no justification because the authorities are infallible and always have our best interests at heart.

The problem is, governments and the mainstream media have been caught lying over and over again about issues far less important than a global pandemic, so I’m not sure why we should trust ANYTHING they say ever. There is considerable evidence that China has been lying incessantly about the number of sick and dead due to the coronavirus, including leaked accounts from medics and other people at ground zero in Wuhan.  These people are now being silenced by the Chinese government.  In fact, the Chinese government was suppressing coverage and information on the coronavirus from the very beginning of the contagion, which helped allow it to spread unchecked.

Now, social media companies are taking action to remove people who try to document the facts of the virus and its potential source in the name of “stopping fake news”.  Anyone who questions the official narrative is not only a “conspiracy theorist” but also a “danger” to the public.  This narrative is supported by US government officials:

“These lies can cause immediate and tangible harm to people, and the platforms must act to stop them from spreading,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a statement to The Hill.  “It’s critical that Americans receive verified, trustworthy information about the coronavirus and heed the advice of our country’s public health officials as we learn more about its potential impact here at home…”

The facts are the facts, and if the facts suggest a conspiracy, then so be it.  Only 20 miles away from the market in question stands the LARGEST Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia, which studies directly into the world’s deadliest pathogens including SARS and coronavirus.  In 2017, experts warned that a virus could escape the labs in Wuhan because of lax containment standards.  To put this in perspective, it would be like an Ebola outbreak striking the city of Atlanta and then blamed on a food market only 20 miles from the CDC.  It looks suspicious…

Last year, Chinese researchers were dismissed from a Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, Canada without public explanation, but the same lab was exposed last year for sharing deadly virus samples with China, including Ebola and henipavirus.  One of the Chinese researcher’s works focus was the SARS virus.  Media and government attention in Canada at the time of the scandal was on concerns that the lab in Winnipeg was supplying viral samples that would be used in China’s biowarfare programs.

According to a paper published by virologists in India, the coronavirus genetic code also contains proteins that are exactly like those found in HIV. Interestingly, coronavirus patients have been shown to respond positively to drugs that are meant to treat HIV and AIDS carriers.  Through official pressure, the paper has now been retracted and the authors have said they will “revise it”. But, the whole point of peer review is for the data to be examined by others in the field and then proven or disproven. If the data can be reproduced, then it needs to be taken seriously.

This is not what the CDC and other official institutions on disease study want. They seem intent on dismissing any information outright that suggests the coronavirus might have been made in a lab rather than in nature.

If true, the chances of coronavirus containing protein combinations identical to HIV in nature are astronomical, meaning, the virus was engineered.  If the virus is proven to be engineered, then this makes future narratives and propaganda harder to implement.  For example, it will be much harder to blame the pandemic on “global warming” if the virus was created by a bunch of guys in lab coats rather than in nature.

To repeat the facts, Wuhan is a hub for China’s largest biohazard labs and these labs are suspected by biological warfare experts of being involved in bioweapons testing.   Until there is a more independent examination of the virus (the original strain before mutation), no one knows for certain what the source is.

The mainstream media has been very aggressive in denying any links to bioweaponry, claiming that there “is no evidence” linking Wuhan’s labs to the virus; yet, there is FAR MORE evidence of the involvement of the biohazard labs than there is evidence proving that the virus originated an animal market. They have simply decided that the animal market story is the tale they prefer, and so it has become the official story.

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Lie #3: The Virus Won’t Have Any Effect On America

The general thrust of the mainstream view of the coronavirus has been to assert that the US will not be affected and that concerns are “overblown”.  The UN’s World Health Organization continues to refuse to take the event very seriously, and even Larry Kudlow, Trump’s Director of the National Economic Council, claims the damage to the US economy will be ‘minimal’.

Now, firstly I have to say I would take the economic analysis of a long time cocaine addict with a grain of salt.  This is the same guy who was wildly incorrect in all his calls on the housing bubble in 2005-2006, and yet he is now advising the White House on financial crisis events?  But lets set the incompetence of Kudlow aside for a moment and consider that perhaps he is just reading from a script prepared for him by others.  Certainly, there are a lot of people out there that would like to keep the public ignorant of the depth of the situation, and they will give all sorts of half-assed rationales as to why they lie.

For the Chinese authorities, the pandemic is an undeniable fact of life, but they will say their economy and global image required the truth to be “tempered” to prevent civil unrest and to stop investors from pulling from their money out of Chinese markets en masse.

For US authorities who waited far too long to start shutting down flights from China carrying multiply infected, the claim will be that they had to lie to prevent general panic and market panic.

For the UN’s World Health Organization that lied about China “containment” and actually downplayed the danger of travel to China for a time while the virus was raging and human-to-human transmission was confirmed, I see no excuse really. Their behavior and the behavior of the US and Chinese governments makes me suspect that they WANT the pandemic to spread.

As I write this the 11th confirmed case of coronavirus has been identified in the US with many more suspected cases still under observation. Obviously, the virus is here already, but the issue of how much it will affect Americans is being diminished or buried in an endless stream of propaganda.

Given enough time, a viral outbreak that spreads as fast as the coronavirus with a death rate of 5% or more is going to cause negative effects in every facet of the US economy.  But in our current window of the progression of the pandemic, I think it’s important to point out that even if the death rate is low in the US, there is no escaping the economic consequences attached to this event.

The US economy is interdependent with multiple nations and is tightly connected to China. The greatest danger of globalism in terms of economics is that it forces national economies into losing the redundancies that protect them from systemic collapse. When one major economy goes down, it brings down all other economies with it.

Not only that, but the US financial structure is precariously unstable anyway, with record levels of the national debt, consumer debt and corporate debt, not to mention steep declines in manufacturing and demand. The US sits atop one of the most massive economic bubbles of all time – The Everything Bubble, created by the Federal Reserve over ten years of stimulus measures, barely keeping the system alive in a state of zombification.

The bubble was always going to collapse. In fact, recent events in Fed repo markets suggest it was already collapsing. The coronavirus outbreak is a perfect cover event for this implosion.  To understand why a collapse event might be preferred by a certain minority of people within the elitist establishment, read my last article ‘How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda’.

As I have argued for the past couple of years, all that is needed to bring down the US economy is one major trigger event. The idea that a global pandemic would not damage the American system already teetering on the edge of the abyss is simply absurd. This event has the capacity to cause a crisis around the world, not just in China.

Lie #4:  The Virus Is Contained

You are going to hear this lie often in the next month or two.  I’ve heard it several times already from Chinese and US authorities in the past few weeks, and clearly their definition of the word “contained” must be different from mine.

China’s official sickness count and the death toll rise exponentially by the day, and this is not accounting for the number of sick and dead they are hiding.  Over 50 million people are now in forced quarantine and martial law measures have been implemented.  Hong Kong’s hopes of containment have been dashed and officials now expect the outbreak to grow worse in the region.

Japan just announced that a man carrying the virus boarded a cruise liner and then departed, infecting at least ten people in the process and forcing the ship into quarantine for the next two weeks.

A woman in Santa Clara, California carrying the virus came back from China and had been in the US for around 10 DAYS before the illness was identified.  Meaning, every single person she came in contact within that time is now a potential carrier, and for the next two weeks they won’t know they are contagious.  These are just a few examples of why it is foolish to write off this situation as “contained”; you cannot contain what you cannot identify.

The disinformation campaign seems designed to hide the true source of the virus, but also to keep the masses lethargic and inactive. We are meant to sit and wait while the virus and the potential economic catastrophe runs us over. Do not fall for the con; prepare accordingly, and never accept what lying governments and mainstream media outlets tell you as the whole truth.  It is better to take precautions you might not need than to be found very stupid and desperate down the road because the “experts” told you it was all hype.

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After all, the WSJ itself reported in late January, China was explicitly manipulating the casualty number by listing pneumonia as the cause of death instead of coronavirus. Subsequent reports that Wuhan officials were rushing to cremate coronavirus casualties before they could be counted did not add to the credibility of the official data.

But the biggest hit to the narrative and China’s officially reported epidemic numbers came overnight, when a slip up in China’s Tencent may have revealed the true extent of the coronavirus epidemic on the mainland. And it is nothing short than terrifying.

As the Taiwan Times reports, over the weekend, “Tencent seems to have inadvertently released what is potentially the actual number of infections and deaths, which were astronomically higher than official figures“, and were far closer to the catastrophic epidemic projections made by Jonathan Read.

As we reminded readers earlier, the WHO appears to have gladly taken up the task of backing up Beijing’s propaganda. But on Thursday, it confirmed a bit of bad news, saying that the doctor who was punished for his early warnings about the outbreak had succumbed to the virus. Now, Wuhan Central Hospital is denying that Li Wenliang, one of eight doctors who was punished by local police for his warnings, has died. WHO appears to have gladly taken up the task of backing up Beijing’s propaganda As we reminded readers earlier, the WHO appears to have gladly taken up the task of backing up Beijing’s propaganda. But on Thursday, it confirmed a bit of bad news, saying that the doctor who was punished for his early warnings about the outbreak had succumbed to the virus. Now, Wuhan Central Hospital is denying that Li Wenliang, one of eight doctors who was punished by local police for his warnings, has died.

Instead, they said he was alive, but in critical condition, according to SCMP.

“In the fight against the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection, our hospital’s ophthalmologist Li Wenliang was unfortunately infected. He is currently in critical condition and we are trying our best to resuscitate him,” it said in its official Weibo account.

Li, 34, an ophthalmologist at the Wuhan Central Hospital, was found to be infected with coronavirus on Saturday.

“We are very sorry to hear the loss of any frontline worker who is committed to care for patients…we should celebrate his life and mourn his death with his colleagues,” said Michael Ryan, director of the World Health Organisation’s health emergencies programme, said during a briefing on Thursday.

Given the WHO’s praise of China and condemnation of other countries, I thought it might be interesting to take a look historically at the WHO.

WHO Controversies

  1. West Nile Experiments: A field experiment in the West Nile district allowed researchers to take blood from children 3 times a day, in order to allegedly study local disease-causing mononucleosis. It has been alleged they were actually being infected with contaminated polio vaccines and their antibodies were being studied. Around 45,000 were tested from 1960-1973.
  2. Ebola and HIV Experimentation: It has been alleged that the WHO was aware of a Dr. Hilary Koprowski, a doctor allegedly performing research on AIDS and Ebola by deceiving and infecting Africans with a faux polio vaccine. It was estimated that over a million Africans were infected from 1954-1957. However, his work has been the cause of any disease that has been refuted.
  3. 2013–2016 Ebola outbreak: Following the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the organization was heavily criticized for its bureaucracy, insufficient financing, regional structure, and staffing profile.
  4. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) controversies: The World Health Organization sub-department, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), has been criticized for the way it analyses the tendency of certain substances and activities to cause cancer and for having a politically motivated bias when it selects studies for its analysis. Ed Yong, a British science journalist, has criticized the agency and its “confusing” category system for misleading the public. Marcel Kuntz, a French director of research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, criticized the agency for its classification of potentially carcinogenic substances. He claimed that this classification did not take into account the extent of exposure: for example, red meat is qualified as probably carcinogenic, but the quantity of consumed red meat at which it could become dangerous is not specified.[147]
  5. IARC Cell Phones: Controversies have erupted multiple times when the IARC has classified many things as Class 2a (probable carcinogens) or 2b (possible carcinogen), including cell phone signals, glyphosate, drinking hot beverages, and working as a barber.
  6. Robert Mugabe’s role as a goodwill ambassador: On 21 October 2017, the Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus appointed former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador to help promote the fight against non-communicable diseases. The appointment address praised Mugabe for his commitment to public health in Zimbabwe. The appointment attracted widespread condemnation and criticism in WHO member states and international organizations due to Robert Mugabe’s poor record on human rights and presiding over a decline in Zimbabwe’s public health. Due to the outcry, the following day the appointment was revoked.
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StevieRay Hansen

The World leaders Are Having Trouble With The Truth, and The World Has been “Quarantined” Tribulation Is Here…

Question — Why Are These High-Tech Conglomerates Afraid of the Truth? The answer, Because They Know the American People Have Become Lazy, Like Sheep They Need a Leader and They Chose High-Tech, It Will Be the Downfall of This Country Unless the People Change Course or the Mindset of These High-Tech Elitists stop suppressing the truth. If the people don’t wake-up, they will begin to live in the worst nightmare of their lives, “Lost Social Media Reality”…

Demon Virus
Asked about the virus while traveling abroad last week, Trump said: “We have it totally under control”. In a separate Twitter posting, he offered reassurance but scant detail for his confidence. By Associated Press Updated On: 05:53 PST, Jan 31, 2020

WASHINGTON: Wuhan coronavirus: Donald Trump says deadly outbreak ‘very well under control’ as WHO declares a global emergency. President Donald Trump regaled a friendly New Jersey campaign crowd with his thoughts about impeachment, the economy, the border wall, local politics and much more.

But he was conspicuously quiet on January 28 about one big issue keeping much of the globe on pins and needles: the spread of a deadly new type of coronavirus. It has killed more than 170 people in China, sickened thousands more there and led to a handful of confirmed cases in the US, including the first US case of person-to-person transmission reported on by health officials. The State Department on January 30 advised all US citizens against traveling to China.

Trump, a self-described germaphobe, generally has discussed the virus in broad terms, but he offered some of his most extensive comments on the issue to date during an appearance on January 30 at a Michigan manufacturing plant. “Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as some people think it could be, but we’re working very closely with them (Chinese) and with a lot of other people and a lot of other countries, he said. “We think we have it very well under control.”

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

The watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen

If you have a news scoop or an interesting story for us, please reach out at [email protected]

Coronavirus, Falsifying Death Toll From Coronavirus, biblical truth, Prophecy, tribulation, antichrist, United Nations Revelation 17 the BEAST+ B.E.A.S.T, US Coronavirus, demon virus, CDC, WHO

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “The Lies We Are Being Told About The Coronavirus, Headlines Are Misleading

  1. Hi Stevie,

    Have you looked into 5G as a source of catalyst for covid 19? 5G promotes DNA damage, lowers immunity, and can cause death. Wherever covid flourishes 5G has been 100% implemented. There is a Very strong connection that nobody wishes to address. Princes cruises are the Only lines with 5g..We are under attack from above and below….this virus will take all the Blame for the Corrupt marketeers and bring in censorship, mandatory vaccination, and tracking all for public Safety. Much thanks for all you do…


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