The Us Now Has the World’s Biggest Coronavirus Outbreak — Its Case Total Just Surpassed China’s


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“Death Angel Virus” the death rate is currently pegged at 12 percent…

iran hospital coronavirus
Paramedics in a ward for people infected with the new coronavirus. 

Confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the US have topped the totals in China and Italy, making the US the center of the global outbreak.

In the US, confirmed cases hit 82,404 on Thursday evening, surpassing China’s 81,782 and Italy’s 80,589. The total number of confirmed cases globally is 526,044, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. 

Since the US reported its first coronavirus case on January 20, more than 1,100 people in the country have died from the disease. The death tolls in Italy and China are higher.

Many of the new cases in the US are in major cities, like New York and New Orleans, where densely packed residents help the virus spread. Mayors and governors have said that patients with the virus could overwhelm hospitals, which would contribute to a rising death count.

To halt the virus’ spread, people in many US cities and states are under some form of lockdown order. People are supposed to leave their homes only to go grocery shopping and take care of other essential activities.

According to data from Worldometer, coronavirus cases peaked in China in mid-February. The country combated the virus with strict quarantine measures covering 60 million people in Hubei province, where the outbreak originated.

Life is returning to normal in China, but the US has a long road ahead, and the economic fallout from the widespread shutdowns has affected millions of workers and companies. 

US weekly jobless claims for the week ending March 21 totaled 3.28 million, the Labor Department reported Thursday, exceeding the consensus analyst forecast of 1.5 million. That was up from 281,000 in the previous week, which already marked a two-year high, Business Insider’s Carmen Reinicke reported.

There are early signs that the shutdowns are helping.


  • Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher closed
  • New York City hospitals report “apocalyptic” surge in cases
  • Elmhurst Hospital in Queens is overwhelmed with new cases
  • More than 500k volunteers sign up to help the NHS in Britain
  • 500k COVID-19 cases diagnosed
  • Italy reports the largest batch of new cases in 5 days
  • New Orleans hosts major outbreak
  • NJ reports another 2k+ case, 19 deaths
  • An inmate in Washington DC tests positive
  • NBC Universal CEO Jeff Shell tests positive
  • India passes $22.6 billion bailout package
  • Tokyo reports 40 cases for 2nd day in a row
  • A record 3.3 million Americans file for unemployment
  • China bans entry of foreigners
  • 157 more deaths reported in Iran
  • Putin shuts down Moscow, delays vote on constitutional measures
  • Wednesday was deadliest yet in the US
  • President Xi calls on nations to improve policy coordination to avoid a recession
  • Mnuchin says he speaks with Powell up to ’30 times a day’

*  *  *

Update (1415ET): New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is holding his daily press conference.

Governor Phil Murphy@GovMurphy

Holding a COVID-19 briefing. WATCH: …Governor Phil Murphy @GovernorPhilMurphyHolding a COVID-19 briefing. WATCH:pscp.tv11112:59 PM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy82 people are talking about this

As we mentioned below, New York hospitals have started ‘splitting’ ventilators for patients, as some New York coronavirus patients are staying on ventilators for much longer than doctors had expected. While patients typically spend 3 to 4 days on ventilators with other serious lung ailments, COVID-19 patients are spending as long as 30 days on ventilators in New York, dimming hopes that the state will secure enough machines.

After FEMA promised 400 machines, Cuomo’s complaints convinced VP Pence to increase the allocation to 4,000. But that’s still 26k short of the 30k Cuomo said are needed by hospitals in the state, with Cuomo offering to personally deliver them to the next state that needs them after New York’s apex.

On Thursday, Cuomo reported 100 more fatalities, for a total of 385, as hospitals brace for more. New York City is even deploying refrigerated trailers for use as temporary morgues as the number of bodies overwhelms some hospitals.

“This is the really bad news,” Cuomo said at a news conference Thursday.

Cuomo expressed alarm over the 35% rise in deaths in one day. On Wednesday, he sounded a more hopeful tone.

“The longer they’re on, the more likely they’re not going to come off,” he said. “That is what has happened. We do have people who have been on for quite a period of time, and those are the people we’re losing.”

In New Jersey, COVID-19 cases increased by 2,492 from a day earlier to 6,876, while another 19 deaths brought the state-wide total to 81, Gov. Murphy said.

*  *  *

Update (1315ET): China’s Foreign Ministry announced Thursday that beginning on Saturday, all foreign nationals, including those with valid visas and residence permits, will be temporarily barred from entering China as Beijing continues to turn the tables on the US and other western countries that barred Chinese nationals in the wake of the outbreak.

Columbia University will let medical students graduate early so they can help with the coronavirus response efforts in New York, university officials told ABC News.

Chicago’s popular Lakefront Trail was shut down on Thursday, blocking access to the extensive trail and park, after too many people congregated and violated social distancing guidelines, said Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

During Thursday’s press conference, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Congress’ $2 trillion stimulus bill “failed to meet the governmental need”, adding that it does “absolutely nothing for us” in terms of the massive hit to the state’s budget from lost tax revenue, while also not even doing enough to meet the base-level need in New York’s hospitals.

He added that he was “disappointed” that Congress passed such a “reckless” bill at a time of such tremendous need.

“I’m disappointed,” Cuomo said on Thursday. “I find it irresponsible. I find it reckless. Emotion is a luxury. And we don’t have the luxury at this time of being emotional about what they [Congress] did. When this is over, I promise you I’m going to give them a piece of my mind.”

“We don’t have the luxury at this time to be emotional about what they did…when this is over, I’ll give them a piece of my mind. This is an extraordinary time for this nation…this was the time to put politics aside and put partisanship aside.”

The fact that lawmakers aren’t adequately addressing the problem in the areas with the most acute need is almost unconscionable, Cuomo said.

In other news, the new cases reported out of Italy combined with some other new cases reported Thursday morning have delivered the ~20k cases needed to put the global total over 500k, a major milestone in the outbreak.

Norbert Elekes@NorbertElekes

Coronavirus pandemic:

From 0 to 250,000 cases: 4 months

From 250,000 to 500,000 cases: 1 week3,39512:03 PM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy2,293 people are talking about this

Epidemiologists expect 2-3 million cases will be diagnosed eventually, and that’s according to the sunnier projections.

*  *  *

Update (1310ET): Italy’s Civil Protection Agency reported the largest jump in new cases in five days on Thursday, dealing yet another blow to hopes that cases might finally be peaking in the current ‘epicenter’ of the global outbreak.

The 6,153 new cases confirmed for Wednesday represents an 8.3% growth rate compared with the prior day. Fatalities from the outbreak saw a slight dip over the past 24 hours, totaling 662, compared with 683 for the previous day. All told, 8,165 of those diagnosed have died from COVID-19.

Here’s a breakdown by region, courtesy of Corriere della Sera, a popular Italian daily newspaper:

Finally, some good news: The number of Italians who have recovered passed 10,000 on Thursday (total Guarini).

*  *  *

Update (1155ET): Andrew Cuomo is delivering his daily press update, saying that 6,448 new cases were confirmed yesterday in New York State out of 18,650 tests. That brings the state’s total to 37,258 COVID-19 cases, with 5,327 currently hospitalized, and 1,290 patients in the ICU.

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

Holding a briefing with updates on #Coronavirus. WATCH LIVE: …Andrew Cuomo @NYGovCuomoHolding a briefing with updates on #Coronavirus. WATCH LIVE:pscp.tv2,64310:34 AM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,264 people are talking about this

Here’s the breakdown by county.

Steve Lookner@lookner

6,448 new cases in New York State

3,537 new cases in New York City

1,253 new cases in Westchester County

Note: 18,650 tested in the past day, roughly 50% more than yesterday

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12410:55 AM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy98 people are talking about this

Cuomo added that hospitals were beginning to experiment with assigning one ventilator between two patients, a setup that can be easily jerry-rigged during periods of dire need, according to media reports.

*  *  *

Update (1130ET): In more news about who’s testing positive Thursday, NBC Universal CEO Jeff Shell has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.


Yashar Ali @yashar

News: In an email sent to NBC employees, the CEO of NBC Universal, Jeff Shell, says he’s tested positive for the coronavirus.2,9809:57 AM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,362 people are talking about this

*  *  *

Update (1030ET): The Treasury Department has announced new sanctions against several senior Iranian officials and business entities on Thursday, after hinting earlier this month that more sanctions against the Iranians would land soon and that the US wouldn’t hold back because of the coronavirus epidemic.


Earlier, Iranian authorities reported 157 deaths over the last day, raising the total to 2,234, while it confirmed 2,389 new cases, bringing the total official count in Iran to 29,406.

Health ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said “fortunately, until today 10,457 of those infected have recovered and been discharged from hospitals,” he told a news conference.

During Thursday’s videoconference between G20 leaders, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for nations to improve coordinations in macroeconomic policies to stave off a global recession.

Xi said nations need to implement strong, effective fiscal and monetary policies; coordination needed to strengthen global financial supervisions, and nations need to work jointly to stabilize the global supply chain. He added that China will increase the output of raw-material level medicines, living necessities, preventive medical gears, and increase its supplies to the global market.

*  *  *

Update (0930ET): In the US, stocks have gone vertical at the open. Meanwhile, comments from President Xi are just hitting the tape.


Meanwhile, in Italy, the hard-hit Lombardy region reported a jump in cases.

On CNBC, during an interview with an almost overly sympathetic Jim Cramer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that not a day goes by where he doesn’t speak with Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Mnuchin says he’s approved “every single one of” the Fed’s requests for new lending facilities. On new jobless claims report, he says “these numbers right now are not relevant”.

For the second day in a row, health officials in Tokyo reported 40 additional coronavirus cases, matching or possibly exceeding yesterday’s total of 41.

Earlier, weekly unemployment claims data showed a massive jump last week, as expected.

*  *  *

President Trump’s hurried demands to get the nation “back to work” before Easter probably couldn’t come at a worse time. Across the US, but mainly in a handful of ‘hot spots’, most notably New York City and the surrounding area, the number of confirmed cases and deaths attributed to COVID-19 is climbing at an alarming rate.

According to John Hopkins data, Wednesday was the deadliest day yet for the US with 233 fatalities reported, taking the US to 65,273 cases and 938 deaths. In New York and California, the number of confirmed cases is doubling every few days.

Infographic: Where COVID-19 Has Been Confirmed in the U.S. | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

As Russia reports record growth for a second day, President Vladimir Putin has ordered the country’s capital and largest city, Moscow, to close up all restaurants, bars and “non-essential” shops. In an online post, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered the closure of government offices and religious sites – which he urged Muscovites not to visit – and asked all other Russians not to visit the capital during a planned ‘nationwide holiday’ set to last for all of next week. The Kremlin has also halted all international air traffic, both for airlines and charter flights, excluding repatriation flights bringing Russian citizens back into the country.

Russia reported 182 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours on Thursday, bringing the country’s total to 840, along with 3 deaths.

Last night, President Putin delivered a nationwide address where he delayed a vote on constitutional amendments that would allow him to remain in the Kremlin until 2036 and announced that next week would be a national holiday, urging Russians to stay at home. He didn’t declare a national emergency or any other type of special circumstance, but a government medical advisor has reportedly told Putin that given the spread already documented in Moscow, that he must shut the country down to prevent a full-blown outbreak.

The lockdown comes as roughly one-third of the world’s population is now facing some degree of movement restriction: Indian PM Narendra Modi followed up his decision to lock down the second-largest country in the world by announcing a $22.6 billion relief package to help the “poor and suffering.”

“It’s only been 36 hours since the lockdown was imposed,” the country’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said at a news conference on Thursday. “Now we have come up with a package which will immediately take care of the welfare concerns of the poor and suffering workers and those who need immediate help.”

The relief package includes medical insurance coverage of up to $66,400 per person (a considerable sum in India) for those battling the virus on the front lines, including medical workers, sanitation workers, and community health workers.

The measure is expected to cover 2 million people, a tiny fraction of the country’s population. Firefighters have been repurposed to spray disinfectant around the country, and police have been acting aggressively to enforce the lockdown.

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A new blog post has been posted at BullionStar.

BullionStar – Important Update 27 March 2020
BullionStar – Important Update 27 March 2020 This is an important update to all BullionStar customers covering the situation on the precious metals market. As one of the few precious metals dealers globally, BullionStar still accepts orders and have plenty of bullion in stock for immediate delivery. Due to record demand, we have however had to temporarily increase our minimum order for both customers buy and customer sell orders to SGD 2,000.

This post covers important information relating to different delivery methods and order processing. The post furthermore covers the implementation of safe distancing measures at BullionStar’s Bullion Center at 45 New Bridge Road. Continue reading…


More importantly, the government will provide 800 million people, roughly two-thirds of the country’s population, with 5 kilograms of rice or wheat each month for the next three months for free.

“We do not want anyone to go hungry,” Sitharaman said.

Other measures announced include fast-tracking subsidies and benefits for farmers, construction workers, widows and the disabled as well as increasing the minimum wage. Workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, which guarantees 100 days of unskilled manual work per year, will see their wages rise by $26. Of course, like Russia and most other major countries at this point, India has also banned international flights.

Across the UK, as Britons trudge through their first full week of lockdown, more than half a million people in the UK have signed up as volunteers to support the NHS, according to the UK’s Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

Matt Hancock@MattHancock

NEWS: Fantastic that 560,000 people have now responded to our call to volunteer to support our NHS to defeat #Coronavirus. Join us: 

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3,8932:11 AM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,271 people are talking about this

Globally, the number of coronavirus cases topped 480k on Thursday, and at its current pace, will likely top 500k by Friday, according to Johns Hopkins data. The total number of cases in the US, at last check, was 69,197, a sliver behind Italy, leaving the US in third place globally for number of cases, and far lower down the rankings for a number of deaths. The US has recorded 978 deaths as of Thursday morning, leaving behind Spain and France in terms of death toll.

The death toll in coronavirus-ravaged Spain continued to climb on Thursday, with more than 600 additional fatalities reported so far. In total, more than 4,000 people have been killed by the novel coronavirus in Spain so far. Only Italy has recorded more deaths during the outbreak, and only Spain and Italy have recorded more deaths than mainland China – though we suspect the US will join them soon enough.

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Yesterday, we discussed the boom in cases in the tri-state area, the suburban area around New York City. Now, on Thursday, the tally of known coronavirus cases in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia – the Greater DC area, as it’s known – stands at 1,051 as of Thursday morning after Maryland reported an additional 74 cases Wednesday, bringing the state’s total to 424, Virginia reported 101 more cases for a total of 392, and DC reported 48 new cases Wednesday, bringing its total to 235. Yesterday, Maryland extended its school closures another four weeks out to April 24.

An inmate at a Washington DC jail has tested positive for the virus, the first to do so, as the US fears an outbreak inside its prisons similar to what happened in Italy and China.

In Florida, the total number of confirmed cases is climbing rapidly. Last night, the Miami City Commission unanimously voted to implement a citywide curfew from 10 pm to 5 am beginning on Friday.

Joey Flechas @joeflech

Our story : …Citing coronavirus fears, Miami will enact a 10 p.m. curfew starting Friday nightThe city of Miami will enact a 10 p.m. curfew starting Friday night, creating the most severe restrictions yet for the city’s more than 460,000 residents as government leaders push to curb the spread…

Joey Flechas ✔@joeflechReplying to @joeflechMiami City Commission, which is meeting via online video conference tonight, has voted unanimously to implement a 10 p.m.-5 a.m. citywide curfew, beginning Friday night. Exceptions include ppl going to/from work, seeking medical services, & walking their dogs w/in 250 ft of home212:50 AM – Mar 26, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Joey Flechas ‘s other Tweets

The situation in NYC is growing increasingly dire, while Louisiana also experiences a sudden surge in cases, as the NYT pointed out. According to one study, Louisiana is experiencing the fastest growth in new cases in the world, which is why President Trump approved Gov. John Bel Edwards’ request for a major disaster declaration, which unlocked additional federal funding to combat the outbreak.

Sharon Finlay @sharonafinlayReplying to @BryanJFischer @davidcsmalley Louisiana is on the same trajectory as Italy. …

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111:05 PM – Mar 25, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Sharon Finlay ‘s other Tweets

The situation in and around New Orleans is particularly acute, with the city reporting 827 confirmed cases as of Wednesday night, more than the total number of cases in all but 15 states, while Orleans Parish, which is the same boundary-wise as the city of New Orleans, has reported the largest number of deaths per capita in the country.

Statistic: Total number of cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of March 26, 2020, by state | Statista

Find more statistics at Statista

In New York, city hospitals are being overrun as they report an “apocalyptic” surge in patients who are seriously ill from COVID-19, as Elmhurst Hospital in Queens reported 13 deaths in one day on Wednesday.

Across the world from New York, Israel was an early mover in terms of restricting citizens’ movement when there were only a few cases confirmed. And as group prayers are postponed, mass and Sunday church gatherings are suspended and pilgrimages like the Hajj are temporarily halted, religious sites are also being closed to delay the spread of the virus.

In Jerusalem, the sacred Church of the Holy Sepulchre was shuttered Wednesday night in keeping with tighter restrictions on movement as Israel attempts to slow the spread of the coronavirus, church officials said.

The church, the holiest site in Christianity, is believed to mark the place where Jesus was crucified, buried and later resurrected. The sprawling compound, which is home to some clergy custodians, is shared by six Christian denominations: The Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian Orthodox churches are the primary custodians, while the Syrian, Coptic and Ethiopian Orthodox churches have lesser responsibilities.

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday that the aggressive social-distancing measures put in place in the state were starting to slow the virus’ spread. New York is the center of the US outbreak, with nearly half the country’s cases. CORONAVIRUS LIVE UPDATES 3 hours ago latest news

The worst of the coronavirus pandemic is set to hit the State of New York “like a bullet train,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference, Tuesday.

“We are not slowing it, and it is accelerating on its own,” Cuomo said. “We’re now looking at a bullet train because the numbers are going up that quickly.” He added that the state is in dire need of ventilators and hospital beds.

Speaking at the Javits Convention Center at New York City’s Eleventh Avenue, which is being retrofitted as a 1,000-bed hospital for non-COVID-19 patients, Cuomo asked the federal government to provide its 20,000 reserve ventilators to New York, as well as invoke the Defense Production Act that would direct manufacturers to build the much-needed machines and provide them the necessary financial support to do so.

“I do not for the life of me understand the reluctance to use the Federal Defense Production Act,” Cuomo said. “We need the federal help and we need the federal help now.”

According to Cuomo, the state needs at least 30,000 ventilators and at least 50,000 hospital beds at the minimum in order to accommodate the expected explosion in the state’s number of COVID-19 patients. The state’s hospitals only have a combined number of 11,000 ventilators – of which 7,000 were newly acquired – and 53,000 hospital beds.

Cuomo earlier issued an executive order requiring all hospitals operating within the state to boost their capacity by up to 50 percent in order to meet the expected influx of coronavirus patients.

“The inescapable conclusion is that the rate of infection is going up,” Cuomo said, explaining that the coronavirus’ rate of infection is now doubling every three days.

“It is spiking. The apex is higher than we thought, and the apex is sooner than we thought. That is a bad combination of facts.”

Cuomo further said that the apex, or the worst of the outbreak, could arrive in 14 to 21 days, and is expected to put huge pressure on the state’s health services,

“We haven’t flattened the curve, and the curve is actually increasing,” Cuomo said.

In an earlier briefing with reporters this week, Cuomo said New Yorkers should brace themselves in case the coronavirus’ spread lasts for up to nine months.

“It is going to be four months, six months, nine months,” the governor said, warning that there could be a chance that a major chunk of the population would contract the virus.

“The timeline—nobody can tell you, it depends on how we handle it—but 40 percent up to 80 percent of the population will wind up getting this virus,” Cuomo said. “All we’re trying to do is slow the spread. But it will spread—it is that contagious.”

As of this writing, 25,665 COVID-19 cases and 210 deaths have been confirmed in the state of New York, of which 14,776 cases and 131 fatalities are concentrated in New York City.

Cuomo’s pronouncement echoes a statement made by the World Health Organization (WHO) that said the United States could emerge as the new epicenter of the lethal COVID-19 pandemic after it overtook Spain in terms of the number of infected and deceased individuals.

The United States currently has 61,081 confirmed cases and 841 deaths.

Cuomo pushes back against Trump’s planned easing of restrictions

Dear Reader,

A new blog post has been posted at BullionStar.BullionStar – Important Update 27 March 2020 This is an important update to all BullionStar customers covering the situation on the precious metals market. As one of the few precious metals dealers globally, BullionStar still accepts orders and have plenty of bullion in stock for immediate delivery. Due to record demand, we have however had to temporarily increase our minimum order for both customers buy and customer sell orders to SGD 2,000.

This post covers important information relating to different delivery methods and order processing. The post furthermore covers the
implementation of safe distancing measures at BullionStar’s Bullion Center at 45 New Bridge Road. Continue reading…

At the same conference, Cuomo also pushed back against what appeared to be planned by the federal government to ease restrictions to boost the country’s economy.

This could be in reference to President Donald Trump’s statement on Monday, saying he was thinking about ways on how to restart the country’s economy once the 15-day shutdown ends next week.

“I would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News Channel, noting that the currently imposed restrictions could themselves lead to suicides or other fatalities.

“You’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands,” he said. (Related: Coronavirus HOTSPOT? New York cases now exceed 8,000.)

Trump, however, did not cite any evidence to support the assertion.

Trump’s statements came a day after James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, said that the government’s shutdowns to combat the spread of the coronavirus could lead to the U.S. unemployment rate hitting 30 percent in the second quarter, in addition to an unprecedented 50 percent drop in gross domestic product.

Cuomo, in response to Trump’s statements, said that he understood that shutting down the economy is unsustainable in itself, but that being too hasty to ease the limits on travel, socializing and working would also cost the lives of Americans.

“If you ask the American people to choose between public health and the economy, then it’s no contest,” Cuomo said. “No American is going to say, accelerate the economy at the cost of human life because no American is going to say how much a life is worth.”

Cuomo plans to develop a refined public health strategy that’s also an economic strategy instead of just prioritizing one over the other.

As of this writing, 455,000 have been confirmed to be infected by COVID-19 globally, while 20,543 have been confirmed dead. The virus’ death rate is currently pegged at 12 percent.

Sources include: NewsTarget HNewsWire

Now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned to watch for “pestilences” in the last days.

This Pestilent Is Revealing to All What Many of Us Have Known for a Long Time: This Godless Nation Was Designed by the Un-Godly to Fail and so Its Failure Was Not Just Predictable but Inevitable

Source: HNewsWire CensoredNews ZeroHedge Themostimportantnews NewsTarget

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure
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The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, WGO and CDC Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge?

Well-known medical expert Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit (transcribed here), in which he casually drops some chilling ideas into the conversation:

Eventually, we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.

All in all, our freedoms are being swamped. Big corporations and states alike are setting boundaries on individual rights on a flimsy pretext.

Is anyone in the media reporting that? Of course not. Instead, we’re getting fawning celebrity-based drivel like this in the Independent, trying to convince us “we’re all in this together”, or weasel-worded nonsense like this from Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian where he mourns Johnson’s “libertarian” spirit and reluctance to impose social control. That would be the mass-surveilling, drone executing, war-supporting type of libertarian. A crass and obvious example of narrative management.

Even members of the alt-media are falling for this, with prominent voices hailing the measures as necessary or demanding “further action” (one usually sane analyst is advocating locking all of those “probably infected” inside empty sports stadiums to be “medically monitored”). Somehow former Goldman Sachs banker and Hedge Fund manager Rishi Sunak is being praised as some kind of Nye Bevan figure. It’s almost literally insane.

If a mandatory vaccination program were to be implemented again in the U.S. for (“Chinese virus”) COVID-19, the government would have to reassure the public its previous negligence of such side effects would not be repeated, an unlikely scenario after the corporate breach of trust exposed on Wall Street in recent years involving large pharmaceutical firms. Regardless, Big Pharma is already partnering with the U.S. Army to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus which would have to be tested and evaluated before licensing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended for use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), both of which partner with the WHO whose largest financial contributor is the U.S. government.

One of the WHO’s other largest benefactors is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with whom it has a partnership on vaccinations. The billionaire Microsoft Corporation founder has used his enormous wealth to dodge paying taxes under the guise of philanthropy and his ‘charitable’ private ventures have mostly focused on producing vaccines for developing countries and purportedly tackling global poverty, especially in Africa. On the surface, this may appear to be benevolent work, but like many so-called altruistic projects, it is a scheme which allows ultra-wealthy plutocrats like Gates to influence global policy and obtain political power with no accountability by investing in “fixing” the social problems caused by the very system which made them rich, with the expansion of neoliberalism as their real agenda. The consequences of this can be seen with charitable projects involving Gates in the Congo which forced its local agribusiness into using GMO seeds which only benefited private companies like Monsanto.

 CDC, chaos, China, Collapse, coronavirus, coronavirus tests, covid-19, Cuomo, deaths, disaster, economy, Flu, government, infections, National Guard, New York, outbreak, pandemic, Public Health, quarantine, SHTF, social distancing, State of Emergency, superbugs, transmission, Trump, virus, Wuhan coronavirus

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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