Up-date:1/25/20 At 11:10 AM Senator Says CDC About To Confirm 3rd US Coronavirus Case, Pestilence


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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No More Electronic Prison, People Are Perishing Because of Lack of Truth…

Infections have been confirmed in France, South Korea, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, and the United States. We’re mapping the spread …

China’s leader warns of ‘accelerating spread’ of virus

Jan. 25, 2020 at 11:15 a.m. CST

TOKYO — China’s leader Xi Jinping warned Saturday of an “accelerating spread” of the coronavirus, adding to worries about the scope of a health crisis that has claimed at least 42 lives and triggered emergency health measures in cities across China.

Xi’s remarks of a “grave” situation came as China kicked off its traditional New Year’s celebrations amid a backdrop of caution and stark measures seeking to contain the virus.

At least 48 million people were ordered on lockdown in central China with a travel ban covering 15 cities in the central Hubei province, where the virus was first encountered. Here’s what we know:

●Hong Kong announced that its schools would be closed until Feb. 17 to try to limit the possibility of transmission.

●The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that a second person in the United States has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

●Infections have been confirmed in France, South Korea, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, and the United States. We’re mapping the spread

●Travel bans were extended in central China to put tens of millions of people effectively on local lockdowns. In Wuhan, where the virus was first detected, workers are racing to build a 1,000-bed hospital.

●Authorities around China, including in the capital, Beijing, have canceled the temple fairs and festivals that accompany the Spring Festival to avoid having large public gatherings where the airborne virus could spread.

Tour agent Delfina Wang from Taiwan wears a surgical mask as a preventive measure as she waits for clients from China at Benito Juarez international airport in Mexico City on Friday. (Carlos Jasso/Reuters)
Tour agent Delfina Wang from Taiwan wears a surgical mask as a preventive measure as she waits for clients from China at Benito Juarez international airport in Mexico City on Friday. (Carlos Jasso/Reuters)

Virus worries mute some holiday celebrations in Seattle area

One woman, who declined to give her name, said she canceled her family’s restaurant reservations for Lunar New Year in favor of dinner at home. She said she doubted she’d be making a Chinese feast either. Out of an abundance of caution, she said she didn’t want to go to the Asian market to buy ingredients.

The Northwest Chinese School, with locations in Bellevue, Wash., and Seattle, sent out an email calling off weekend classes for preschoolers through adults. “We take the health of our students and families very seriously and think that this is the best course of action,” officials wrote.

And on the University of Washington campus in Seattle, a Chinese student association distributed face masks in Red Square, a central hub paved with red bricks. Students were asked to contribute to efforts to send supplies such as face masks and protective suits to China.

As we move into Saturday evening on the ground in Wuhan, it’s becoming increasingly obvious to the broader global community that China’s authoritarian government has failed to contain this viral outbreak…

Chinese authorities expanded the travel restrictions on Saturday to cover 56 million Chinese, Al Jazeera reports. At least 18 cities in central Hubei are now dealing with at least some level of travel restrictions. Source: washingtonpost.com

UK Researcher Predicts Over 250,000 Chinese Will Have Coronavirus In Ten Days

When it comes to estimating the human capital and potential fallout from a highly contagious epidemic, arguably the most important variable is the R0 (“R-naught”) value of the disease, which represents the average number of secondary cases arising from an average primary case in an entirely susceptible population. That’s the technical definition, a simpler one is that the R0, or basic reproductive number, of a contagious disease, is the number of cases that a case of the disease generates over the course of its infectious period in a susceptible population. The higher this number, the more dangerous the disease, the more lethal the outcome.

Some indicative R0s are 0.9 – 2.1 for the common flu while the 1918-1919 pandemic-causing Spanish flu was estimated to have ranged from 1.4 – 2.8, with a mean of 2. Some other notable R0s are shown below, and note that SARS was between 2 and 5:

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So what about the R0 of 2019-nCoV, also known as the coronavirus that has claimed over three dozen lives in China and infected (at least) 1,000 people? Naturally, since the disease is most active in China which is notoriously opaque especially when it comes to matters that can cause mass panic, the best one can do is guess, and that’s what the World Health Organization did yesterday when it issued a statement on the coronavirus epidemic with the following projection:

Human-to-human transmission is occurring and a preliminary R0 estimate of 1.4-2.5 was presented. Amplification has occurred in one health care facility. Of confirmed cases, 25% are reported to be severe. The source is still unknown (most likely an animal reservoir) and the extent of human-to-human transmission is still not clear.

Needless to say, while 2.5 is quite high, and in line with that of the Spanish flu epidemic which infected about half a billion people back in 1918, killing as many as 100 million before it eventually fizzled out, the real coronavirus R0 number may end up being far higher. That is the working hypothesis of Jonathan Read, a UK expert on the transmission and evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases, who has published a paper with four colleagues that estimates transmission parameters for the Wuhan coronavirus, calculates that the R0 of 2019-nCoV to be between 3.6-4.0 or roughly the same as SARS, and reaches a conclusion about spread of the coronavirus epidemic that is frankly terrifying.

In “Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions“, Reed et al, write that with an R0 of between 3.6 and 4.0, roughly 72-75% of transmissions “must be prevented by control measures for infections to stop increasing.”

This is a major problem because Reed estimates that only 5.1% of infections in Wuhan are identified (as of Jan 24), “indicating a large number of infections in the community, and also reflecting the difficulty in detecting cases of this new disease.” Furthermore, since all of this is happening in China which is not known for making the most socially-beneficial decisions under pressure, there is an ominous possibility that Reed is actually overly optimistic.

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Ezra Cheung@ezracheungtoto

A huge public hygiene crisis seems to have erupted in #Wuhan. This video clip was once posted on Weibo but now deleted. The lady in the clip says dead bodies were left at hospital aisles untreated whereas doctors are taking care of other patients alongside them. #WuhanPneumonia2,2223:34 AM – Jan 24, 2020 · Hong KongTwitter Ads info and privacy2,557 people are talking about this

Reed wastes no time to get to his terrifying conclusion which is that if no change in control or transmission happens, then further outbreaks will occur in other Chinese cities, “and that infections will continue to be exported to international destinations at an increasing rate.”

As a result, in 10 days time, or by February 4, 2020, Reed’s model predicts the number of infected people in Wuhan to be greater than 250 thousand (with a prediction interval, 164,602 to 351,396); Epidemic predictions for (A) Wuhan, (B) selected Chinese cities and (C) selected countries. Estimated detected cases are also plotted for Wuhan.

After Wuhan, the cities with the largest outbreaks elsewhere in China are expected to be Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, and Chengdu.Predicted epidemic sizes (number of currently infected individuals) in selected cities on 4 February 2020 assuming no change in transmissibility from current time to 4 February.

Reed also predicts that by 4 Feb 2020, the countries at greatest risk of importing infections through air travel are Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Vietnam. In short: virtually all of Asia will be infected, and from there, the entire world is next. Connectivity of Wuhan to other cities and provinces in mainland China, based on total commercial airline traffic from Wuhan in January 2017.

Critically, Reed’s model alleges that Beijing was woefully late in its response and that recently imposed “travel restrictions from and to Wuhan city are unlikely to be effective in halting transmission across China; with a 99% effective reduction in travel, the size of the epidemic outside of Wuhan may only be reduced by 24.9% on 4 February.”Effect of imposing travel restrictions from/to Wuhan on 23 Jan 2020 onwards on the number of infections in other Chinese cities

Reed’s prediction is in line with other modeling studies of travel restrictions, which find that reducing travel only serves to delay the epidemic reaching other locations, rather than suppressing the spread entirely. Still, it is important to note that his model only considered air travel, and did not consider the potential impact of travel restrictions relating to land transportation.

That said, Reed admits there is a chance that he is wrong, largely due to using flawed assumptions:

Our findings are critically dependent on the assumptions underpinning our model, and the timing and reporting of confirmed cases, and there is considerable uncertainty associated with the outbreak at this early stage.

Yet even with these caveats in mind, Reed’s work suggests that a basic reproductive number for this 2019-nCoV outbreak is materially, perhaps catastrophically higher compared to other emergent coronaviruses, “suggesting that containment or control of this pathogen may be substantially more difficult.”

Even assuming that most of Reed’s assumptions are overly harsh and pessimistic, his summary leaves little hope that the Coronavirus epidemic will be contained any time soon:

“We are still in the early days of this outbreak and there is much uncertainty in both the scale of the outbreak, as well as key epidemiological information regarding transmission. However, the rapidity of the growth of cases since the recognition of the outbreak is much greater than that observed in outbreaks of either SARS or MERS-CoV. This is consistent with our higher estimates of the reproductive number for this outbreak compared to these other emergent coronaviruses, suggesting that containment or control of this pathogen may be substantially more difficult.”

Finally, while Reed makes no observations on the potential mortality associated with nCoV, one can make a broad observation: late on Friday, China’s Hubei province reported 15 additional coronavirus deaths, which added to the previously reported 26 casualties, bringing the total to 41. And with roughly 1,100 confirmed cases, this means that the mortality rate of the diseases has just jumped from roughly 2.5% to 4%. This means that if Reed is correct, and if 250,000 people in Hubei alone will be infected by February 4, no less than 10,000 Chinese people will be dead in the next 2-3 weeks.

What happens after that – with China effectively paralyzed by fear and the economy grinding to a halt as nobody leave their home – is anyone’s guess. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

Summary: Here’s a glimpse of new virus-related developments that occurred overnight. Confirmed case of Coronavirus in Chicago…

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46 Million Chinese Are Now Under Quarantine – More Than The Entire State Of California


Here’s a glimpse of new virus-related developments that occurred overnight.

  • A total number of confirmed cases now 939+, 26 dead.
  • China restricts travel for 46+ million people across 16 cities as the death toll surges.
  • Two deaths have been reported outside Wuhan.
  • Some residents displaying symptoms are being turned away from hospitals.
  • Hospitals in Wuhan make urgent pleas for help and supplies.
  • Beijing orders PLA medics to assist in Wuhan treating patients
  • UK and US governments tell citizens to avoid outbreak zones.
  • 63 suspected cases in the US, Senator says 3 confirmed, across Minnesota, Illinois, Jersey, and California

  • A total number of confirmed cases now 900+, 26 dead.
  • China restricts travel for 40+ million people as the death toll surges.
  • Two deaths have been reported outside Wuhan.
  • Some residents displaying symptoms are being turned away from hospitals.
  • Hospitals in Wuhan make urgent pleas for help and supplies.
  • Beijing orders PLA medics to assist in Wuhan treating patients
  • UK and US governments tell citizens to avoid outbreak zones.
  • Senator says CDC about to confirm 3rd US case
  • US senators receive a briefing on the virus
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When one knows the truth (CDC) and refuses to obey it, he is subject to any lie, any deception, any untruth that man can conjure up. “For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened

Update (1120ET): A senator has reportedly told the press that the CDC is about to confirm the third case of coronavirus in the US. Unsurprisingly, stocks aren’t taking the news too well.


That Senator has been revealed to be none other than Connecticut’s Dick Blumenthal, a lawmaker with such a reputation for vanity, that it’s hardly a surprise that he would murder stocks for his own political gain.

Following the briefing from health officials, Bloomy said the US needs “better relations with the Chinese” to help deal with the epidemic, a indirect slight at Trump.

And dozens of more cases are still being investigated.

And just like that, stocks go “whoosh”.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio is warning that the risk of a viral outbreak in his city is low.

Update (1010ET): The CDC has confirmed the second case of Coronavirus in a Chicago resident who recently traveled to Wuhan.

Marissa Parra@MarParNews

#BREAKING: the confirmed case of Coronavirus in Chicago

Illinois Dept of Health says it’s travel-related

Individuals had traveled to Wuhan@cbschicago https://twitter.com/marparnews/status/1220144132615786496 …Marissa Parra✔@MarParNews RIGHT NOW: CDC is handing out Coronavirus awareness flyers to select passengers at O’Hare airport

STARTING FRIDAY: Thermometers and medical equipment will be used to test passengers traveling to Chicago from China@cbschicago https://twitter.com/marparnews/status/1220091052356403202 …
1569:05 AM – Jan 24, 2020 · Chicago, ILTwitter Ads info and privacy233 people are talking about this

Other cases have been rumored in Texas and at LAX, but apparently none have been confirmed. The first case emerged earlier this week in Washington State. Fox News has confirmed that Senators are being briefed on the virus Friday morning.

Stocks have turned red on the news…here we go.

* * *

Update (0930ET): Yep, everything is under control. This should be over soon…

Hu Xijin 胡锡进@HuXijin_GT

Wuhan is rushing to build a hospital specifically for treating patients infected with the coronavirus. Hundreds of construction machines are working around the clock. The hospital will be put into operation before Feb 3. China superb engineering ability is being put into good use.8488:25 AM – Jan 24, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy474 people are talking about this

Think Chinese authorities are immediately jumping on every case of coronavirus? Think again…

From the SCMP:

After more than a week of worry and multiple talks with doctors, a woman from Wuhan was relieved on Thursday when her uncle – a suspected coronavirus patient – was finally admitted to hospital.

Wang, who declined to give her full name, said her uncle began coughing on January 15. Five days later, he went to Tongji Hospital and after having a CAT scan was diagnosed with viral pneumonia, though the doctor said he could not be sure if it was the new coronavirus.

“They said it might be, but also might not be, but didn’t have any test kits to make sure,” Wang said. “They could only base the diagnosis on blood tests and the CAT scan.”

After being given some medicine, Wang’s uncle was sent home.

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Update (0820ET): Over the past few hours, health officials in Nepal have announced that a student who has returned from Wuhan has been found to carry the virus. Meanwhile, officials in India are reporting three suspected cases.

As the response to the virus overwhelms hospitals in Wuhan, the central military command of the PLA, China’s army, has ordered medical personnel based in the city of Wuhan to travel to the city’s hospitals and aid doctors and nurses struggling to keep up with the influx of cases.

The order comes as experts estimate that some 4,000 individuals may have already been infected across the country.

According to the SCMP, 40 medical officers from the city’s military hospital have already started working in the intensive care unit of Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. The 40 officers are reported to be an advance party and the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army in Beijing will send more in the coming days.

Staff at the PLA hospital swore an oath earlier this week promising to do everything they can to combat the virus.

A medical practitioner who worked at the PLA General Hospital said that the hospital would send staff from its infectious disease center to help run the new hospital and quarantine center in Wuhan once it was ready.

Meanwhile, the video shows another medical team from Shanghai boarding a military transport destined for Wuhan.

Alert 5@alert5

PLA medical team from Second Military Medicine University (第二军医大学)departing Shanghai for Wuhan tonight.899:07 AM – Jan 24, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy91 people are talking about this

The staff there held an oath-taking ceremony on Wednesday pledging they would do their utmost to win the battle against the new coronavirus.

“We all swore that we will follow the order, make sacrifices if necessary and do our jobs as required and would not be afraid to suffer or even to die,” he said. “[We were told that] we triumphed over Sars and we will win again this time.”

As we noted below, Wuhan is scrambling to build a makeshift hospital from scratch on the outskirts of the city as a quarantine and treatment center for coronavirus patients. Beijing’s ability to quickly expand capacity to treat infected individuals was said to be instrumental in the fight against SARS 17 years ago.

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Asian markets closed on Friday for the Lunar New Year holiday, which officially begins on Saturday. But in China, the Communist Party leadership is scrambling to contain the virus as 13 cities in Hubei Province are now under quarantine, meaning more than 40 million Chinese will be forced to spend the holiday week at home, the South China Morning Post reports.

Health authorities reported 66 more suspected cases overnight as a result of broader criteria for people showing symptoms, bringing the total number of suspected cases to 236 as of Friday morning in Hong Kong. Among those cases, more than 100 are now in isolation. Across China, Hong Kong and Macau, authorities have closed schools and suspended the start of the new semester. Even Disneyland Shanghai has announced plans to close for the holiday.

Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪@XinqiSu

Shanghai Disney Resort closes from Saturday until further notice.

View image on Twitter

10112:12 AM – Jan 24, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy99 people are talking about this

As authorities in Beijing try to convince the world that they have the outbreak under control, researchers in the US and UK have warned that the total number of cases might be closer to 4,000, according to the New York Times.

South Korea and Japan have each confirmed their second case, while the US worries that a second case may have been discovered in Texas. Reports that an individual is under quarantine in Sydney have also emerged, while fears about a virus case in New Jersey have already been debunked.

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Though it’s slightly out of date, this map is the most up-to-date accounting of the geographic dispersion of the virus.

S&P Global Ratings has issued a statement claiming that, if the situation worsens, the outbreak could knock 1.2 percentage points off China’s GDP. Yet, as the number of cases explodes despite the travel ban, the World Health Organization is insistent that the situation hasn’t risen to the level of a global pandemic – at least not yet.

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Back in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak, conditions are deteriorating rapidly. A video purportedly showing the hospital at the center of the outbreak paints a picture of widespread misery as health care workers collapse on their feet, infection rates explode even among those responsible for treating patients. Local media has also reported that there aren’t enough testing kits and medical workers available to diagnose new cases.

There have even been reports of patients showing symptoms being turned away from hospitals. Nice to see that their good ol’ socialized health care system is clearly so well-prepared for such an outbreak. Desperate for money and supplies, hospitals in Wuhan have resorted to begging the government and the public for help.

In the meantime, reports claim that China’s censors are removing all frightening videos from domestic social media outlets. There have been reports of people in Shanghai and in Wuhan being herded into makeshift quarantine camps erected near hospitals around the country. In some places, authorities are scrambling to build whole new hospital wings as fast as they can. Chinese officials are scrambling to build a whole new hospital in just five days.

Sky News@SkyNews


China is building a new 1,000-bed hospital in five days to treat victims of the new deadly coronavirus.

Get the latest on the #coronavirus here https://trib.al/JRoNCXY 4,3684:38 AM – Jan 24, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy3,123 people are talking about this

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Just as we expected, a shortage of facemasks that inspired hoarding and price gouging in Hong Kong has now spread across Asia, according to the Japan Times.

While they’ve disappeared from the Chinese Internet, videos showing sick or collapsing patients and health-care workers are flooding US social media.

BNO News@BNONews

WATCH: Video shows the situation at a hospital at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak; it has now been removed from China’s social media platform 1,3704:04 AM – Jan 24, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,598 people are talking about this

Quoth the Raven@QTRResearch

Brutal https://twitter.com/joceeeecl/status/1220407161966059520 …joyce chan ling@JoceeeeCLfootage of a Wuhan doctor having a mental breakdown#wars #WuhanCoronavirus #wuhanvirus #Wuhan408:44 PM – Jan 23, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy24 people are talking about this

Quoth the Raven@QTRResearch

Not fucking good https://twitter.com/aschapire/status/1220443913573539842 …Alejo Schapire@aschapireReplying to @aschapire2667:33 PM – Jan 23, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy102 people are talking about this

Especially for those who have been turned away, the mood on the streets of Wuhan is turning into full-blown panic as hundreds of worried patients plead with hospitals for help. ‘Please help us’ the city’s leadership begged as it implored its neighbors for help.

Typically, LNY is the most important holiday in China and celebrations typically begin the night before, which this year is Friday night.  Chinese who work typically make it home in time to prepare a meal of fried dumplings and sticky rice cakes before hosting reunion dinners with family. At midnight, the Chinese typically set off firecrackers to ring in the new year.

But this year, an anxiety-laden quiet is expected instead. Meanwhile, several US media outlets reported that ordinary Chinese are growing increasingly frustrated with their government.

“We won’t have a new year celebration tonight. There’s no feeling for it, and no food,” a Wuhan resident named Wu Qiang, told the NYT.

Qiang added that his family is so on edge, that a simple sneeze from his son set off alarm bells at home.

“I think he’s O.K., but now even an ordinary sneeze makes you worry,” Mr. Wu said. “You start to think every cough or sneeze might be the virus.”

Another woman put it more bluntly.

“Today should be the Chinese people’s happiest day,” she said, “but this sickness has destroyed that feeling.”

Whatever impact the virus had on markets seemed to reverse after the WHO decided not to label the virus a global pandemic. But as the videos and images flooding out of China look increasingly concerning, one analyst warned that the massive response to suppress the virus could be a double-edged sword.

After the State Department issued, then retracted, a travel warning yesterday, the American Embassy in Beijing advised travelers from the US to avoid Hubei Province and the surrounding area. The notice was classified as a Level 4 advisory, the most serious travel warning issued by the US government: Other Level 4 warnings issued by the State Department cover travel to Syria, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Venezuela, and Yemen, among other places.

In the US, infections have popped up in Washington State and in Texas, where a student at Texas A&M is believed to have been infected.

“Drastic steps, such as city-wide quarantine measures, can be a double-edged sword when it comes to market impact,” ING senior rates strategist Antoine Bouvet wrote in a morning note. “On the one hand they signal the authorities are taking the problem seriously and help containment, on the other hand, they help paint a dramatic picture to investors unfamiliar with dealing with this sort of risk.” Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

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No More Electronic Prison, People Are Perishing Because of Lack of Truth…

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

The watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”


The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen

Coronavirus, biblical truth, tribulation, antichrist, B.E.A.S.T, tribulation, end times, Electronic Prison, Birth Pains

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Robert on January 26, 2020 at 1:53 am

    This is a great up to date thread you are running! Well done! I just hope you don’t get shut down! Thanks for being the light of information in This dark time!

    • StevieRay Hansen on January 26, 2020 at 2:21 am

      Pray, They don’t ban me, the truth must get out..

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