Watchman: The Fact That Donald Trump Is Currently Working With Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo to Spread False Information About Ron Desantis’s Handling of the COVID Outbreak Demonstrates How Uncertain He Is About Receiving the Republican Nomination for President in 2024
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Watchman: The Fact That Donald Trump Is Currently Working With Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo to Spread False Information About Ron Desantis’s Handling of the COVID Outbreak Demonstrates How Uncertain He Is About Receiving the Republican Nomination for President in 2024


Donald Trump, the inventor of the COVID vaccine, has joined forces with disgraced ex-New York governor Andrew Cuomo to viciously attack Florida governor Ron DeSantis.

Former President Donald Trump reaches new depths daily, shocking even his most ardent detractors. Not only has he begun attacking his 2024 opponent Ron DeSantis, but he has also thrown his former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, under the bus. Now he has teamed up with disgraced ex-governor Andrew Cuomo to rewrite the history of how New York and Florida dealt with the COVID pandemic. Therefore, let's set the record straight.

"When the righteous are in charge, the people rejoice, but when the wicked are in charge, the people are in despair." Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)

If you lived in New York under Ander Cuomo during the Plannedemic, you will recall that over 17,000 elderly died from COVID as a result of Cuomo's order to return infected patients to nursing homes. How about the ventilator scandal, the vaccination scandal, and the COVID-1984 military checkpoints that New Yorkers 'enjoyed' at the time? People fled New York City because it was a dystopian hellhole where needless COVID deaths occurred. And Florida? In Florida, we enjoyed open beaches, open churches, open schools, and a never-faltering open economy. During the pandemic, life in Florida was so pleasant that the only real challenge we faced was accommodating the tens of thousands of people who fled to the state from cities such as New York.

Donald Trump's current collusion with Democrat Andrew Cuomo to spread false information about Ron DeSantis's handling of COVID demonstrates his lack of confidence in his ability to win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. I will not support Trump in the upcoming primary election.

Trump the COVID Cuomosexual

Who says bromance is dead?

Our ever-fickle ex-prez Donald Trump has found a new fave in an old enemy: disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on whom he basically showered praise from his Truth Social account for his handling of New York’s COVID crisis by contrasting it favorably with that of chief GOP rival Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Trump’s added yet another hat — prominent Cuomosexual — to the many he already wears (only president to be impeached twice; only president to appear in a Home Alone sequel, etc).

And Cuomo, a founding member of his own fan club, kindly reciprocated, tweeting that “Donald Trump tells the truth, finally. New York got hit first and worst but New Yorkers acted responsibly. Florida’s policy of denial allowed Covid to spread and that’s why they had a very large second wave.”

But as sweet as it is to see this bipartisan crush flowering, it’s important to remember a few key details.

On the most basic measure of COVID outcomes, age-adjusted deaths, Florida did far better than New York: Per the CDC, the Sunshine State saw 245 deaths per 100,000 residents, New York almost 312.

And DeSantis managed this without any of the terrible damage Cuomo’s clampdowns did to businesses, schools and life here in general (or the excess deaths they caused).

Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo tweeted in response, “Donald Trump tells the truth, finally. New York got hit first and worst but New Yorkers acted responsibly. Florida’s policy of denial allowed Covid to spread and that’s why they had a very large second wave.”
Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

New Yorkers know it, too.

They left the state in droves, and Florida saw its population bloom and its economy boom.

This isn’t about the facts, of course.

Trump’s trying to hide his own record on COVID — letting Dr. Anthony Fauci & Co. push the nation into needless, endless, harmful lockdowns — from primary voters while slamming a big threat.

Cuomo’s embarked on what has got to be the most chutzpah-laden rehabilitation tour in American political history (and he has some stiff competition).

What do you think? Post a comment.

Still, these two are perfect for each other: big egos, famous dads, questionable ethics and a deep love of attention.

The fling of the summer, in a word — though it would make for a third-party ticket of our nightmares.

The Lies Never Stop



By StevieRay Hansen | May 31, 2023 | 1 Comment

PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS, NOW HE WANTS TO BE A PROTECTOR OF HOMOSEXUALS WHEN THERE ARE THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS OF HOMOSEXUALITY… Sadly, the Bible predicts a downward spiral of catastrophes, human sin, and religious apostasy before Christ returns. Paul writes, “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. . . . Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:1, 13). The world will continue to reject God, His Word, and His people. Trump’s empty promise in 2016 In an age where 100,000 Christians are slaughtered for their faith a year, it makes no sense to focus on homosexuality. In fact, in the first 6 months of 2018 the Trump administration admitted to the U.S. just 21 Christian refugees. This was a blatant betrayal of Trump’s promises in 2016 that […]


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Source: NTEB  NYPOST  HNewsWire


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