16 mins read


It all begins with the first man and the first woman. Adam and Eve. If we can't prove it from the events describing their experiences then it is not true. It's really that simple. So can we prove that Adam's nature changed from a Godly nature to a sin nature from the events that took place with these two people? No. It says nothing about a sin nature anywhere in the Bible as it relates to these two people. Or anyone else for that matter.

Can we prove from these events described anywhere in the Bible that Adam was spiritual when God made him? No. In fact, Paul taught plainly that he was not spiritual when God made him. He said he was only natural. Flesh and blood. And if these things were true for the first two people then it is true for all people. Because Paul also said we are the same as Adam was when God made him. There is no sin nature and there is no spirit in us when we are born.

Why did God make Adam natural and not spiritual? This is what Paul says in 1Cor.15:45,46. Did you know that Adam was not a spiritual being when God made him? In this message I will show you why God did it this way.

In Gen.2:7 God says He made man from the dust of the ground and breathed air into his nostrils and he became a "living soul". Many will argue that this living soul was a body with a spirit inside of it. And that this was the breath of life that made Adam in God's image and likeness.

But, the Bible says no such thing. The Bible says he became a living soul. This is defined by Strong's as "a living breathing creature". The same as any animal, bird, or creeping thing. This makes perfect sense because the same word used in Gen.2:7 for "breath of life" is used in Gen.7:15,22 for the "breath of life" that was breathed into the nostrils of animals, birds, and creeping things.

So just as animals, birds, and creeping things have no spirit when they were made and subsequently born into this world. So man has no spirit when he was made and subsequently born into this world. They are natural just as Paul said Adam was when he was made.

And in 1Cor.2:14 Paul says this natural man has no ability to perceive spiritual things. He can't know them because they are spiritually understood. This is why a man needs to be born again. Because only by being born of the Spirit of God is he made a spiritual being. And only spiritual beings can relate to spiritual things.

This is why I love the example Peter shows us in his actions before and after the cross. He believed in Jesus before the cross. But, when faced with his needing to acknowledge his connection with Jesus before the cross he denied knowing Him 3 times.

This is because he was only natural and not spiritual. He did not yet have the power of God residing in him to be able stand for his convictions and beliefs. So he denied knowing Jesus to keep himself from suffering the same fate Jesus did.

But, after the cross when he was born again having the spirit birthed in him you could not shut him up about his relationship with Jesus, even when faced with imprisonments and beatings. This shows the contrast between the power from God in spiritual life and it's lack in only a natural life.

Some say that it is the spirit breathed into Adam that made Adam in the image and likeness of God. But, that notion is not only not supported by the scriptures. It is rejected outright by Paul's teaching in 1Cor.15:45,46 about Adam when he was made a living soul. A living breathing creature just like all animals, birds, and creeping things were.

So what is this "image and likeness of God" if it is not the spirit? It is our appearance and our having free will and dominion as we read in Gen.1:26. These are what made Adam in God's image and likeness.

And the only way for man to be made a spiritual being was for Jesus to come as a mortal man to enter into our death with us. Because only by dying the same death every man dies could Jesus conquer man's death on our behalf so that we could have eternal life through faith in Him.

This is why Jesus said "Ye must be born again". Because "what is born of the flesh is flesh. And what is born of the Spirit is spirit". John3:4-6. There is no spiritual life outside of being born again by believing in Jesus. All who have never been born of the spirit are only flesh and blood. They have no spirit in them.

And if Adam had remained in the garden he would never have been able to become a spiritual being. And neither would anyone else. Because he was natural when God made him. And he would have remained natural for all eternity as long as he remained in the garden eating from the tree of life.

So Peter tells us that in God's plan from before He made the world(1Peter1:20) He meant that Jesus would come and join with men in our mortality and death. And for this plan of God to happen Adam had to eat from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Because God's instructions to Adam were that he was not to eat of that fruit lest he die. Which means he would be kept from eating of the tree of life.

His death did not come from eating the fruit. Gen.3:22 tells us plainly that he died because he could no longer live in the garden where he could eat from the tree of life. And not being able to eat from the tree of life he would begin to die and finally would die. Which is the literal meaning of the statement God made saying, "in the day you eat of it you will surely die".

This is why God said “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken." Gen.3:22,23. Because it was God's plan that Jesus would come to make mortal men into immortals. To give men eternal life.

It's men's misunderstanding of all of the events that happened in the garden that makes men tend toward a righteousness of works belief in the gospel. Because the flesh is oriented to works. Gen.2:15.

But, if we will just believe what the scriptures plainly say we will come to know the God that inspired them. And His love for mankind that brought Him to become a man so He could join with men in their mortality. To make the way by the resurrection so that we could join with Him in immortality.

God designed the garden so that man could choose. But, He purposely did not equip man fully with what he needed to make such a decision. He gave men free will and dominion. He gave man the instruction not to eat the fruit. But, He did not give man the knowledge of good and evil. Even though He placed him in a situation where that was the only way he would be able to see through the serpent's subtlety.

This is why Paul tells us in Rom.5:13 that Adam's sin was not imputed to him or to anyone else. So that we would know that his death was neither a consequence nor a punishment for his sin. But, was a necessary step along the way to man becoming a spiritual being. As God planned from before He made the world.

Necessary because if he had stayed in the garden he would never be equipped to know God in the kind of personal and intimate fellowship that God intended for him when He made him. Because God is love. And He made everything for loving fellowship with Him.

In the garden Adam was natural, not spiritual. But, Jesus told us that "God is a Spirit. And those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." John4:24. So man could not do this naturally. Because naturally he was only equipped to relate to the natural world in which God placed him. Something God said was "very good". And as long as he remained there there was no need for him to become a spiritual being. Because he was fully equipped for living there.

So God allowed the serpent into the garden. And placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there. Because it was necessary that man ate the fruit God instructed him not to eat lest he die.

But, this instruction did not say that God would no longer deal with him or speak with him if he disobeyed. The kind of relationship God had with Adam in the garden remained the same as the relationship God had with Adam out of the garden. The only thing that changed was that Adam became more like God, "as one of us"(Gen.3:22), by now having the knowledge of good and evil.

A change that is crucial and necessary for the kind of choices he would be making now that he was living in the part of the world where "death reigns"(Rom.5:14). Where thorns and thistles grow to make reaping food from the ground more difficult. And the kind of place where there would be more pain in child birth for Eve.

God continued to give them these instructions just as He had when He placed them in the garden.

To show that their relationship had not changed at all. And to help them by telling them what it was going to be like for them now. God even gave them clothes to wear that would be more protection against the thorns and thistles so they would be less likely to harm them.

This is God's kind of love. The kind that does not impute sin when there is no law. The kind of love that caused Jesus to say on the cross, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". This is the love of God that designed His creation in such a way that the events that followed would bring men to make the kind of decisions that would either bring him to reject His love and remain mortals just as Adam was when he was made. Or accept it and be changed from mortal to immortal.

To be changed from a natural child of Adam to a spiritual child of God. By using our God given free will, the message of the gospel we hear, and the knowledge of good and evil we learn as we grow from a child to a man now that we are out of the garden, that either joins us to God, or moves us to run from Him.

Jesus said this word is a sword. A sword that could divide between a man and the members of his own house. A sword that either makes men join with God. Or to stand against Him. Which is the perfect definition of free will. Because if the creation can choose to reject or accept it's all powerful Creator that is by definition free will.

Will you choose to say yes to this gospel? Can you discern between the evil and the good of such a choice? Will you receive God's gift of love that is eternal life? Will you confess Jesus is Lord and believe He has raised from the dead?

If you will do this you will be a child of God and heir to His kingdom. Do this and immortality will be yours. Do this and you will have eternal life. Do this and you will be with your Creator for all eternity in His love, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. Do this.... and I will see you there or in the air!

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