California Lawmakers Want to Control What Pastors Preach about LGBT Beliefs


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They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under colour and pretence of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.

Before the Assembly Judiciary Committee in California, Assemblyman Evan Low will propose a resolution, Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99, to dictate what religious leaders say about LGBT behavior or identities.

The measure asks that religious leaders “embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance” of LGBT people and that “conversion therapy” is “unethical” and leads to higher rates of suicide. It continues by explaining how the state hopes to protect children “against exposure to serious harms caused by family rejection and attempts to change sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Image result for The Beast (Revelation)

The Legislature continues to state that “being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) is not a disease, disorder, illness, deficiency, or shortcoming.”

The resolution received nine “ayes” and two “noes” with one “no vote recorded.”

Among the critics of the bill are two former homosexual pastors, according to the California Family Council. Leaders in a ministry called Equipped to Love, Ken Williams and Elizabeth Woning testified against the resolution. “For us, walking out our faith with biblical conviction means life and hope. Our faith saved us from suicide and given us freedom to live with clear consciences,” Woning said.

Williams’ faith also saved him from depression. “For years, I believed that even God hated me because of my behavior,” he said. “But in my early 20s, I encountered a God…who loved me despite my sins and temptations…To someone like me, California Assemblyman Evan Low’s proposed resolution, ACR-99, feels like an unfair and direct attack.”

The bill doesn’t only threaten pastors, but also Christian counselors. Ordained counselor Joe Dallas argued, “While warning against the dangers of so-called Conversion Therapy, ACR 99 restricts much more than counseling, which attempts to change internal sexual responses. It, in fact, dictates to pastors that they cannot teach that homosexuality is a sin, nor can they encourage homosexually-attracted people who hold a traditional Biblical view to live in accordance with their own faith.”

A Christian pastor named David Lynn was arrested and charged with disturbing the peacewith “derogatory comments” on Tuesday for preaching the word of God on a street corner at Church-Wellesley Village in Toronto, ON.

After the disciple of Christ was harassed by a group of unruly protesters, he was hauled off in handcuffs by law enforcement because preaching the Gospel was considered to be a criminal violation.

The LGBT mob cheered on as the man was dragged away in handcuffs, a sign of things to come if their perverse agenda continues unabated.

Over 25 religious and nonprofit leaders, including several psychologists, signed a letter refuting the resolution’s claim that traditional faiths have caused depression and increased rates of suicide. The group cites several research projects that found individuals with same-sex attraction and who “live according to their traditional religious faith are no less happy or healthy than individuals in liberal faiths or no faith who live out an LGBT identity.”

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9–10). Animals are not going to be condemned by God because of their actions. But sinful humans will be (Romans 3:23John 1:8). Animals do not have a conscience or an innate knowledge of right and wrong. Humans do. Animals do not have the ability to make moral choices, for they function primarily on a survival instinct.

The only hope for people in a world filled with evil (whether moral or natural) is Jesus Christ. He does not promise escape from the evil in this world. In fact, He promises that His followers will experience it (John 16:33). He also promises that believers will have an inheritance in the new heavens and new earth in which there is no evil or suffering of any kind (Revelation 21:14). The created order will be restored to its original balance, eliminating natural evil, and the people will be conformed to the image of Christ, eliminating moral evil.

StevieRay Hansen
Conservative Christian World News

They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under colour and pretence of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

2 Corinthians 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

“Pedophile” have reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change.

My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms to genocidal battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.

#Antichrist #evildoers #suppressingtruth #birthpains #tribulation #sevenyears #hellonearth #those that have ears, let him hear, those that have eyes let them see!

“Hate speech” is a completely made-up concept with no actual definition or meaning




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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Patrick Galasso on June 20, 2019 at 12:24 pm

    Solipsism is a common ideology today that proposes that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. Solipsists contend that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure, hence there is no such thing as objective truth, and nothing about the external world and it’s workings can actually be known. Hence, these people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Solipsism places the individual at the center rather than God and all reality is perceived from the perspective of “me.” That is why they can say things like, your truth or my truth, but there is no objective truth. Everything is seen from the perspective of the individual.
    If you buy into that postmodernist philosophy, you will be ill-equipped to deal with end-time events and vulnerable to the lies and deceptions of the antichrist.
    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. – Prov. 1:7

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