Plandemic Working Well — Supermarkets Report Food Shortages After Canada Imposes Trucker Vax Mandate
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Plandemic Working Well — Supermarkets Report Food Shortages After Canada Imposes Trucker Vax Mandate


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Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed, and complete the journey. Click Here to Purchase on!

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Satan Soldiers Have a Plan For The people, A.K.A Plandemic…

Cities, states, and countries around the world are pushing ahead with implementing the New Normal biosecurity society, despite the fact that there is no longer any plausible justification for it. Austria is going ahead with forced “vaccination.” Germany is preparing to do the sameFrance is rolling out a national segregation system to punish “the Unvaccinated.” Greece is fining “unvaccinated” pensionersAustralia is operating “quarantine camps.” Scotland. Italy. Spain. The Netherlands. New York City. San Francisco. Toronto. The list goes on, and on, and on. They Have Starved People to Complete This Evil Plandemic

Overwhelmed supply chains and truck driver shortages worsened when Canada imposed new border mandates prohibiting unvaccinated American truckers. With low vaccination rates among US drivers, Canadian supermarkets are already reporting rising food inflation and shortages of certain products, according to Bloomberg.

Canada's vaccine mandate for truckers came into effect on Saturday. The new rule requires US truckers to be vaccinated to cross the border. We warned earlier this week such a mandate would have "consequences."

he vaccine mandate has exacerbated the shortage of truck drivers and made wait times at border crossings even longer. Eighty percent of trade between the US and Canada is transited by truck. America exports about 90% of Canada's fruits and vegetables during the winter season. As shipments decline because only about half of US truck drivers are vaccinated, grocery stores report shortages.

"We're seeing shortages," said Gary Sands, senior vice president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers. "We're hearing from members they're going into some stores where there's no oranges or bananas.'"

The main concern is the mandate could create a domino effect and ripple through the already stressed supply chain. Logistical disruptions have been a significant source of soaring inflation. According to North American Produce Buyers, the cost of sending a truckload of fresh produce from Southern California to Canada is now $9,500, up from $7,000. That means companies are paying more for freight and will pass on costs to consumers.

Given the drop in eligible truckers, products bound for Canada will build in US warehouses with no place to go until new drivers are seen.

The situation will only worsen on Jan. 22 when the US begins imposing its vaccine mandate on Canadian truckers. The Canadian Trucking Association warned the mandate would sideline up to 16,000 truckers.

Canadian truck drivers are furious with the US decision and have blocked the highway near the US-Manitoba international border to protest the new mandates. Videos posted on social media show the chaos playing out on the other side of the border.

Cross-border vaccine mandates will only make the supply chain more stressed to the point where it might break.

Putin Did It


HNewsWire Warns Of A “Biblical” Surge In Food Prices, In the Bible, Joseph Interpreted Pharaoh’s Dream as Meaning Great Abundance for Seven Years Would Be Followed by an Equal Famine. He Was Then Entrusted With Ensuring Egypt’s Storehouses Were Full of Grain So the Country Could Survive – Which He, and It, did…

The COVID-19 Omicron variant's spread among U.S. meatpacker workers is threatening beef output and raising prices, according to Bloomberg.

New data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows beef output last week dropped 5.3% YoY, and wholesale prices jumped 1.3% on Monday, the most significant increase since August.

Biblical, Lean, and Mean: 'Dreams' of an agri-commodity super-cycle

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: “Behold, in my dream I stood on the bank of the river. Suddenly seven cows came up out of the river, fine looking and fat; and they fed in the meadow. Then behold, seven other cows came up after them, poor and very ugly and gaunt, such ugliness as I have never seen in all the land of Egypt. And the gaunt and ugly cows ate up the first seven, the fat cows. When they had eaten them up, no one would have known that they had eaten them, for they were just as ugly as at the beginning. So I awoke.”

- Genesis 41:17-21


I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. Pestilence via Kill Shot Injections — 29 US States Have Confirmed Omicron Variant Cases, Mostly Among Vaccinated — Next?

We Will Be Ruled By a Godless Men Presiding Over an Evil Governmental System. The Bible Associates This End-Times Ruler With a Terrible Beast in Revelation and in Daniel, the Day is Here–Get ready…

As the plandemic enters its third year, many small businesses across the United States are besieged on three fronts: deepening supply chain issues; periodic staffing shortages; and fewer customers showing up in some areas, fearing the Omicron spike in COVID-19 cases, All Planned To Destory. We have become one nation under house arrest.

"The road to Auschwitz was paved with indifference". DemocRATs can add ignorance to it.

Meet Moses! He's a young man who grew up in the most challenging circumstances. Today, he has larger-than-life goals to achieve something extraordinary.


Update: Satan Soldiers Will Crush the Working Poor One State at a Time — With Soaring Food, Fuel, and Shelter Inflation

By StevieRay Hansen | April 13, 2024 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: ‘As of 2022, Tim Gurner is 41 years old and boasts an impressive net worth of $929 million, according to The Australian Financial Review’s 2022 Rich List.‘ The Goal Of Crushing The Labor Force In truth, what Gurner said is indeed the overt goal of not so much the governments but the world central banks, working to slow growth and demand, by clamping down tight on the labor market with a vice grip, and limiting the availability of credit and loans to smaller businesses and the consumer. AUTHOR’S NOTE: The remainder of this section is from a lengthy, unpublished article I wrote earlier this year but could not quite not finish it due to other arrangements, but it cites direct quotes from the presidents of the U.S. Federal Reserve, where they explicitly say that they are trying to slow […]


People Should Start to Get Concerned the Food Chain Is Broken the Signs are Obvious…

By StevieRay Hansen | March 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people wanting to be important Satan Soldiers (Obama), (Trump) ,(Bill Gates) ,(Soros) Hawaii is facing an economic cliff as federal stimulus money for small businesses and unemployed workers have dried up (read: here). This past summer, there was some optimism in restarting Hawaii’s tourism industry, but the resurgence in COVID-19 cases in July and August changed all that. High unemployment and a collapsed tourism industry continue to plague the island. Carl Bonham, executive director of the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, told Honolulu Civil Beat that the island’s economic situation “is, to some extent, worse than we anticipated.”  The virus-induced recession on the island has been so severe that Hawaii Food Basket, one of the island’s top food banks, “has significantly increased its services since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, serving up to 80,000 people […]


Watchman’s Update: Under Obama Orders The Biden Administration Will Intentionally Destroy the Economy Through Kill Shot Mandates, Resulting in FEMA Food Lines and Lockup Camps in the Fall of 2023/2024

By StevieRay Hansen | July 23, 2023 | 3 Comments

HNewsWire: Last weekend, something remarkable (or delightful, if one is a stock bull) occurred: with the US economy on the verge of recession, with inflation topping out, and with the housing market about to crack, the last pillar holding up the US economy (and preventing the Fed from continuing its tightening plans beyond the summer), the job market, had just hit a brick wall as revealed by real-time indicators such as Revello’s measure of total job postings, which plunged by 22.5 percent, the largest percentage (we also listed several other labor market metrics confirming that the job market was about to crater). To fast forward to today, one day after we discovered that initial jobless claims continue to rise after hitting a generational low in March, and as company after company is warning that it will freeze hiring in the […]


Satan Soldier Biden’s Plan Is Working: Food Stamp Increase Means Higher Food Prices For All

By StevieRay Hansen | July 4, 2022 | 0 Comments

With the stock market banging out new record highs each day and so many jobs available, it is odd the Biden Administration feels the need to boost the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP by 25 percent. This constitutes the largest single increase in the program’s history. This significant and permanent increase in benefits will be available indefinitely to all 42 million SNAP beneficiaries. The increase is projected to cost taxpayers an additional $20 billion per year. It coincides with the end of a 15 percent boost in SNAP benefits that was ordered as a “pandemic protection measure.” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the change means the U.S. “will do a better job of providing healthy food for low-income families.” It will move the amount of the average monthly per-person benefits for qualified recipients from $121 to $157. Never think for a moment this […]


Food Has Been Weaponized: Beef Prices Jump As Omicron Spread Sickens Meat Plant Workers

By StevieRay Hansen | May 11, 2022 | 0 Comments

Featured Story HNewsWire Warns Of A “Biblical” Surge In Food Prices, In the Bible, Joseph Interpreted Pharaoh’s Dream as Meaning Great Abundance for Seven Years Would Be Followed by an Equal Famine. He Was Then Entrusted With Ensuring Egypt’s Storehouses Were Full of Grain So the Country Could Survive – Which He, and It, did… The COVID-19 Omicron variant’s spread among U.S. meatpacker workers is threatening beef output and raising prices, according to Bloomberg. New data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows beef output last week dropped 5.3% YoY, and wholesale prices jumped 1.3% on Monday, the most significant increase since August. Biblical, Lean, and Mean: ‘Dreams’ of an agri-commodity super-cycle Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: “Behold, in my dream I stood on the bank of the river. Suddenly seven cows came up out of the river, fine looking and […]


Food Shortages After Fake Omicron Hits Stores From U.S. to Australia

By StevieRay Hansen | May 7, 2022 | 0 Comments

Featured Story While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil… New South Wales authorities on Friday reinstated some restrictions to check the tide of infections, and food shortages may continue for some time, according to Woolworths. “We are seeing impacts across the whole country, and it’s not yet clear how soon the system will come back into balance as we move through the omicron wave,” Woolworths Chief Executive Officer Brad Banducci said in a note to customers. Aussie shoppers aren’t alone. In the U.S., grocery distributor SpartanNash said it has become harder to get supplies from food manufacturers, especially processed items like cereal and soup. There are signs of declining productivity in […]


Update 3/24/22 Satan Soldier Bidenflation: Prices Soar for Meat, Bacon, Ribs, Chicken, Baby Food, Rent and Peanut Butter —

By StevieRay Hansen | April 1, 2022 | 0 Comments

Biden Is a Liar HNewsWire–“The Plandemic,” There’s nothing to see here… just the Leader of the Free World addressing at an emergency NATO meeting, making fairly casual-sounding remarks to expected major energy and food shortages… “It’ll be genuine,” Satan Soldier Biden stated during a press appearance in Brussels. “The cost of the sanctions is not just put on Russia. It is also enforced on a large number of nations, including European countries and our own.” According to Bloomberg, “Ukraine and Russia are both big producers of wheat, in particular, and Kyiv’s leadership has already warned that the conflict has seriously impacted the country’s sowing and harvest.” And Sean Davis of The Federalist succinctly outlines the situation… “We’re on the verge of huge energy and food shortages, and Biden’s answer is to restrict drilling and install costly and ineffective solar panels […]


Update: 2/2/22 The World is About to Be Plunged Into a “Dark Winter” of Extreme Food Scarcity,

By StevieRay Hansen | February 2, 2022 | 0 Comments

Power Grid / Energy Scarcity and Accelerating Spike Protein Fatalities Occurring Among the Vaccinate… Food Prices Hit Highest Level in a Decade, Food Has Been Weaponized, Satan Soldiers Are Godless… Food prices across the world have risen to their highest levels in a decade on the back of tightening supply conditions coupled with robust demand, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The FAO’s food price index, which measures world food commodity prices, has surged by 32.8 percent in the 12 months through September, coming in at a reading of 130 points, a level not seen since 2011. On a month-over-month basis, the index rose 1.2 percent. Accounting for the bulk of the rise in the index were higher prices of most cereals and vegetable oils. The FAO vegetable oil price index was up 60 percent in […]


Global Food Prices Soar To Ten Year High

By StevieRay Hansen | January 19, 2022 | 0 Comments

Satan Soldiers Have a Plan A.K.A Plandemic… You Can Thank Google, Most of the Social Media Platforms, Congress, and Mainstream Media for Lying to You About the Food Shortage… Get Prepared, the Plandemic Seems to Be Working for the New World Order Elitist, Food Shortages Are Coming to America Back in December, SocGen’s resident market skeptic Albert Edwards shared with the world why he is starting to panic about soaring food prices. And since that was before food prices really took amid broken supply chains, trillions in fiscal stimulus and exploding commodity costs, off we can only imagine the sheer terror he must feel today. A United Nations index of world food costs climbed for a 12th straight month in May, its longest stretch in a decade, rising to the highest in almost a decade, heightening concerns over bulging grocery bills. […]


China’s Second Largest City, Follows Xi’an in Imposing Strict COVID Measures, Causing Residents to panic Buy Food & Necessities.

By Bryce Abbott | January 10, 2022 | 0 Comments

After two asymptomatic COVID-19 cases were discovered on January 2 and a third on January 3, 2022, China’s central Henan Province placed Yuzhou City under lockdown. Yuzhou is China’s second-most-strictly-closed city, behind Xi’an, with inhabitants being prohibited from leaving their homes except for COVID-19 testing in the wake of the recent epidemic. Xi’an, in China’s northwest, is under one of the world’s strictest curfews. Since Dec. 9, 2021, when a positive COVID-19 case was discovered, thirteen million inhabitants have been confined to their homes or in collective isolation facilities on the city’s outskirts. On Jan. 6, Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan, reported 26 additional cases. In Zhengzhou, panic shopping began almost immediately, with YouTube footage showing people swarming into supermarkets and food stores in search of basics. Yuzhou, a small county-level city in China, has registered 55 positive COVID-19 […]


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Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed, and complete the journey. Click Here to Purchase on!

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