Watchman: The CDC, the NIH, and the HHS? Did Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, Birx, Bourla, Bancel, Hahn, Azar, Jha, and Others Think We Were Jackasses? That Our Kids Were Idiots?
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Watchman: The CDC, the NIH, and the HHS? Did Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, Birx, Bourla, Bancel, Hahn, Azar, Jha, and Others Think We Were Jackasses? That Our Kids Were Idiots?


If you press Fauci on the fact that they're unapologetic for their malevolent behavior and dark personality, they'll deflect, push it off onto you, and gaslight you into thinking the reality you know to be true isn't actually true (Science). In reality, all they want to do is maintain their current quality of life by controlling you, and an apology would indicate fallibility. The evil ones in our world want you to see perfection to keep you wrapped around their fingers. Admission of fault would shatter that image they've carefully cultivated.

Fauci Is a Nasty Individual Whose Subtle Expressions of His Inherent Malevolence Are Unnerving. Not All Wicked Individuals Like to Be Deceitful. Some Opt for an External Approach. And One of the Ways They Do It Is by Being Harsh.

When asked what he would change about the COVID-19 pandemic, White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci said on Monday that he never suggested "locking anything down."

What Master Liar Francis Collins Won't Say: If you're China, you look at the big picture. They take this half-millennium repair very seriously. We discovered in the spring that everything we require comes from China. China not only provides the virus; we also rely on it to provide the personal protective equipment—masks and all—that is intended to shield us from the infection.

Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), resigned on Tuesday, barely weeks after records revealed that he made "untruthful" remarks about US public support of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is seen during a hearing at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on May 11, 2021. (Greg Nash/Pool/Getty Images)

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that people who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 should not travel over the forthcoming Labor Day weekend.

“Given where we are with disease transmission right now, we would say that people need to take these risks into their own consideration as they think about traveling,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a White House COVID-19 briefing Tuesday, adding that vaccinated people should wear masks. “If you are unvaccinated, we would recommend not traveling.”

Reporting the real devil, the medical doctors around us, who denied natural immunity, saying it was inferior to vaccinal immunity when we had 2,500 years of evidence that it was real and 100% bulletproof, who helped governments mandate a fraud failed deadly mRNA-DNA gene injection that did not sterilize/neutralize the virus (did not stop infection, replication, or transmission), who helped sedate our parents with paralytics, midazolam, diamorphine, with dead Yoda, and Then, we'll have a discussion about the doctors that surround us. In other words, you're expressing the corrupt nature of the mainstream media, especially in the nation's capital.

And you anticipate that I'll eventually forget all about you? Not! While it's never too late to make amends for your cruel actions, those responsible for this destruction of our lives and culture will be held legally accountable.

We seek fair trials where everyone involved is held accountable. Because of their lockdown hysteria and fraudulent use of mRNA technology in gene injection, many of them should be imprisoned and we want their money.

We will also seek the death penalty if we are successful in court. If the judge asks, I will comply. I won't defend myself. In appropriate legal contexts, the death sentence should be an option for everyone, even senators, MPs, MPPs, and congresspeople who contributed to the loss of life.

Did the incompetents at the CDC and NIH think they could outshine the technical experts mentioned in the previous section, who clearly had far more insight and depth than they did?

While they may have initially believed they could get away with dehumanizing and destroying society as well as harming and killing people—including killing our children through lockdowns and fraud injection—now it is they who are running away, sending out their flip-flopping former supporters and advocates to tell us that we are wrong. We won't be giving them a free pass.

A joint effort of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Department How smart do you suppose Drs. Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, Birx, Bourla, Bancel, Hahn, Azar, Jha, etc. thought we were?

Dr. Birx, and Fauci mislead the American people with bogus kill shot vaccines . And now you hope that by admitting this, we will believe you when you say that Pfizer's next medicine is "the key." Dr. Birx,  what will you and Big Pharma do next?

Dr. Fauci, the Scarf Lady, Seems to Know When Coronavirus Infections Will Peak. Because it was created by humans, the pattern of mutation and timing of this virus may be predicted. This is a pandemic, which is why I am concerned...

The CDC, WHO, and laboratories were all aware that the Coronavirus was a bio-weapon created by insane men (UN-Godly).

You misled and fooled the American people about the fraudulent Kill Shot vaccines, Dr. Birx impersonator. You now hope that by admitting this, we will accept your assurance that Pfizer's next medicine is "the key." Until it is no longer the case, Dr. Birx. What are you and Big Pharma's next steps?

The Scarf Lady, Dr. Fauci, Appears to Know When the Peak of Coronavirus Infections Will Be. As Humans Created This Virus, its Mutation Pattern and Timing Can Be Predicted. This is a Plandemic, and I find it really alarming...

The CDC, WHO, and Laboratories Knew From the Beginning That the Coronavirus Was a Bio-weapon Created by Madmen (UN-Godly).

It is anticipated that the United States and Europe would establish martial law and a full-fledged concentration camp culture, mirroring the response of the Chinese government. If the government attempted to put us into quarantine camps in the United States, civil strife would occur.

According to one of the former US officials in command of the COVID-19 response under the Trump administration,kill shots against COVID-19 are unlikely to prevent illness.

I was aware that these vaccines would not protect against disease. And I feel we have overused vaccines. On Fox News, Deborah Birx, the former White House COVID-19 response coordinator under former President Donald Trump, said, "This caused many to worry that it would not safeguard against significant illness and hospitalization."

Numerous health specialists, including Birx, advocated for the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, which were granted emergency use authorization in late 2020 to avoid COVID-19 symptoms.

This is one of the most effective vaccines we have available to combat infectious illnesses. Consequently, I am extremely enthusiastic about the immunization," Birx said on an ABC podcast at the time.

She made no mention of the probable failure of vaccines to prevent disease.The findings indicate that vaccines did prevent infection with early strains of the CCP virus, which causes COVID-19, but that protection reduced with time. Even when delivered shortly afterwards, the immunizations have proven increasingly ineffectual against the Omicron virus strain and its sub-variants.

Friday, Birx said that vaccines continue to protect against hospitalization and severe illness. She said, "But let's be clear: fifty percent of those who died as a consequence of the Omicron outbreak were older and vaccinated."She said, "Therefore, even if you're vaccinated and boosted if you're unvaccinated, the current priority is testing and Paxlovid."

Paxlovid is a Pfizer-manufactured COVID-19 pill that has had mixed results in clinical trials and studies, but is recommended by US health authorities for both unvaccinated and vaccinated COVID-19 patients to prevent the development of severe sickness.Joe Biden's physician prescribed Paxlovid last week after he tested positive. As new strains emerge, there are fears that immunization protection against severe illness is deteriorating.

According to recent studies, this protection against emergency room or urgent care visits was only 51%, and it dropped to 12% after five months. The protection against hospitalization decreased from 57% to 24%. A booster improved defense, but it decayed swiftly to substandard levels.

Fauci and Birx, co-leaders of the United States' pandemic response, previously said that vaccinated people would not fall sick."What was true two years ago, and even a year and a half ago, has altered since the original ancestral strain lacked the transmission capabilities that we're now dealing with in the omicron sub-lineages, particularly BA.

Therefore, vaccination protects some persons, but not all, against infection, the development of symptoms, and serious disease. It saves a considerably larger percentage of individuals from acquiring major diseases, Fauci remarked on Fox.He feels that immunizations with improved compilations, which will be distributed in the fall, are crucial.

We need enhanced immunizations. This is desirable due to its breadth and longevity, since we are aware that immunity decreases with time. "This is why we have boosters," he said. However, we also need vaccines to prevent disease.

People, crimes against humanity have no expiration date. The fact that some time has passed does not protect you from punishment. The amount of the destruction and death she has caused is immense! Lockdowns, disguises, and lethal blows!!! People who have been permanently damaged, those who have died, and now 5-month-old infants? EVIL. If you are a part of an EVIL empire, you should remain silent, refrain from fighting back, and acknowledge that you are EVIL.

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Watchman: Birx Says COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never ‘Going to Protect Against Infection’ if That’s the Case, Why Did She and Her Cohorts Mislead the American People to Believe Those Vaccines Were Going to Protect People From COVID? Here’s Why: She Is a Person Who Is Corrupt, Debased, Debauched, Degenerate, Depraved, Dissolute, Libertine, Loose, Low-Minded, Perverted, Reprobate, Scrofulous, Sick, and Unhealthy Subhuman Parasite!

By StevieRay Hansen | June 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

SRH: The malevolent ways of evil people often leave them so twisted and turned around on the inside that they feel good when they see misfortune. It might be a disaster on the news or a dramatic situation in front of them. They seem to delight in misfortune, to relish the bad feelings of other people. All the times that an evil person has been hurt in their life falls away when bad things happen to other people. The real danger here is that they could create bad situations for you and others in their life in order to enjoy the misfortune they create. It is important to recognize who they are before terrible things happen to you and the people they love. If horrible things happening is all that can help them feel better, you can’t salvage or save […]


Satan Soldiers, Biden, the Who, the FDA, the NIH, Pfizer, Moderna, and Others Who Were Complicit in Killing People Should Be Put On Trial for These Horrible Deeds

By StevieRay Hansen | May 26, 2024 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: Not Pfizer, but mRNA vaccines from both Pfizer and Moderna are to blame. Many mRNA vaccine recipients have had a variety of side effects, including early death and heart attacks, followed by a stent in their heart. Seeing these in individuals near to me has made me realize that regular booster doses, particularly with mRNA vaccines, are not a smart idea. Most vaccinations were administered without regard for the common circulating strains at the time. A similar situation exists today, in which people are given non-specific boosters with no purpose. We must comprehend that mRNA vaccines violate nature’s rule by delivering a sequence into the host blood and instructing your cellular ribosomes to convert this sequence into a viral spike protein, which immunizes the host. Nothing is known about the amount of spike protein generated or where it travels or […]


Watchman Wants Answers: How Come No One Seems to Be Talking About the Fact That Another Deadly Epidemic Is Already Unfolding? Perhaps Pestilence Has Defeated the CDC, FDA, Bill Gates, and the W.H.O. Health Renegades

By StevieRay Hansen | May 5, 2024 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: A Colorado educator has passed away due to bacterial meningitis. What exactly is it? To allow for contract tracing, the Cherry Creek School District canceled classes, sports, and other activities. April 12, 2023, 3:46 PM Today’s EDTilSource: Meghan Holbrook A high school teacher in Colorado died over the weekend after exhibiting “symptoms consistent with bacterial meningitis,” according to her school district. When bacteria infect the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain, this disease is contagious. Eaglecrest High School, where Maddie Schmidt worked as a teacher, canceled after-school activities and sports on Tuesday, as well as school and activities on Wednesday, to aid in contract tracing and “determine next steps,” according to a letter sent to the school community and shared with Arapahoe County has only confirmed a single case of bacterial meningitis. A second educator in the […]


When Medical Doctors, Academic Scientists, the Left, Media, Rinos, the Deep State Actors, the Inept Corrupted Feral Banal CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, HHS Leadership Cries Out ‘I Did Not Know’ & ‘Forgive Me’–Jail is in Order Now!

By StevieRay Hansen | May 3, 2024 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire:  Their issue is they are corrupted malfeasance and jail is in order now, deep time!   Say hello to Granite Ridge Soapworks! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase.   Sources: palexander  HNewsWire Revelation: A Blueprint for the Great Tribulation Click Here Learn More Will Putin Fulfill Biblical Prophecy and Attack Israel? Part 1 Part […]


Pfizer CEO Bourla: We May Need Fourth Dose of Vaccine Sooner Because of Omicron — HNewsWire: Pestilence Has No Cure God’s in Charge

By StevieRay Hansen | April 10, 2024 | 0 Comments

Covid ” Virus” HOAX Turned Pestilence… Notice The Hand Signal-666   Pfizer CEO Bourla: We May Need Fourth Dose of Vaccine Sooner Because of Omicron Pfizer CEO Satan Soldier Albert Bourla on Wednesday advocated that a fourth dose of the COVID kill shot vaccine might be fundamental as the Omicron variant spreading. “The most acceptable way to see it is that the virus is the enemy. We want to assure ourselves. We built a wall. The first dose builds a wall, but it’s not very high,” Bourla explained on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” He carried on, “The third dose takes the wall certainly higher and should expect to halt the Omicron. So, people that have two doses should get the third one, but if they have two doses, it’s very likely that you are better covered than if they don’t have […]


Update: Being Biblically Bankrupt Does Not Preclude the Elitist, as Well as the So-Called Dr.Birx and Dr. Little Big Mouth Fauci From the People’s Relentless “Fury” They Murdered Innocent Believers,Intentional

By StevieRay Hansen | July 23, 2023 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: If you press Fauci on the fact that they’re unapologetic for their malevolent behavior and dark personality, they’ll deflect, push it off onto you, and gaslight you into thinking the reality you know to be true isn’t actually true (Science). In reality, all they want to do is maintain their current quality of life by controlling you, and an apology would indicate fallibility. The evil ones in our world want you to see perfection to keep you wrapped around their fingers. Admission of fault would shatter that image they’ve carefully cultivated. Fauci Is a Nasty Individual Whose Subtle Expressions of His Inherent Malevolence Are Unnerving. Not All Wicked Individuals Like to Be Deceitful. Some Opt for an External Approach. And One of the Ways They Do It Is by Being Harsh. When asked what he would change about the […]


Doctors: COVID-19 Kill Shot Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. To Evils Against Humanity — CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci — Satan Soldiers Are All No Show

By StevieRay Hansen | July 23, 2023 | 1 Comment

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has consistently been the only member of the federal government who has dared to expose the crimes being committed by Big Pharma through the government COVID response. In 2020 Senator Johnson held meetings in Washington D.C. exposing the criminal activities of Big Pharma and federal health agencies in suppressing early treatment options for COVID-19 that thousands of doctors were using with a near 100% success rate. Here in 2021 Senator Johnson has held meetings with testimony showing how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccines have been, giving a voice to those who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones who died after the shots. Senator Johnson held another meeting in Washington D.C. today, one that has been planned for many weeks, regarding COVID-19 mandatory vaccines. Some of the top scientists and doctors in the world attended, as well […]


Watchman:The Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Bio-hazard Lab Was Studying “The World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens”

By StevieRay Hansen | June 17, 2023

HNewsWire: In biology, a pathogen in the oldest and broadest sense is anything that can produce disease. A pathogen may also be referred to as an infectious agent, or simply a germ. The term pathogen came into use in the 1880s. Typically, the term is used to describe an infectious microorganism or agent, such as a virus, bacterium, protozoan, prion, viroid, or fungus… Now that not one but seven Chinese cities – including Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic – and collectively housing some 23 million people, are under quarantine… … comparisons to the infamous Raccoon City from Resident Evil are coming in hot and heavy. And, since reality often tends to imitate if not art then certainly Hollywood, earlier today we jokingly asked if the Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University would end up being China’s version of Umbrella Corp. zerohedge@zerohedge Is the…...

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Satan Soldiers at the CDC, Warning! The Codes’ Purpose Is “To Track People Who Are Not Immunized or Who Are Only Partially Immunized.” According to the CDC, Tribulation on Bad Steroids Is One of the Most Evil Corporations on the Planet

By StevieRay Hansen | June 17, 2023 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: Watchman: The Vaccinated Are Dying, That Should Tell You Everything You Need to Know About the Kill Shot-Death In the United States, new medical diagnosis codes for COVID-19 immunization status have been added. One code indicates that you are “unvaccinated for COVID-19.” That code “may be assigned when the patient has not received at least one dose of any COVID-19 vaccination,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which established the new codes in 2022. Another code indicates that you are partially vaccinated, or that you have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine but not enough doses to match the CDC’s criteria of being completely vaccinated. The tags are intended to “monitor patients who are not inoculated or are just partially immunized,” according to the CDC. According to experts, the codes do not […]


Did the Military Arrest Former FDA “Commissioner” Stephen Hahn? No, There’s No Evidence to Substantiate That: The Claim Was Reported on a Website (Real Raw News) That Is Well-Known for Making up BS–Demonic Stories

By StevieRay Hansen | January 1, 2023 | 0 Comments

HNewsWire: Fake News Enablers, Promoters of Politically Correct Biased News Real Raw News, Do Not Trust These Outlets… Did the military arrest former FDA “Commisioner” Stephen Hahn? No, there’s no evidence to substantiate that: The claim was reported on a website that is well-known for making up stories about public figures. The site posts a disclaimer warning readers that it contains “humor, parody, and satire.” The headline on the story making the claim also misspelled commissioner as “commisioner.” The claim appeared in an article published by Real Raw News on December 30, 2022, titled “Military Arrests Former FDA Commisioner Stephen Hahn | Real Raw News” (archived here). Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail: Hahn served as the head of the Food and Drug Administration under former President Donald Trump from 2019 to 2021. There have been no credible news reports of […]



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