Watchman’s Daily Devotional: Lord, Help Me to Always Have a Heart to Listen and Obey. If You Have Planned Some Mighty Deed, Give Me the Courage to Do It. Help Me Persevere Until I Stand in Your Presence


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1 Chronicles 11:22

King David had a group of valiant men, and among them was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada. Benaiah hailed from Kabzeel and was known for his great deeds. He displayed his bravery by defeating two mighty heroes from Moab. But his courage did not stop there. On a day when snow had fallen, Benaiah fearlessly descended into a pit and struck down a lion. Such acts of valor were a testament to his strength and unwavering faith.

Benaiah’s role extended beyond mere acts of heroism. He became the leader of David’s bodyguards, entrusted with the task of protecting the future Messiah, who would descend from David’s lineage. This position of honor and responsibility highlighted the significance of his role in safeguarding the chosen one of God.

During this time, Israel was a nation under the guidance of divine revelation. Prophets and priests served as conduits for God’s messages and judgments. The nation stood as a beacon, drawing the attention of other nations who sought to understand the God of Israel. However, it is crucial to remember that disobedience and wickedness led to the downfall of Israel. Their fate served as a warning to those who turned away from God’s teachings.

In our present time, each of us has the opportunity to cultivate a personal relationship with God. Through our obedience and devotion to Jesus, we can radiate peace and joy, prompting others to inquire about our faith. Yet, we must also heed the cautionary tale of Israel. If we choose to ignore God’s guidance, the consequences of our actions will serve as a testament to His judgment.

Let us pray to the Lord, seeking His guidance and strength. May we always have receptive hearts, ready to listen and obey His commands. Grant us the courage to embark on mighty deeds that align with Your divine plan. And may we persevere until the day we stand in Your glorious presence.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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