Watchman Says Homosexuality Is Not Like Other Sins. To All the Homosexual-Affirming Churches, I Warn You with Tears… You Preach a Different Gospel and Serve a False Jesus!


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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HNewsWire: The homosexual sin virus violates all of God’s rules, while I’ll try to be sensible in my fight against destruction, I will also be a warrior for Christ -which makes me unstoppable…..SRH


God will never change His laws or His Word for anybody.

All you homosexual-affirming “churches,” I warn you with tears, you are preaching another gospel and serving another Jesus.

The remedy God offers you is simple. Quit adding or altering His Word. Repent of your falsehood and accept and obey the truth.

When examining what the Bible says about homosexuality, it is important to distinguish between homosexual behavior and homosexual inclinations or attractions. It is the difference between active sin and the passive condition of being tempted. Homosexual behavior is sinful, but the Bible never says it is a sin to be tempted. Simply stated, a struggle with temptation may lead to sin, but the struggle itself is not a sin.

Romans 1:26–27 teaches that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When people continue in sin and unbelief, God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. One of the fruits of rebellion against God is homosexuality. First Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that those who practice homosexuality, and therefore transgress God’s created order, are not saved.

A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as some people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person’s choosing to sin by giving in to sinful desires. Just because a person is born with a greater susceptibility to fits of rage, that doesn’t make it right for him to give in to those desires and explode at every provocation. The same is true with a susceptibility to homosexuality.

No matter our proclivities or attractions, we cannot continue to define ourselves by the very sins that crucified Jesus—and at the same time assume we are right with God. Paul lists many of the sins that the Corinthians once practiced (homosexuality is on the list). But in 1 Corinthians 6:11, he reminds them, “That is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (emphasis added). In other words, some of the Corinthians, before they were saved, lived homosexual lifestyles; but no sin is too great for the cleansing power of Jesus. Once cleansed, we are no longer defined by sin.

In the 1950’s and 60’s there was a massive movement to defend homosexuals from the widespread ‘discrimination’ against individuals who did not conform to the commonly accepted sexual paradigm (men with women). But because the majority of the population conformed to generic Christian values, homosexuality was viewed negatively by many — but It was around this time that organizations emerged with the sole purpose of establishing a sense of pride among the gay community.

This lead to the creation of the ‘Gay Pride’ (or LGBT) parades that are held annually — along with the ‘Gay is Good’ marketing campaigns that helped promote the movement.

The “Gay Pride” Movement

NOTE: LGBT stands for LesbiansGaysBisexuals, and Transgenders.

The goal of the movement was to force those who once opposed homosexuality, to accept it as apart of life. Although they faced much opposition at the start of the movement, they eventually succeeded. As Church attendance declined, we noticed a drastic rise in the acceptance of homosexuality even amongst those who professed to be Christians.

The “Rainbow March”

Today we can literally see as thousands of people gather each year to celebrate their homosexuality.  They can often be seen carrying their ‘Rainbow’ flags or “Marching with the Rainbow” as some call it.


gay pride

But why do this? What significance can the rainbow possibly signify?

According to several sources, the ‘gay pride’ flag (also called LGBT flag) was created to symbolize the diversity of the LGBT community. Originating in California but now being accepted worldwide as belonging to the ‘Gay Pride’ movement.

Although you may get a wide variety of answers if you go to one of these parades and ask one of the LGBT members what it means — very few people know the historical and biblical significance behind this flag being used by people to signify that they are ‘proud’ of their sexual immorality.

LGBT Flag: The Biblical History of the “Rainbow”

I am sure many of you are wondering how could the LGBT flag relate to the bible in any way. Let me show you…

In the book of Genesis, the bible speaks about how the people of the earth had become so evil, wicked, and perverse — that God was sorrowful that he had ever created mankind.

It was in this time that God decided to flood the earth, but there was 1 man on the planet who found favor in God’s eyes … Noah. (Gen 6:5-8)

(Genesis 6:5)  And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

(Genesis 6:6)  And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

(Genesis 6:7)  And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

(Genesis 6:8)  But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

So because Noah found grace in his eyes — God instructed Noah to build an ark for him and his family. Once the ark was built Noah and his family entered the ark — thereby being saved from God’s judgement upon the earth.



God’s promise to NOAH

When the time came for Noah and his family to leave the ark and return to land, Noah built an altar unto God and offered sacrifices to him. The bible tells us that when Noah offered these sacrifices — God smelled the sweet savor of Noah’s sacrifice and it touched his heart.

(Genesis 8:20)  And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

(Genesis 8:21)  And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

(Genesis 8:22)  While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

After God had blessed Noah and his sons, and all the creatures of the earth — he then made a covenant (promise) with all living creatures. It was in this covenant that God promised that he would never again flood the earth — no matter how wicked mankind became.

God then decreed that whenever he causes much rain to come upon the earth, the rainbow will be seen. It was then that God created the rainbow, and placed it in the clouds as a visual reminder to all of creation that he will never forget his promise.



How does this Relate?

(In this section I’d like to tie all of the knots together by clearly and plainly depicting how the rainbow of the LGBT flag relates to the story of Noah.)

If you will think back to the story of Noah, you will remember that God flooded the earth because the iniquity of humanity had gotten far too great. They were corrupt, hateful, and wicked in everything that they did — this includes sexual immorality.

Not only were men sleeping with men and women with women — but both men and women had begun sleeping with the ANIMALS (Beastiality). According to the Bible, the immorality in the Earth was so high that God gave them over to their vile affections. (Romans 1:23-32)

It was things such as this that forced God to judge the entire earth by sending a massive flood to cover the entire face of the earth.

But after God had flooded the earth, the Bible tells us that he remembered Noah and his family — he then caused the waters to subside and the rain to cease.



When Noah and his family were off the ark, God made them a promise that he would never again flood the earth — no matter HOW evil humanity became.

So to ensure that all of humanity remembered his promise, God gave us a ‘Token’ (gift). The purpose of this token was to remind us of his promise whenever we see the rain fall upon the earth — and that gift was the Rainbow. (Gen 9:12-17)

The rainbow is a contract from God to mankind. In this contract, God gives humanity his Word that he will never again flood the entire earth — no matter what.

Therefore when we see Thousands of homosexuals marching in the streets with the Rainbow as their flag — they are essentially implying that they are proud of their sexual immorality whether God likes it or not — while simultaneously reminding God of the contract that he made with humanity never to flood the earth again.

Keeping in mind that sexual immorality was one of the very reasons God flooded the earth in the first place — We can clearly see how this is a provocative declaration towards The Most High.



Fortunately — I am certain that God knows that many of the people marching are not fully aware of the biblical significance of using the rainbow (contract) as their gay-pride flag, Which is why I believe he has been so merciful to them.

But whether they realize it or not — the masses who gather together to celebrate their sexual immorality, and those who carry these colorful flags are essentially provoking God to wrath in their Ignorance (Which is a big ‘no-no‘).

In the book of Deuteronomy, we can read about the children of Israel who provoked the Lord in the wilderness and were almost destroyed.

(Deuteronomy 9:7)  Remember, and forget not, how you provoked the LORD thy God to wrath in the wilderness: from the day that thou didst depart out of the land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been rebellious against the LORD.

(Deuteronomy 9:8)  Also in Horeb ye provoked the LORD to wrath, so that the LORD was angry with you to have destroyed you.



But despite what many may think, Ignorance is not bliss. Source

(Hosea 4:6)  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

StevieRay Hansen

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Like Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament who served secular kings, we are called to serve everyone and help them fulfill their divine destiny. Jesus made it clear that people who want to lead or be great must be the servants of all. Serving is the way of leadership in the kingdom.

Forcing our way onto the world is not great leadership. Some accuse us of doing this very thing because we speak up on moral issues. It is important that we speak up on issues, but it’s also equally important that we love everyone no matter their persuasions.

Someday Jesus will rule the world; in the meantime, we should just serve well and let our good works speak of our Father who loves everyone.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!


Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….


New York, NY, USA – May 7, 2019: Renowned Non-Denominational Christian Movement, Hear the Watchmen has proudly announced that it is bringing the most intensive spiritual warfare training of modern times to Long Island with its upcoming workshop. This training workshop is titled ‘Spiritual Warfare’ and it is featuring the legendary Russ Dizdar. Moreover, tickets are now available online and the 4 Star Hyatt Regency of New York’s Long Island is expected to be packed with participants this summer.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Cody Dahl on March 6, 2021 at 3:56 pm

    I agree with what is said here and I believe the modern big church bears much responsibility too. The traditions of men make the word of God of no effect.
    Repent you all!
    The Ten Commandments are all still in effect now too.
    Let’s start with these before preaching higher things.

  2. repentance on March 5, 2021 at 6:59 am

    The end will come ′′ when women become men and men women ′′

    ′′ Women now walk naked, even though men are no less, – but more women, and it is not possible for God to endure it. He endured the sinners in Noah’s time, those from Sodom and Gomorrah, but it was like they didn’t reach this stage, to walk naked on the street and show their naked bodies to men, to draw them to sin! ′′ What can I say about women? They have nothing else in mind but how to decorate themselves. They race each other in clothing. What can I say about the unholy clothing that the deviator of wickedness urges them to wear. Woe and bitter! How come Christian women are not ashamed? Gypsies and Muslims dress decently, in order not to muck men, while Christian women, who tradition from Christ, from the apostles, from the Holy Fathers to dress decent, have come to perfect madness by the way is getting dressed up! Fathers and mothers should be good parables and not leave their children – by loving them by God – to dress indifferently. And men should protect their women from indecent clothing, because they will answer on the Day of Judgment. Women who enter the church of God, clothed ungrateful and without shame, do the devil’s will. They better not step on church, because other than that they don’t have any use of it, they hurt and they add to the other believers in church. I’m sorry I have to research and reprimand. I don’t want this, and maybe I’m saddening those responsible for this. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t investigate you. Straighten up and then I’ll stop researching. Woe to me if I will be silent, seeing such transgressions! In an old book that I found many years ago, I read among other things that when the disciples asked our Lord Jesus Christ when the fearful signs of the Second Coming will happen in the world When the love of many will grow cold and the faith will perish, the Lord told them, among other things: ′′ when women become men and men women “. And Saint John Golden Mouth, when some Christians asked him when the Second Coming will be, he replied: ′′ When the shame of women will disappear, then the Day of Judgment will be near “. These prophecies of our Lord Jesus Christ and of Saint John Golden Mouth and other prophets, apostles, Holy Fathers, which I spoke about earlier, are fulfilled today with precision. As a spiritual parent, I have the duty and responsibility to present my sons. So I’m showing you that from here on out you stop painting your lips, nails and face and stay the way God built you. Don’t want to become above God; because when you paint yourself with red colors, you blaspheme God. It’s like saying, ′′ God didn’t know or couldn’t do me with red lips or nails; and what God couldn’t do, I will do it, to make myself look more beautiful admire and cherish mindless men and women and tell me that I am ′′ charming, modern, not backward woman “. But in this way you make God and me, your spiritual parent, and all good and fearful people by God, and make the devil happy and unwise men, men and women happy. Therefore, if you love God and you are afraid of Him, if you respect me, your spiritual parent, from this moment you receive my letter, stop painting yourself. And to adorn your soul from here onwards with humbleness, words and virtues. Then God will rejoice, and the angels, and the Mother of God, and the saints, and they will protect you and worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But if you follow fashion and follow modern women, like now, when you imitate them by painting yourself, you will imitate them in smoking and playing cards and others, which are gross even when someone reminds them “.
    Father of Filothei Zervakos

  3. repentance on March 5, 2021 at 6:56 am
  4. Luke Braghtam on April 24, 2020 at 6:36 pm

    God quite literally states that all sins are equal and none are worse than others. Stop twisting the bible to make LGBT seem evil and wicked. A lot of us are just as good of Christians as you.

    • repentance on March 5, 2021 at 7:12 am

      by your wrong logic, this means all sins is punished equaly. You cant demonstrate that. History is your enemy. Reality is your enemy.

      Sodomists cant create life, they are sons of death. God is Life and Antigod is death, simple. God created Man that can create life. MAN = Man+Woman. Only Men or only women doesn not mean MAN, as created by God.

  5. Patrick Galasso on May 23, 2019 at 3:43 pm

    1st Peter 2:11 and Jude:1:19, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul … These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”

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