Watchman: Warns That’s Exactly What the Elites Want: Martial Law. We Are Witnessing the Beginning of a Civil War, Then Martial Law, or the Biblical Tribulation. Mankind Has Brought This Upon Themselves,We Can Thank Google, Bill Gates et al. They Have Taken God Out of Society
9 mins read

Watchman: Warns That’s Exactly What the Elites Want: Martial Law. We Are Witnessing the Beginning of a Civil War, Then Martial Law, or the Biblical Tribulation. Mankind Has Brought This Upon Themselves,We Can Thank Google, Bill Gates et al. They Have Taken God Out of Society


By StevieRay,

Following attacks on police by pro-Hamas protestors in midtown Manhattan, the New York City Police Department declared a Level 3 emergency. As the Muslims tormented the city, they yelled, "Christmas is canceled here." The crowd is seen viciously hitting cops in the video below. A number of officers sustained injuries, with some suffering bloodstains. An cop received a blow to the throat. Protesters elsewhere doused a Nativity with fake blood. Fights outside St. Patrick's Cathedral were also reported. Americans, don't be shocked. The goal of the Muslims is to exterminate Christians and Jews. Furthermore, there are now domestic terrorists residing in towns and cities all around the country as a result of our open borders.

Then, on Christmas Eve, dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators stopped people from shopping at Carriage Crossing, a small suburban community close to Memphis.

"They believe they can carry out an entire genocide, and we would remain silent," a Muslim from Memphis posted on social media. "They'll stop and watch block by block as we play our music loudly and remind them of the origins of the man they're celebrating."

But eventually, the Muslim said, "they'll remember where they stood as the shadows of genocide silently unfolded before their eyes." "We won't forget, and they will remember."

A number of listeners to KWAM News Radio posted images and videos of the masked demonstrators rushing through parking spaces while waving Palestinian flags, yelling, and honking horns.

The predominantly Muslim crowd yelled at holiday shoppers, "You should be ashamed."

It was a part of an automobile rally for Palestine that began in the Memphis Islamic Center parking lot in Cordova and finished at the well-known outdoor shopping area known as Carriage Crossing.

A caller on KWAM reported that the crowd "unleashed individual terrorists to run up and down the sidewalks with Palestinian flags and clogged the streets to prevent shopper ingress and egress."

Conservative leader Justin Johnson told KWAM, "As a Collierville citizen, I strongly believe in and support the First and Second Amendment rights of every American citizen." "Drivers, shoppers, and protestors shouldn't feel threatened or harassed by protests."

He declared, "This was reckless and inappropriate for the location (a public street with a carriage crossing blocking traffic) or the time (Christmas Eve)." "As a Christian, I stand with Israel in their sovereign right to defend itself from Hamas' savage terrorist attack."

Many people were shocked that Collierville, a little, quiet village, would be the focus of a protestor riot.

Not even in a place like Collierville is anyone safe these days. Martial law is precisely what the ruling class wants. We are living at the start of the Biblical Tribulation, which will be followed by martial law or a civil war. This is something that humanity has caused. We are grateful to Google, et al.

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