America Is Going To Be Used To Invoke Medical Martial Law, P.2 The Tribulation Factor In-Play, Hell-On Earth


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Updates: 5/10/2020 @ 12:35 PM CST… Don’t compare this to 1987, to 9/11, to 2008 or to the Dot.Com bubble bursting. We’ve NEVER been in a situation where so many industries were ORDERED to STAND DOWN. The decision to shut down the entire country of Italy is MONUMENTAL!…

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Cuomo Orders “100%” Of New Yorkers To Stay Home, Italy Confirms Another 600 Deaths As ‘Martial Law’ Declared


  • Hong Kong reports largest daily jump in cases on record as travelers revive outbreak
  • NY rolls out restrictive new measures
  • NY case total tops 7k
  • Italy says Army will help enforce lockdown, effectively declaring martial law; might extend lockdown through early May
  • Spain death toll cracks 1,000
  • Italy reports another 627 deaths
  • Confirmed cases in US pass 14k
  • Drive-thru testing site in NJ’s Bergen County has a line that’s over 1,000+ cars long
  • Switzerland bars all gatherings of more than 5 people
  • Trump says no plans for national lockdown
  • Germany to pass ‘shadow’ budget on Monday
  • EU suspends budget rules
  • Bavaria becomes the first German state to impose ‘lockdown’
  • Johnson says the UK can defeat virus in 12 weeks if ‘we work together’
  • Treasury now moving back both filing & payment deadlines for 2019
  • Novartis will donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support the global response
  • NBC News employee succumbs to the virus
  • Dr. Fauci says social distancing should continue for several weeks
  • MTA confirms it has 23 sick workers
  • US, Mexico agree to shut southern border
  • China makes first purchase under ‘Phase 1’ trade deal
  • Altria chairman & CEO tests positive
  • Military confirms 35 American troops infected in Europe

Update (1320ET): As Italy’s worst outbreak spirals further and further out of control, Italy is reporting 5,986 new cases of coronavirus and 627 new deaths on Friday, raising the countrywide total to 47,021 cases and 4,032 dead, as the total number of cases in Europe surpasses the total ‘officially’ confirmed in China.

If you’re curious about how things are looking on the ground in Italy, this Channel 4 report is chilling.

*  *  *

Update (1240ET): In an alarming video that shows just how huge demand is for COVID-19 tests, a drive-thru testing site in Bergen County has a line that’s “several thousand cars long”.

Update (1220ET): As President Trump and the White House task force (with Dr. Fauci making an appearance today) update the country on the federal government’s efforts, Sec. of State Pompeo said that the US and Mexico had agreed to shut the southern border with Mexico..

In other news, drug company Novartis will donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support the global virus response, according to a statement.

Trump also said that he probably won’t ever institute a national lockdown, feeling that decisions like that are better left up to the states. Across the Atlantic, the EU on Friday confirmed that it would expand its budget rules to open the floodgates to fiscal stimulus, as expected.

Update (1120ET): The morning after California laid out the most restrictive measures to combat the virus in the US, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday laid out new measures for New York State to combat the coronavirus outbreak, imposing new restrictions like ordering “100% of the workforce” to stay home.

During this time, Cuomo is order all businesses in the state that aren’t deemed “essential” to close and added that though public transit will remain open for people who need it to travel to their ‘essential’ jobs and to get to places like hospitals and doctors offices and grocery stores and pharmacies, he urged New Yorkers to only take the trains if absolutely necessary. Cuomo also clarified that bank ATMs are an ‘essential’ service.

All non-essential businesses must close, Cuomo and NYC Mayor de Blasio have said that the state will find better ways to accommodate essential employees who need childcare or other things. But Cuomo threatened to fine businesses and individuals caught breaking the rules.

“These are not helpful hints…they will be enforced. There will be a civil fine and mandatory closure for any business that is not in compliance. Again, your actions can affect my health, that’s where we are. There is a social compact that we have…we must make society safe for everyone,” Cuomo said about the executive action that he’s preparing to sign.

New York reported 2,950 new cases on Friday, bringing the statewide total to 7,102 cases, with 4,408 cases in NYC.

As he chided the public for not taking the outbreak seriously enough, Cuomo declared that young people saying they can’t get the virus is “simply wrong,” claiming that 25% of cases are people ages 20-44.

When it comes to exercise, though gyms will be closed, Cuomo said New Yorkers can engage in ‘solitary’ activities like jogging, but said games of pickup basketball and team sports like that won’t be permitted.

During the press conference, Cuomo confirmed that the state had reached the capacity to test 10,000 New Yorkers a day, becoming perhaps the only state in the country to overshoot on its daily testing target of 6k tests. Along with these new ‘dramatic actions’, Cuomo announced more confirmed cases and deaths.

Cuomo told a story about how the city governments of St. Louis and Philadelphia during the Spanish Flu epidemic dramatically impacted the outcomes for their local populations, and that Cuomo was trying to follow the better example, before bringing up the issue of mental health and the fact that his daughter was forced to isolate for 2 weeks.

At any rate, looking at the case curve, the number of cases expected could triple the state’s capacity of beds and ventilators needed to save the lives of the sickest of patients.

The governor, who urged New Yorkers to “blame me” if things go badly with these measures, claiming that this decision was his after careful consideration and consultation with experts. “I did everything we could do…this is about saving lives…if everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy,” Cuomo said.

Moving on, Cuomo declared that he was banning evictions during the crisis, building on measures prohibiting banks from engaging in foreclosure, another unprecedented step.

In keeping with Cuomo’s coordination with the governors of New Jersey and Connecticut, Cuomo said he would be speaking with Phil Murphy and Ned Lamont, the governors of NJ & CT, later in the day to discuss his measures and whatever can be done to continue coordinating their states’ responses. Rumors have circulated in recent days that a similar lockdown might be declared in CT.

Asked by reporters how long to expect these circumstances to remain in place, Cuomo declared that “this could go on for months”, one day after saying researchers projected that the outbreak would peak in 45 days.

Watch the rest of the press conference here:

Andrew Cuomo@NYGovCuomo

Making an announcement on the State’s response to the #Coronavirus pandemic. WATCH: …Andrew Cuomo @NYGovCuomoMaking an announcement on the State’s response to the #Coronavirus pandemic. WATCH:pscp.tv1,52210:07 AM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,263 people are talking about this

From the sound of it, Cuomo’s actions are still being well-received by New Yorkers and the country.

Desus Nice@desusnice

gov Cuomo has big fed up stepfather “and you’re gonna call me daddy, not Andrew damn it” energy right now1,45910:29 AM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy214 people are talking about this

Elsewhere, in Switzerland, public health officials barred all gatherings of more than 5, possibly the most strict gathering ban instituted anywhere around the world.

*  *  *

Update (1055ET): Meanwhile, in London…

David Riley@DRileyamusing

This was my commute to work in London this morning @BorisJohnson. This is what you get in London underground when you reduce the service but people still have to go to work. There was a lot of coughing too.

How do we stay safe in this environment?#CoronaVirusUpdate

View image on Twitter

17.5K3:49 AM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy11K people are talking about this

Boris Johnson’s government has continued to deny reports about an impending ‘lockdown’ of London. But with 10k troops on standby, we suspect that Italy might soon have some company in the ‘martial law’ department.

*  *  *

Update (1015ET): The Treasury has officially moved back ‘Tax Day’, by postponing both the payment deadline (which it announced earlier) and the filing deadline (which it just announced Friday morning).

In other news, an NBC News employee has died from COVID-19.

As an update: Confirmed cases in the US passed 14,000 Friday morning, while the number of confirmed deaths hit 160.

Source: WaPo

*  *  *

Update (0950ET): The market didn’t seem to care all that much, but Handelsblatt reported Friday that the German government is planning to pass a planned €200 billion budget to combat the crisis, as Berlin continues to facilitate mass testing and triaging that has kept its mortality rate among the lowest in Europe.

This comes after German car companies said they would close more factories.

Barely a day has gone by over the past two new weeks that there hasn’t been some report about Germany suspending its ‘debt brake’ due to the crisis and boost fiscal spending, as Christine Lagarde and the ECB have called on them to do. Even before the outbreak, reports about Germany passing a ‘shadow budget’ to boost tepid economic growth date back to at least the fall.

Germany’s outbreak began in the state of Bavaria, still its worst-hit region. And as governments around the world tighten restrictions on movement, Bavaria on Friday imposed new “fundamental restrictions” on public life to aid the fight against COVID-19, DW reports. The move, of course, comes less than 12 hours after the governor of California imposed similar measures. 

“We’re shutting down public life almost completely,” Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder said.

People will only be allowed to leave their homes for necessary purposes, such as going to work or the doctor and buying groceries or medicine.

“It’s not easy to take these decisions,” Söder said. “We take these decisions according to the best of our knowledge and conscience. There will be a Bavaria after corona, but it will be a stronger one if we don’t look away.”

The measures will go into effect for two weeks starting Friday evening.

In other news, the German state of Saarland wants to shut down restaurants and restrict people from going out in public, moves that are similar, though somewhat less restrictive, than Bavaria. Saarland State Premier Tobias Hans will recommend the move to his cabinet this afternoon, the state chancellery confirmed.

*  *  *

Update (0945ET): Six weeks ago, many branded as ‘alarmists’ for publishing warnings by credible epidemiologists and virologists about the infectious potential of the novel coronavirus.

Norbert Elekes@NorbertElekes

Coronavirus pandemic:

From 0 to 125,000 cases: 14 weeks

From 125,000 to 250,000 cases: 9 days1,2038:43 AM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,091 people are talking about this

If you still believe those warnings were ‘alarmist’, we wish you the best of luck during the coming weeks. You’re going to need it. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

*  *  *

Update (0928ET): The US military just confirmed that 35 American troops in Europe have tested positive.

Meanwhile, the FCA in the UK warned banks to ease up on repossessions and the like, issuing a statement claiming that “no responsible lender should be considering repossession as an ‘appropriate measure’ at this time. This comes after BoE Governor Bailey warned that banks should suspend foreclosures and repossessions.

Though it’s faded into the background, tensions over whether China would be able to keep up with its ‘Phase 1’ trade deal commitments have slackened somewhat now that Beijing has made its first expected purchase of US agricultural goods.


*  *  *

Update (0850ET): Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte blamed the Italian people earlier this week when he said he would extend Italy’s nationwide lockdown until April 3, claiming that too many were still violating the lockdown despite stiff penalties.

As the country’s death toll passes the death toll from mainland China (or the ‘official’ death toll at least), whispers about even restrictive measures appear to have just been validated: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Friday effectively declared martial law Friday morning in Italy’s worst-hit region of Lombardy, claiming that he will now be bringing in the Army to enforce the lockdown, something that the region’s governor swiftly confirmed.

As many members of the Italian public continue to act with no respect for protecting the public health and the massive effort underway to contain the outbreak, for the first time, many are about to learn the meaning of discipline.

According to media reports, Conte is considering extending the lockdown until at least early May.


Ultimately, whether the government decides to extend the lockdown will depend on factors like the continuing spread of the virus, as well as the public’s response, and whether Italians finally start taking this seriously.

At this point, many expect that schools will not reopen before the summer break, that the further tightening may not only include a ban on outdoor but might also prohibit Italians from the cherished “pass Reggie,” leisurely strolls around town that allows one time to think and digest.

While the Italian outbreak still has no end in sight, over in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday morning that social distancing in the US should continue for ‘several’ more weeks, as officials scramble to try and discern exactly how far the virus has penetrated, as hundreds of thousands of tests arrive at labs. Last night, during an appearance on Facebook live, Dr. Fauci confirmed that more tests are being shipped as private partnerships with firms like Thermo Fisher.

Reports claimed Friday that the Italian Treasury now expects the country’s economy to contract by 3% this year, largely because of the lockdown.

Soldiers have already been deployed in some places to help enforce the lockdown and help with the crisis response.

New York’s MTA on Thursday announced that 23 workers have tested positive for the virus, this is up from just 1 worker as of early Thursday. The workers didn’t display symptoms at work and were described as being of low risk to riders.

In other central bank news, the SNB has announced more measures, while Sweden has expanded a loan guarantee program.

Meanwhile, as Boris Johnson’s government facilitates a policy u-turn to fight the virus, his former Chancellor is chiding the public on twitter.

Sajid Javid@sajidjavid

Stop panic buying.

I know many of you are tense and nervous.

But it has real consequences for vulnerable people.

Just think. And stop it.13.2K7:41 AM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy4,768 people are talking about this

At this point, it’s almost like the more you yell at them to stop, the more panicked they become.

*  *  *

When historians look back at this time, we suspect that California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s landmark decision to order more than 40 million Californians to remain at home on Thursday night will be remembered as an important demarcation point – the beginning of a more heavy-handed response as it becomes increasingly clear that too many Americans are simply ignoring the government.

So far, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Trump have insisted that they have no plans to issue lockdown orders. But with the number of confirmed cases expected to soar in the coming days and over the weekend, the situation is certainly evolving rapidly, and rumors about other states considering preemptive lockdowns (remember, the whole point is to stay “ahead of the curve”) continue to circulate.

Over the past week, central bankers around the world have slashed rates, stepped up bond-buying programs, promised to expand their back-stopping of credit markets and – most importantly – urged the politicians in charge to do their part and pass the massive fiscal stimulus. Late last night, the Senate unveiled a $1 trillion package that will feature direct transfers to many Americans.

In the US, futures are pointing higher amid mounting hopes for a second straight close in the green. The improved sentiment is ostensibly due to the latest wave of central bank interventions. But that didn’t stop a team of economists at Bank of America from releasing a new note calling for a global recession, with GDP growth dropping to 0% for the year in 2020. Explaining the shift in their thinking, the team wrote: “Our first piece on the virus shock was titled ‘Bad or worse’; now we amend that to ‘Really bad or much worse.'”

The World breathed a sigh of relief Thursday night when China reported no new domestically-transmitted cases of the coronavirus for a second straight day. Meanwhile, Reuters just reported that the foreign ministers of South Korea, China, and Japan have held a video conference on Friday to discuss cooperation on the coronavirus pandemic as concerns grow about the number of infected people arriving in their countries from overseas, threatening to set off the second wave of infection. The State Department is doing its part: It issued a ‘Level 4’ travel warning last night advising Americans not to travel abroad, and for many Americans still outside of the country to either come home or ‘shelter in place’.

In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said last night that the UK could quash the virus in 12 weeks if Britons simply cooperate with the government’s new efforts.

Unfortunately, it appears the dreaded ‘second wave’ of infections is already looming over Hong Kong.

After reporting 14 new cases in a single day earlier this week, a surprisingly large jump for a city that was widely praised for its swift and heavy-handed response to the outbreak (proving that the city had retained the hard-learned lessons of SARS), Hong Kong on Friday reported a record jump in new cases as the city-state braces for a wave of new illnesses, many involving travelers from abroad and the HK residents they’ve infected.

Friday’s surge of 48 cases is the largest daily jump since the outbreak began; it’s equivalent to roughly a quarter of all cases confirmed in the city previously, according to the SCMP.

Even as the virus swept through parts of China and elsewhere in the region, Hong Kong managed to largely control its outbreak. Now, as life in the financial center had begun to return somewhat to normal, the wave of new cases is worrying experts who say it could lead to widespread community transmission. The city now has more than 250 confirmed infections.

The new confirmed cases take the city’s total number to 256, and a top microbiologist said Hong Kong might be on the edge of an all-out “war” against an explosion in infections.

The Centre for Health Protection said 36 of the latest round of infected people, aged between four and 69, had a travel history. One of the local cases is a taxi driver who had picked up passengers from the airport.

When asked whether the government should ban non-locals from entering the city, Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the centre’s communicable disease branch, said all the fresh infections were residents, except one – an Australian who had been to the United States and Portugal. He was transiting at the airport and sent to hospital after feeling unwell.

As SCMP explained, 1,000s of people returned to the city this week, with new asymptomatic spreaders evading checks and spreading the virus inside the city. The spike in new cases prompted the city’s government to announce new quarantine measures requiring anyone arriving from abroad to self-isolate for 14 days, measures that have also been implemented by China. Also in China, the People’s Daily reports that catering halls and shopping malls are reopening in Beijing.

Whether you trust the Chinese numbers or not, there’s no question that the CCP leadership has reason to be cautious, now that it appears President Xi has evaded a historic embarrassment. According to Johns Hopkins, the number of confirmed cases ROW is now 2x the number from mainland China. Mandatory quarantines and outright bans for foreigners probably aren’t bad ideas.

Meanwhile, Spanish authorities announced Friday morning that the death toll in the country has broken above 1,000 as citizens near the end of their first full week under an enforced lockdown.

The country reported 1,903 new cases, and 169 new deaths, raising its total to 19,980 cases and 1,002 dead.

Meanwhile, on social media, snippets of video have circulated offering glimpses into the life on lockdown in Madrid and elsewhere around Spain.

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Updates: 3/20/2020 @ 8:35 AM CST Italy Declares ‘Martial Law’, Uses Army To Enforce Lockdown, As Too Many Citizens, Defy Gov’t: Live Updates

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte blamed the Italian people earlier this week when he said he would extend Italy’s nationwide lockdown until April 3, claiming that too many were still violating the lockdown despite stiff penalties.

As the country’s death toll passes the death toll from mainland China (or the ‘official’ death toll at least), whispers about even restrictive measures appear to have just been validated: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Friday effectively declared martial law Friday morning in Italy’s worst-hit region of Lombardy, claiming that he will now be bringing in the Army to enforce the lockdown, something that the region’s governor swiftly confirmed.

As many members of the Italian public continue to act with no respect for protecting the public health and the massive effort underway to contain the outbreak, for the first time, many are about to learn the meaning of discipline.

According to media reports, Conte is considering extending the lockdown until at least early May.

Ultimately, whether the government decides to extend the lockdown will depend on factors like the continuing spread of the virus, as well as the public’s response, and whether Italians finally start taking this seriously.

At this point, many expect that schools will not reopen before the summer break, that the further tightening may not only include a ban on outdoor but might also prohibit Italians from the cherished “pass Reggie,” leisurely strolls around town that allows one time to think and digest.

While the Italian outbreak still has no end in sight, over in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday morning that social distancing in the US should continue for ‘several’ more weeks, as officials scramble to try and discern exactly how far the virus has penetrated, as hundreds of thousands of tests arrive at labs.

Reports claimed Friday that the Italian Treasury now expects the country’s economy to contract by 3% this year, largely because of the lockdown.

Soldiers have already been deployed in some places to help enforce the lockdown and help with the crisis response.

New York’s MTA on Thursday announced that 23 workers have tested positive for the virus, this is up from just 1 worker as of early Thursday. The workers didn’t display symptoms at work and were described as being of low risk to riders.

In other central bank news, the SNB has announced more measures, while Sweden has expanded a loan guarantee program.

When historians look back at this time, we suspect that California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s landmark decision to order more than 40 million Californians to remain at home on Thursday night will be remembered as an important demarcation point – the beginning of a more heavy-handed response as it becomes increasingly clear that too many Americans are simply ignoring the government.

So far, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Trump have insisted that they have no plans to issue lockdown orders. But with the number of confirmed cases expected to soar in the coming days and over the weekend, the situation is certainly evolving rapidly, and rumors about other states considering preemptive lockdowns (remember, the whole point is to stay “ahead of the curve”) continue to circulate.

Over the past week, central bankers around the world have slashed rates, stepped up bond-buying programs, promised to expand their back-stopping of credit markets and – most importantly – urged the politicians in charge to do their part and pass the massive fiscal stimulus. Late last night, the Senate unveiled a $1 trillion package that will feature direct transfers to many Americans.

In the US, futures are pointing higher amid mounting hopes for a second straight close in the green. The improved sentiment is ostensibly due to the latest wave of central bank interventions. But that didn’t stop a team of economists at Bank of America from releasing a new note calling for a global recession, with GDP growth dropping to 0% for the year in 2020. Explaining the shift in their thinking, the team wrote: “Our first piece on the virus shock was titled ‘Bad or worse’; now we amend that to ‘Really bad or much worse.'”

The World breathed a sigh of relief Thursday night when China reported no new domestically-transmitted cases of the coronavirus for a second straight day. Meanwhile, Reuters just reported that the foreign ministers of South Korea, China, and Japan have held a video conference on Friday to discuss cooperation on the coronavirus pandemic as concerns grow about the number of infected people arriving in their countries from overseas, threatening to set off the second wave of infection. The State Department is doing its part: It issued a ‘Level 4’ travel warning last night advising Americans not to travel abroad, and for many Americans still outside of the country to either come home or ‘shelter in place’.

Unfortunately, it appears the dreaded ‘second wave’ of infections is already looming over Hong Kong.

After reporting 14 new cases in a single day earlier this week, a surprisingly large jump for a city that was widely praised for its swift and heavy-handed response to the outbreak (proving that the city had retained the hard-learned lessons of SARS), Hong Kong on Friday reported a record jump in new cases as the city-state braces for a wave of new illnesses, many involving travelers from abroad and the HK residents they’ve infected.

Friday’s surge of 48 cases is the largest daily jump since the outbreak began; it’s equivalent to roughly a quarter of all cases confirmed in the city previously, according to the SCMP.

Even as the virus swept through parts of China and elsewhere in the region, Hong Kong managed to largely control its outbreak. Now, as life in the financial center had begun to return somewhat to normal, the wave of new cases is worrying experts who say it could lead to widespread community transmission. The city now has more than 250 confirmed infections.

The new confirmed cases take the city’s total number to 256, and a top microbiologist said Hong Kong might be on the edge of an all-out “war” against an explosion in infections.

The Centre for Health Protection said 36 of the latest round of infected people, aged between four and 69, had a travel history. One of the local cases is a taxi driver who had picked up passengers from the airport.

When asked whether the government should ban non-locals from entering the city, Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the centre’s communicable disease branch, said all the fresh infections were residents, except one – an Australian who had been to the United States and Portugal. He was transiting at the airport and sent to hospital after feeling unwell.

As the paper explained, thousands of people returned to the city this week, and the spike in new cases prompted the city’s government to announce new quarantine measures requiring anyone arriving from abroad to self-isolate for 14 days, measures that have also been implemented by China. Also in China, the People’s Daily reports that catering halls and shopping malls are reopening in Beijing.

Whether you trust the Chinese numbers or not, there’s no question that the CCP leadership has reason to be cautious after saving President Xi from a historic embarrassment: According to Johns Hopkins, the number of confirmed cases ROW is now 2x the number from mainland China.

Meanwhile, Spanish authorities announced Friday morning that the death toll in the country has broken above 1,000 as citizens near the end of their first full week under an enforced lockdown.

The country reported 1,903 new cases, and 169 new deaths, raising its total to 19,980 cases and 1,002 dead.

Meanwhile, on social media, snippets of video have circulated offering glimpses into the life on lockdown in Madrid and elsewhere around Spain.

Since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the US, there has been no shortage of bitterly ironic headlines during this outbreak (remember when Rudy Gobert licked all those microphones?). But overnight, Altria Group – one of the largest tobacco companies in the world (it was better known as Phillip Morris before it rebranded a few years back) – said Howard A. Willard III, it’s Chairman and CEO, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Let’s hope he’s not a smoker. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

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Updates: 3/20/2020 @ 5:45 AM CST… Martial Law France: Citizens Forced To Fill Out Form Every Time They Leave Home, America Is Next, Get Ready…

The coronavirus lockdown in France literally forces citizens to ‘show their papers’; They have to fill out a form explaining why they are outside and present it to police.

A translation of the form posted online shows how citizens have to provide their name, date of birth, address and declare their reason for leaving quarantine.

Travel to a workplace is allowed, but only if the individual can prove they don’t have the capacity to work from home.

Other reasons include purchasing “essential necessities in authorized establishments” (how this can be proven is unknown), visiting family for “compelling reasons,” assisting vulnerable people and traveling for medical reasons.

There also appears to be an exemption for exercise so long as it takes place locally and not with groups of people.

Videos posted online show people being stopped by police and asked to explain their reason for being outside. Those without paperwork have to fill it in on the spot and face fines of up to $148 if caught lying about their activities.

100,000 extra police have been deployed to patrol streets and enforce the lockdown.

Meanwhile, in Spain, authorities are using drones to yell at people who disobey quarantine.

A video clip from the BBC shows police telling people walking in a Madrid park to go home. This message is then amplified via a loudspeaker attached to the drone.

BBC News (World)@BBCWorld

Police in Spain have been using drones to check the streets for anyone ignoring Spanish orders to stay home during the coronavirus outbreak

On Saturday, the country’s 47 million citizens were ordered to stay indoors except for necessary trips 2,7412:08 PM – Mar 15, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,608 people are talking about this Source ZerHedge HNewsWire


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Dr. Paul Cottrell: 165 million Americans will be infected, 6.9 million will DIE from covid-19 in the next 20 months

03/19/2020 / By Mike Adams

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In this really important interview of Dr. Paul Cottrell by Stefan Molyneux — who for some reason still hasn’t been banned by YouTube — Dr. Cottrell discusses a number of super important topics related to the coronavirus. I’m a fan of Stefan Molyneux, as you might expect since I enjoy being intellectually stimulated by intelligent, free-thinking individuals, so I’m including a link to his channel and the full video here.

Dr. Paul Cottrell is a researcher in chaos theory and has interests in modeling financial markets. He studies developmental economics, behavioral finance, complexity science, energy industry, risk management, and the uses of artificial intelligence in trading financial markets.

Selected quotes from Dr. Cottrell are printed below, followed by the YouTube video.

Covered in this interview with Dr. Cottrell:

  • The accelerating economic collapse and what it means for America.
  • Predictions of possible infections and deaths in America, and why our largely unhealthy population is at higher risk than other populations around the world.
  • Preparedness: Why Americans should be prepared with months of food supplies and 20 months of disruptions across society.
  • The “Bio Patriot Act” and coming forced vaccinations.
  • Dr. Cottrell’s nutrients, vitamins, and herbs for protecting against viral infections.

As a side note, I would like to interview Dr. Cottrell for our “Brighteon Conversations” series on, so if you know how to reach him, please pass along this article. (I always enjoy conversations with other polymaths.)

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Quotes from Dr. Paul Cottrell: (selected quotes, cropped for length, emphasis added)

This is much worse than Lehman.

The banks were already fragile. Now the VIX is an indicator of what risk is building up in the system.

I really believe that we are in 1929 or worse. Because in 1929 it was about fear, about markets. This is a virus that’s shutting down the economy, and the virus doesn’t care about how much money is pumped in by the Federal Reserve. All it cares about is its host.

It’s important to understand that the virus is going to burn through the United States, and it’s going to last for 18 to 20 months. This is not a four weeks, three-month thing. It’s for 20 months.

But because of the health conditions of North Americans, especially in the United States, we’re unhealthy people. Half the population is unhealthy/geriatric, and this is the problem. This virus takes advantage of that.

165 million Americans are going to be infected with this virus in 20 months. Most of them will have mild cases. One-sixth of the ones that are infected will have severe cases. Twenty-five percent of them, which is about 6.9 million people, will die from complications of COVID-19. Because of the health situation, and the geriatric component.

These diseases they have, they can’t take the viral load. Their system is so compromised, they can’t fight the infection.

That is the virus part of it, then you can just imagine the shut down of the economy as the deaths are happening.

The economy is going to be shutting down, and the supply chains are going to be shutting down. And you’re going to have 50% unemployment. This is going to be worse than the Great Depression, and worse than Lehman. So you’re going to have deaths and the complete destruction of the economy.

The “bio patriot act” will be instituted, and it will force de-cashing… they don’t want bills, they want all of the money supply in the banking system. You can’t ever take it out. Never have a bank run.

Social scoring, forced vaccinations, and if you don’t get your vaccine, you can’t get your money out, you don’t get your job, and you can see the totalitarianism that will take place with this bio patriot act rolling out.

This virus seems to be carrying the Chinese flag, the CCP flag. That we will see, you can see it now, they’ll first start with socialism and then they’ll go to totalitarianism. It’s almost like Atlas Shrugged…

We’re starting to see people bugging out. I’m afraid we’re going to lose our country. I’m afraid of losing our civil liberties. I’m afraid of this idea of forced vaccinations.

I do feel this is an opportunity people are using to roll out severe socialism that will lead to totalitarianism.

We’re probably going to see… you need food. You need to prepare for food. Four weeks is not enough. We’re probably two months or more is what’s needed. The medical system is not going to be able to take care of you. We’re going to have to go to the homeopathic remedies because you’re not going to be able to get the 21st-century health care. You need to have, to try to boost up your immune system, the vitamins, the minerals… what I do. I do multivitamins, vitamin C, zinc, C60, DNA Force (PQQ), CoQ10 and iodine and filtered water. No fluoride, nothing. Stay away from the fluoride.

If I get sick, I worked with some researchers in Europe. Protease inhibitors. If I get sick, and I can’t get to a doctor, I use Forskolin, Relora, calendula, licorice root, and birch bark. They’re known to be anti-viral, and there is scientific studies that some of the compounds in these kill coronaviruses in vitro. And then the cytokine storm that can be created if you get reinfected, it may cause an overreaction of the immune system, so anti-inflammatories like turmeric, rosemary, those compounds will help calm it. You gotta take a lot of it.

There are means on the homeopathic realm if you can’t get to a doctor. Get this in your home, for your family, just in case you are sick. The colloidal silver realm or the nanosilver realm will also help to boost the immune system and are known to inactivate pathogens. So the government, Homeland Security is going to ABL that makes nanosilver, to buy big purchases of nanosilver, and our military uses nanosilver for wound dressing, for on the field. It kills the pathogens and activates the stem cells for healing quicker. Those are some of the things that you can get in your toolbox.

Source NewsTarget HNewsWire

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Updates: 3/19/2020 @ 3:45 PM CST Confirmed US Cases Climb 50% …

Are you prepared for the nationwide shutdown that is happening now to last for the next 18 months?  You may not believe that such a thing will happen, but the federal government apparently does.  A 100-page government plan marked “For Official Use Only // Not For Public Distribution or Release” was obtained by the New York Times, and it paints a very bleak picture of what is coming. 

If the projections in this document are anywhere close to accurate, large numbers of Americans will die, the U.S. economy will completely implode, and we will see widespread civil unrest.  So let us pray that the assessments in this government plan turn out to be dead wrong.

According to the document, this coronavirus pandemic “will last 18 months or longer”

A federal government plan to combat the coronavirus warned policymakers last week that a pandemic “will last 18 months or longer” and could include “multiple waves,” resulting in widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation’s health care system.

The 100-page plan, dated Friday, the same day President Trump declared a national emergency, laid out a grim prognosis for the spread of the virus and outlined a response that would activate agencies across the government and potentially employ special presidential powers to mobilize the private sector.

I can’t even imagine what our country would look like if current conditions stretched into the middle of 2021.

As a nation, I don’t believe that we would be able to handle it.

The document also envisions that there will be “critical shortages”

“Shortages of products may occur, impacting health care, emergency services, and other elements of critical infrastructure,” the plan warned. “This includes potentially critical shortages of diagnostics, medical supplies (including PPE and pharmaceuticals), and staffing in some locations.” P.P.E. refers to personal protective equipment.

Of course, there are already shortages of some drugs and of many basic consumer products such as toilet paper.

Sadly, things could soon get much worse.

Meanwhile, the overall economy continues to collapse at a staggering pace.  A former economic adviser to President Trump is now warning us that the U.S. economy could lose up to a million jobs this month alone

Kevin Hassett, who served as a top economic adviser to President Trump until last summer, said Monday that the United States economy could shed as many as one million jobs in March alone because of layoffs and hiring freezes related to the coronavirus.

“If you have normal job disruption, and hiring just stops,” Mr. Hassett said, “you’ll have the worst jobs number ever.”

But if this pandemic continues to escalate, a million jobs lost will just be a drop in the bucket.

In fact, the National Restaurant Association is now projecting that their industry will lose “between five and seven million jobs”

The National Restaurant Association is predicting the unprecedented carnage is only just beginning, on Wednesday writing a letter to the White House and Congress detailing an estimated $225 billion in sales will be wiped out over the next three months, crucially prompting the loss of between five and seven million jobs.

Remember, that is just one industry.

The retail industry is also being completely devastated as well, and we just learned that the largest operator of shopping malls in the United States is shutting them all down

Simon Property Group, the largest owner of shopping malls in the nation, is closing all of its malls and retail properties because of the coronavirus outbreak.

The closings start at 7 p.m. local time Wednesday and the malls are expected to end March 29, the Indianapolis-based company said in a news release.

Of course, they won’t actually open back up on March 29th if this pandemic continues to get worse.

So far, COVID-19 has killed less than 200 Americans.

If our society is being this disrupted now, what will things be like if the death toll becomes 1,000 times larger?

For years, I have warned that our economy was extremely vulnerable, and now that is becoming exceedingly obvious to everyone.  It certainly didn’t take too much of a push to burst all the bubbles and send everyone into a severe panic, and now the economy is collapsing at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.

According to NBC News, state unemployment websites all over the nation are crashing because so many people are suddenly applying for unemployment benefits…

Workers who have suddenly found themselves without a paycheck because of the growing coronavirus pandemic in the United States are now dealing with another frustration — state unemployment websites crashing because of high traffic.

From Oregon to New York and Washington, D.C., officials and Twitter users have highlighted the problem after the mass closing of restaurants, retail stores and other businesses as part of the effort to slow the spread of the virus.

Tomorrow morning most Americans will wake up assuming that their jobs are safe.  But right now an increasing number of people are being let go without any advance warning whatsoever.  Here is one example

Eileen Hanley was wrapping up her weekend and getting ready for the week ahead on Sunday evening when an email popped up in her inbox with the subject line “COVID-19 uncertainty.” It was from her boss at the small Manhattan law firm where she worked part time as a receptionist.

“We hope you are feeling well during this time,” the email began. Then it cut to the chase: The firm was losing revenue because of the outbreak, and it would have to eliminate “a number of positions,” including hers, “effective immediately.”

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We have never seen anything like this before.

Things were tough during World War II, but it was actually a time when the country geared up and worked extremely hard to defeat the enemy.

But now economic activity all over America is being brought to a screeching halt.  In fact, we just learned that the three largest automakers have shut down all of their U.S. factories

Detroit’s Big Three automakers plan to temporarily close all U.S. factories as the coronavirus sweeps across the country.

The companies bowed to pressure from union leaders and employees who called for protection from the pandemic that’s spread to more than 212,000 people in nearly every country across the globe.

As a nation, we would survive a 30-day shutdown.

But if life doesn’t get back to normal for “18 months”, we are going to witness a societal meltdown of epic proportions.

This week, investor Bill Ackman told CNBC that “hell is coming”, and he warned that unless the entire country is shut down simultaneously for an extended period of time “America will end as we know it”…

“What’s scaring the American people and corporate America now is the gradual rollout,” Ackman told Scott Wapner on “Halftime Report” on Wednesday. “We need to shut it down now. … This is the only answer.”

“America will end as we know it. I’m sorry to say so, unless we take this option,” he said. Ackman added that if Trump saves the country from the coronavirus, he will get reelected in November.

I believe that he makes an excellent point, but I would take it one step further.

If the entire world shuts down for 30 days, this pandemic would quickly be brought under control.  If only the U.S. shuts down, it is inevitable that the virus would keep coming back into the country as the pandemic continues raging elsewhere on the globe.

Of course, we aren’t going to get the entire globe to agree to shut down simultaneously for 30 days.

So this outbreak will continue to spread and the case numbers will continue to grow.

For a long time, I have been warning that something would come along that would burst all the bubbles and trigger a horrifying economic meltdown.

Now it is upon us, but now is not a time for fear. With God’s help, we will get through this. But life is not going to go back to the way it was before. Source

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Bay Area Now on Coronavirus Lockdown – but Residents Still Allowed to Fulfill “Essential Tasks”

Bay Area now on coronavirus LOCKDOWN – but residents still allowed to fulfill “essential tasks”

03/18/2020 / By Michael Alexander

Some 6.7 million residents living in the Bay Area have been ordered to stay at home and “shelter in place” as California gears up for what looks to be a massive lockdown designed to curb the spread of the dreaded coronavirus.

The drastic move? – similar to the steps taken by Italy, Spain and China ?—was announced by California governor Gavin Newsom on Monday, following a 14 percent increase in positive coronavirus infections in the state.

“The directive coming out of the Bay Area is no gatherings, which just makes sense to me at this point. So directing that no gatherings be considered, advanced in this state, that’s the new guideline we’re putting out this evening as well, and we think it’s very rational under these circumstances. Disruptive, I know, for some, but rational, we believe, at this moment,” Newsom said during the announcement, which was broadcast on his Facebook page.

Newsom, who in an earlier press conference said he has had “very favorable” conversations with President Donald Trump regarding support for California’s COVID-19 response, also announced that he has directed the California National Guard to “to be prepared to perform humanitarian missions across the state including food distribution, ensuring [the] resiliency of supply lines, as well as supporting public safety as required.”

According to the Johns Hopkins University data dashboard, California has around 700 confirmed cases and 12 deaths – 326 of the infected are confirmed to the Bay Area.

California’s “shelter-in-place” order, which covers San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa, and Alameda, is the first of its kind to be implemented in the United States. According to San Francisco Mayor London Breed, this ordinance will be the “new normal.” (Related: San Francisco expecting possible influx of coronavirus cases, hospitals now preparing “surge tents.”)

“Many people are calling this the new normal. It’s the new normal, temporarily, in an effort to protect public health. These measures will be disruptive to day-to-day life. But there is no need to panic,” Breed said in a statement.

Despite the seemingly dire pronouncement, however, Breed says Bay Area residents? – and all those covered by the ordinance? – don’t have anything to fear.

“The time now is not to panic. It’s for us to come together. It’s for us to follow the directives. It’s to do everything in our respective capacities to prevent the spread of coronavirus so we can get past this very challenging time,” Breed said in a news conference.

According to Breed, grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and other “essential businesses” would remain open, while municipal services such as garbage collection will continue. Restaurants will remain open as well for the duration of the lockdown, provided that they only serve takeout.

Non-essential businesses, however, such as fitness gyms and bars will be closed.

As per the shelter-in-place directive, residents are still allowed to go outside their homes to perform “essential tasks” such as picking up the groceries or dropping off their laundry and visit their healthcare providers provided that they follow recently-imposed social distancing requirements? – markedly different from the impositions enacted by the Chinese and Italian governments.

The elderly and those who have compromised immune systems, however, are urged to stay indoors.

“With this order in place, you will still be able to get food, care for relatives, run necessary errands and conduct the essential parts of your life,” Grant Colfax, the director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health, said.

In addition to the shelter-in-place directive, California legislators have also put in place two bills that will provide emergency funding for California’s coronavirus response, of which $1 billion will be used to expand capacity in California hospitals and other health care facilities, as well as secure hotel and motel rooms to shelter homeless Californians, while $100 million will be used to fund school disinfections.

As of this writing, 196,979 have been confirmed to be infected by the coronavirus, while 7,902 have been confirmed dead.
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Update 3/17/2020 @ 11:35 AM CST San Francisco Bay Area Ordered to Shelter In Place

Update: Santa Cruz County has joined the shelter in place order. Undoubtedly many surrounding counties will do so, as well.

Millions of people in 6 counties in the San Francisco Bay Area – including Santa Clara (where Silicon Valley is located), San Francisco, Marin, San Mateo, Contra Costa and Alameda – have been ordered to “shelter in place” starting at 12:01 in the morning tonight (March 17th). 

Millions of Bay Area residents received emergency alerts on their phones today announcing the lockdown.

Not only do millions live in the San Francisco Bay Area, but Silicon Valley and other very affluent areas are included in the shelter-in-place area.

Only “essential businesses” – such as hospitals, gas stations, banks, internet service providers, grocery stores, pharmacies, and hardware stores – can remain open.

How affluent?

The Guardian reports:

Residents in California’s tech belt out-produce almost every nation on the planet. The valley’s output, pegged at $275bn by the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis, is higher than Finland’s.

Half the world’s tech billionaires live in Silicon Valley; a sizable portion of the remainder live just north in the San Francisco Bay Area.

And the Guardian notes that surrounding areas are no slouches, either:

San Francisco, Oakland and their suburbs [all subject to the shelter-in-place order] comprise America’s third most productive metro area by GDP, generating $89,978 per capita, a number that puts it in the company of Singapore and Brunei.

And at least as of 2017, Marin County was one the 5 richest counties in America.

And San Mateo is also very affluent.

Indeed, the Mercury News wrote in 2018 that – as a whole – the San Francisco Bay Area would be the world’s 19th largest economy if it were a nation.

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Update 3/16/2020 @ 6:55 PM CST Brace yourself SF, Ca for chaos: in a few days, the next person to sneeze may be arrested quietly pulled aside by the authorities and tested for the HIV Coronavirus.

SAN FRANCISCO,  The Church of Satan and the city by the Bay are celebrating their 50 year anniversary this year, and the LGBTQE culture in San Francisco lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender community in San Francisco is one of the largest and most prominent LGBTQE Sin communities in the world and is one of the most important in the history of LGBTQE rights and activism for Satan alongside New York,  San Francisco is a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah…

SF Orders Residents To ‘Shelter In Place’: Live Updates

Update 3/16/2020 @ 6:55 PM CST  As we previewed earlier, San Fran Mayor London Breed has put the city on lockdown until April 7, requiring residents to stay home as of midnight.

Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority
Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world:

Now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned to watch for “pestilences” in the last days.

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Sources include NewsTarget HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure
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The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, WGO and CDC Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge?

If a mandatory vaccination program were to be implemented again in the U.S. for (“Chinese virus”) COVID-19, the government would have to reassure the public its previous negligence of such side effects would not be repeated, an unlikely scenario after the corporate breach of trust exposed on Wall Street in recent years involving large pharmaceutical firms. Regardless, Big Pharma is already partnering with the U.S. Army to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus which would have to be tested and evaluated before licensing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended for use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), both of which partner with the WHO whose largest financial contributor is the U.S. government.

One of the WHO’s other largest benefactors is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with whom it has a partnership on vaccinations. The billionaire Microsoft Corporation founder has used his enormous wealth to dodge paying taxes under the guise of philanthropy and his ‘charitable’ private ventures have mostly focused on producing vaccines for developing countries and purportedly tackling global poverty, especially in Africa. On the surface, this may appear to be benevolent work, but like many so-called altruistic projects, it is a scheme which allows ultra-wealthy plutocrats like Gates to influence global policy and obtain political power with no accountability by investing in “fixing” the social problems caused by the very system which made them rich, with the expansion of neoliberalism as their real agenda. The consequences of this can be seen with charitable projects involving Gates in the Congo which forced its local agribusiness into using GMO seeds which only benefited private companies like Monsanto.

More disturbing is that in regard to environmental concerns about man-made climate change, Gates has made public his views on curbing human population growth as a solution. At a 2010 TED Conference, Gates stated:

“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

To put it another way, one of the world’s wealthiest men admitted in public he believes vaccines should be used for depopulation, just as he is financially investing in both developing and delivering them to countries in the global south. The misanthropic myth of ‘overpopulation’ pushed by Gates and the elite not only suggests that depopulation is a solution for slowing the warming of the climate but retains the logic of an essential component of eugenics with the implicit idea that the quality of life for the human species can be improved by discouraging human reproduction. Since developing countries have the highest child mortality rates, families are more likely to be larger because children are less likely to survive. Hence, the inherent racism and classism in such a misconception.

Given that the vast majority of carbon emissions are produced by a shortlist of fossil fuel companies and the world’s largest polluter in the U.S. military, promoting this dangerous fallacy is the perfect way for the ruling elite to shift the responsibility for climate change onto the world’s poor. Unfortunately, this dangerous falsehood has been popularized in the mainstream environmental movement and pseudo-left with examples such as BirthStrike, a group of mostly female activists protesting the lack of regulations on the ecological crisis by refusing to bear children that has been irresponsibly endorsed by popular “progressive” politicians such as U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). ‘AOC’ is also the face of the Democratic Party’s Green New Deal which has troubling ties to the United Nations Agenda 21 sustainable development program that calls for “achieving a more sustainable population.”

The false notion of “overpopulation” became a misguided cornerstone of the modern-day environmental movement thanks to the publication of German scientist Paul Ehrlich’s best-selling book The Population Bomb in 1968, an alarmist diatribe that has in the years since become famous for its inaccurate doomsday predictions as a result of the mistaken belief which never came to fruition. Today’s doom merchants regarding the climate, no doubt a serious issue, are in many respects channeling Ehrlich’s false prophecies which are considered a modern rehash of the influential 18th-century British economist and philosopher, Thomas Malthus. No single scholar was more loathed by Karl Marx and the working-class movement than Malthus, whose pseudo-scientific theories about demography were thought to have been intellectually defeated until they found new life in Ehrlich’s eco-fascism. As much as today’s ‘population bombers’ like Bill Gates may shun the more explicitly racist Malthusian ideas that the global north should contain the population of developing countries, they still tacitly endorse them by arguing that the size of the population itself is a source a poverty and climate change.

Bill Gates has cited business tycoon John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in American history who had an even greater monopoly on the oil business as Gates had at one time on the computer industry, as an inspiration in using his wealth to invest in medical research as a focus of his philanthropy. However, Gates has something else in common with the Rockefeller family in his views on population, as the Rockefeller Foundation was the single largest donor to the American eugenics movement in the 1920s and 30s and helped establish its German branch, even subsidizing the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics that Nazi physician Josef Mengele worked in prior to his wartime experiments. Despite the fact that a line can be traced from the American eugenics movement to the Nazi regime’s programs, which Nuremberg defendants even tried to use as justification for their atrocities in court, Rockefeller’s grandson John Rockefeller III continued the family legacy of interest in demography with the founding of the Population Council NGO which conducts research in “reproductive health” (sterilization) in developing countries. The Nazi government was also the first to ever pass legislation safeguarding the environment which they equated with German national identity, another unexpected intersection between brown and green politics.

In an astonishing coincidence, the Gates Foundation hosted an event just last October with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum called Event 201, a pandemic simulation that gathered elite figures in government, business and health experts to plan for the possibility of a worldwide outbreak. Gates himself has warned of pandemics for years and ominously wrote that the world should “prepare for epidemics the way the military prepares for war.” The Event 201 fictional scenario just so happened to be a coronavirus called CAPS from Brazilian pigs which infected people globally and after a year and a half in the exercise caused tens of millions of deaths and set off a worldwide financial crash. Since the outset of the real COVID-19 coronavirus, Gates himself has stepped down from Microsoft to focus on his philanthropy while his foundation is busy working on a vaccine.

Many have observed that some characteristics of COVID-19 bear a resemblance to HIV that could not have happened organically. The recent documentary Cold Case Hammarskjöld, which won an award at last year’s Sundance film festival, puts forth a chilling theory that a South African white supremacist organization deliberately spread HIV/AIDS among black Africans through vaccines in previous decades. The film begins as an investigation of the mysterious plane crash in Northern Rhodesia which killed Swedish diplomat and United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961. In 1998, a document authored by a shadowy paramilitary organization called the South African Institute for Maritime Research (SAIMR) was uncovered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission justice assembly in post-apartheid South Africa which indicated that Hammarskjöld was the victim of an assassination. Not only do the filmmakers discover in their inquiry the distinct likelihood that the plane was shot down by a Belgian mercenary employed by SAIMR which was operating under orders from MI6 and the CIA, but the more stunning revelation is a recorded confession from a former SAIMR soldier to having deliberately spread HIV/AIDS to black Africans through immunization. If what is claimed about SAIMR is true and that they were connected with Western intelligence, that the COVID-19 virus could be something deliberately spread is not outside the realm of possibility.

Maybe it will prove to be the case that the yellow press’s version of the coronavirus beginning with the zoonotic transfer of the disease after the consumption of a pangolin or wild bat by a ‘patient zero’ in Wuhan is accurate. Nevertheless, the pandemic should be a chilling reminder of the elite’s eco-fascist agenda and the continuous danger that the military-industrial complex puts the world’s population is by continuing to conduct dangerous research into deadly pathogens where the risk vastly outweighs the benefits. If the outbreak has led many to be suspicious of the official story, it is exactly because of the history of U.S. biological warfare and the elite’s potentially genocidal and pessimistic worldview that the only way to prevent the demise of humanity is by thinning the herd.

Bill Evil Gates and The “Chinese virus”

Biblical, Biblical Prophecy, CDC, Coronavirus, disobedience, Food Shortage, Hospitals, infections, outbreak, pandemic, Pestilence, Public Health, revelations, StevieRay Hansen, Triblution, virus

 Bay Area, California, CDC, community outbreak, coronavirus, covid-19, death rate, deaths, emergency medicine, infections, isolation, lockdown, mortality, outbreak, pandemic, priority, Public Health, quarantine, San Francisco, shelter-in-place

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Jed Clampet on March 25, 2020 at 11:11 pm

    Gee would it make you feel better if “this administration” was jumping up and down and hyperventilating in addition to doing everything humanly possible to identify, contain and treat this Chinese originated and (deliberately) disseminated virus? Does the DNC-controlled lamestream propaganda ministry really need another parrot regurgitating it’s crap-du jour? If you’re going to regurgitate more misinformation you need to bring-in someone who can actually get an entire sentence out in less than 5 minutes you worthless jerk.

  2. Wade on March 22, 2020 at 9:40 pm

    Thanks for your research and for this website bringing details out. We have been praying for some time now for God to start breaking open the things hidden an secret across the board. You are being a part of that happening. Thank you. Wade Haby in Leakey, Texas.

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