Covid-19 Will Cause A New Financial Crisis, Economic Collapse Bank of America


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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 America’s largest bank is going on lockdown...

Update (1230ET): On the heels of JPMorgan’s decision to begin its resilience plan, a number of the rest of US’ majors have also started their own contingency plans:

  • Citi is sending hundreds of traders and salespeople to its backup site in Rutherford, NJ starting Monday as part of its coronavirus planning, CNBC’s Hugh Son reported in a tweet, citing a source. To view, the source of this information click here To contact the reporter on this story
  • Bank of America is splitting its trading force, sending some employees to its back-up office in Stamford, Connecticut, Business Insider reports, citing an internal memo.
  • Morgan Stanley is moving about half of its institutional securities traders to its disaster recovery site in Westchester, New York, Business Insider reported, citing a memo it saw.
  • Plans for trading desk came days after non-essential travel outside the U.S. was halted; additional changes may be made
  • Additionally, Morgan Stanley is beginning to shift London-based sales and trading staff to Heathrow site as part of its coronavirus contingency plans, Reuters reports, citing sources.

Would all these banks be doing this if the risk from this virus was, as we are being told, low?

As we detailed yesterday, America’s largest bank is going on lockdown…

And today has seen JPMorgan escalate their resiliency plan by sending some of its New York and London sales and trading staff to backup locations in response to the coronavirus.

“We are starting to shift people as a precautionary measure at this stage,” the bank said Thursday in a memo to staff.

Dividing our workforce into different locations improves our ability to serve clients continuously while reducing the health risks associated with physical contact should a case arise.”

Reuters reports that Brian Marchiony, a bank spokesman, confirmed the plans and said they are “precautionary.”

And this comes after we noted yesterday that, according to Bloomberg, JPMorgan is asking thousands of US-based employees to work from home in test of “virus contingency plan” for closing domestic offices should the coronavirus spread. As part of the test, managers have requested that about 10% of staff across its consumer bank work remotely as part of the plan’s resiliency testing, which has been code-named “Project Kennedy” (it wasn’t clear why JPM picked that name for the project). And since JPMorgan’s consumer bank has 127,137 employees, the most of any of the firm’s divisions, that means that over 12,000 workers will be working from home for the foreseeable future.

As the coronavirus spreads, banks around the world have been scrambling to ensure they can keep their businesses running and avoid a worst-case scenario by restricting travel, splitting up teams and traders amid different locations, and quarantining staff. As Bloomberg notes, some are also “dusting off regulatory plans for keeping “critical operations” open through a potential pandemic, some of which describe things like how far apart traders should sit from each other, or how many can work remotely.”

The key test for JPM’s will assess its telecommuting policy on a sampling of employees across businesses to ensure kinks are worked out before the plan needs to be rolled out more broadly in the event of a pandemic, one of the people said.

In other words, JPMorgan thinks it’s just a matter of time before it gets… worse.

It wasn’t exactly clear how JPM’s client-facing bank tellers will do their job by teleconference. While technology has made it possible for more professionals to do their jobs remotely, working from home generally isn’t an option for branch workers like tellers and bankers who deal directly with customers. JPMorgan had 4,976 branches around the country as of the end of December that is filled with thousands of employees who have to show up to work for business to run.

JPMorgan’s leaders have been double-checking contingency plans to be sure the firm can continue to serve customers in the event of widespread disruptions.  The moves are part of broader resiliency planning at the bank. The firm last week followed the lead of major US corporations in restructuring non-essential international travel for all employees and has been urging workers to test their remote-access capabilities.  JPMorgan has also been testing systems at backup trading sites over the past few days in caseworkers need to be moved off of the main trading floors in New York and London.

There is a silver lining: with hand, sanitizer sold out virtually everywhere, the bank is providing that precious commodity – extra hand sanitizer – to customer-facing branch workers and taking extra steps to sanitize offices, branches, and equipment, including elevator call buttons and door, handles, according to a memo from Co-President Gordon Smith to consumer bank staff on Friday.

And just to nip any potentially viral problems at the bud, JPMorgan has been encouraging consumers to access bank services and products through digital channels instead of walking into branches when they can. “This can make their life easier all the time,” Smith wrote.

The Book Long-Journey-Home-Stevie-Hansen

Most people will never be rejected by their family, outcast and alone at 14. Most people won’t be threatened, stalked and then almost murdered by the mob. Most people will never serve time in a maximum-security prison.

But everyone has gone through trauma and devastating disappointments.

In this riveting memoir, StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids.

“I realized that there was a powerful connection between forgiveness and prosperity.” Author StevieRay Hansen says. “When I finally forgave my parents from my heart, it seemed as though whatever had blocked prosperity came unplugged.”

“It’s hard to describe the difference that forgiveness has brought. It’s like winning a lottery ticket. You can hold onto the ticket – with all its promise – or you can cash it in and claim your new life.”

If you’re facing the impossible and want to be reminded that God can do anything – read this book! The author will take you on a white-knuckle ride that proves that God can take your biggest messes and turn them into masterpieces of His grace. StevieRay Hansen’s story will not only keep you turning the pages, but it will also inspire you to believe that no matter how badly you’ve been hurt, no matter how far from God’s perfect will for your life you may have wandered, He loves you…and He can help you find your way home.

~Gina Lynnes, New York Times best-selling ghostwriter

Please help me help these kids (orphans) that are in trouble! PLEASE, 80% of our book sales go directly to: 127 Faith Foundation.

StevieRay Hansen’s book is now Available on Amazon

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“black swan event” covid19

California declared a state of emergency after a coronavirus-related death and 53 confirmed cases in the state. The number of infections in New York also doubled overnight to 22 as the state ramps up its testing.

Predictably, U.S. stocks plunged on Thursday as the bad news came rolling in.  By the end of the trading session, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 969 points

Stocks plunged on Thursday, erasing most of the steep gains in the previous session, as markets remained highly volatile in the face of the fast-spreading coronavirus.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day 969.58 points, or 3.5%, lower at 26,121.28 after tanking nearly 1,150 at its session low. The S&P 500 dropped 3.3%, or 106.18, to 3,023.94 and the Nasdaq Composite fell 3.1%, or 279.49, to 8,738.60. All 11 S&P sectors finished the day in the red. Stocks turned sharply lower as the 10-year Treasury yield fell to an all-time low below 0.9%.

This is precisely the sort of wild market behavior that we witnessed during the financial crisis of 2008.  One day stocks would be way down, and the next day they would be way up.  When we see extreme volatility such as this, it is a clear indication that investors are very nervous.

After watching what transpired on Thursday, one trader described the market’s current behavior as “a super-puke”

Watching the markets today  – as The Dow plunged 1000 points, Treasury yields collapsed to record lows, credit markets imploded, and demands for more Fed intervention exploded – has one veteran trader remarking, “this is becoming a super-puke.”

The term “black swan event” is increasingly being used to describe this coronavirus outbreak, and many are concerned that what we are headed for will be much worse than what we experienced in 2008 and 2009.  Already, we have witnessed a staggering drop in global demand, Wall Street has had to deal with the wildest week in eight years, and people all over the globe are hoarding toilet paper, face masks, and hand sanitizer.  That may sound like a plot from one of my books, but it is not.  This is actually happening, and it appears that we are still only in the very early chapters of this crisis.

It seems like just yesterday that everyone was freaking out because there were a few dozen confirmed cases here in the United States.  Now there are 70 in the state of Washington alone

A cruise ship remains at arms length from San Francisco and the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Washington state ballooned to 70 on Thursday – pushing the U.S. total above 220 – as the global struggle against the outbreak intensified.

The nation’s death toll rose to 12, 11of them in Washington. Fifty-one of the confirmed cases are in King County, home to Seattle, where ten of the deaths have occurred, state health officials said.

As I write this article, the total number of confirmed cases in the U.S. has now risen to 233, but of course, that number is going to go much higher now that the U.S. has finally decided to ramp up testing for the virus.

If you live in the Seattle area, you are going to want to avoid public places for the foreseeable future.  In fact, officials in King County are already recommending that all businesses “allow their employees to telecommute throughout March”

A Washington state county, where 31 coronavirus cases and 9 deaths have been reported, has recommended to its 2.2 million residents that they should work from home to help slow the spread of the infectious disease, and further urged everyone over 60 to stay indoors.

Public Health officials in King County on Wednesday recommended that businesses allow their employees to telecommute throughout March in an effort to reduce the amount of face-to-face contact between large numbers of people during this “critical period” in the COVID-19 outbreak.

Unfortunately, other hotspots are starting to emerge as well.  The total number of cases in California is up to 53, and the number of cases in New York just doubled

California declared a state of emergency after a coronavirus-related death and 53 confirmed cases in the state. The number of infections in New York also doubled overnight to 22 as the state ramps up its testing.

Predictably, U.S. stocks plunged on Thursday as the bad news came rolling in.  By the end of the trading session, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 969 points

Stocks plunged on Thursday, erasing most of the steep gains in the previous session, as markets remained highly volatile in the face of the fast-spreading coronavirus.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day 969.58 points, or 3.5%, lower at 26,121.28 after tanking nearly 1,150 at its session low. The S&P 500 dropped 3.3%, or 106.18, to 3,023.94 and the Nasdaq Composite fell 3.1%, or 279.49, to 8,738.60. All 11 S&P sectors finished the day in the red. Stocks turned sharply lower as the 10-year Treasury yield fell to an all-time low below 0.9%.

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This is precisely the sort of wild market behavior that we witnessed during the financial crisis of 2008.  One day stocks would be way down, and the next day they would be way up.  When we see extreme volatility such as this, it is a clear indication that investors are very nervous.

After watching what transpired on Thursday, one trader described the market’s current behavior as “a super-puke”

Watching the markets today  – as The Dow plunged 1000 points, Treasury yields collapsed to record lows, credit markets imploded, and demands for more Fed intervention exploded – has one veteran trader remarking, “this is becoming a super-puke.”

Of course, if this coronavirus outbreak starts to fade, it is entirely possible that the markets could settle back down.

But that hasn’t happened so far, and experts are warning that we should expect to see more market volatility ahead.  Here is one example

“We expect markets to remain volatile,” Mark Haefele, chief investment officer at UBS Global Wealth Management, said in a note. “The unfolding nature of the coronavirus threat—both real and perceived—is not yet quantifiable, and, as such, the current global policy response can’t immediately be judged as sufficient or insufficient for restoring investor confidence in the short term.”

Meanwhile, the fear that this coronavirus outbreak has created is hitting the real economy exceedingly hard.

In fact, the CEO of Southwest Airlines says that his company “lost several hundred million dollars in a week’s time” because people are so afraid to travel right now…

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly told CNBC on Thursday that the company has lost several hundred million dollars in a week’s time thanks to a decline in bookings amid increasing fears over COVID-19. Kelly added that the drop-off was “noticeable” and “precipitous” and has continued declining on a daily basis.

We are seeing similar things happen in the industry after industry.

So what is going to happen if this outbreak continues to intensify in the months ahead?

Needless to say, we could soon be facing a worst-case scenario for the global economy.  According to Egon von Greyerz, the party is truly “over” and we are headed for the worst economic crisis that any of us have ever experienced…

This is it! The party is over. The world is now facing the gravest economic and social downturn in Modern Times (18th century). We are now entering a period of global crisis that will change the world for a very long time to come. This should come as no surprise to the people who have studied history and also read my articles for the last few years. Many others have also warned about the same thing. But since MSM never talks about the excesses in the world or the risks, 99.9% of people are totally unprepared for what is coming next.

Will he be correct?

We shall see.

It would be wonderful if this virus would just go away and life could get back to normal.  Unfortunately, this crisis just seems to escalate with each passing day.

On Thursday morning, police were actually called out to a Costco in southern California because “toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water were out of stock”

Deputies responded to the Chino Hills Costco at 10.15am on Thursday morning after receiving a report of a disturbance, a San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman told

On the scene, deputies learned that ‘a large group of customers were upset’ that items such as toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water were out of stock, said Public Information Officer Cindy Bachman.

All over America, people have been hoarding essential supplies like crazy.  If people are this delirious already, how are they going to act once things start getting really bad?

It was inevitable that stock prices would crash from the ridiculously elevated levels that we witnessed earlier this year.

And the next economic downturn has been building for a really long time.

But now events are starting to move at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and it looks like all of our lives are about to change in a major way.

Massive economic disruptions ahead as businesses in Washington state brace for an upswing in coronavirus infections

With 51 confirmed coronavirus cases and 10 deaths, King County has been the center of the outbreak in Washington state. Now, county officials are suggesting its over two million residents to work from home in an attempt to reduce the number of infections.

“Workplaces should enact measures that allow people who can work from home to do so,” said King County officials in a statement Wednesday night. “Taking these measures can help reduce the number of workers who come into contact with COVID-19 and help minimize absenteeism due to illness.”

In addition to the recommendation, officials are also encouraging people at higher risk of severe illness to stay away from large groups of people and to stay at home. Included in the list of people at higher risk of severe illness are those who have underlying health conditions (including heart disease, lung disease or diabetes), have weakened immune systems, who are pregnant and who over the age of 60. Meanwhile, they’re also recommending that people avoid visits to hospitals, long term care facilities, and nursing homes. The latter shouldn’t come as a surprise as most of the confirmed cases have come from the Life Care Center nursing home in Kirkland.

Work from home raises fears of economic disruption

With people being asked to work from home, some are fearing massive economic disruption at a similar scale to that which is happening in China. Since the Chinese government’s lockdown of industrial cities like Wuhan, the country’s industrial output has gone down drastically. (Related: COVID-19 outbreak hits drug factories, pharmaceutical shortage now inevitable.)

The downturn in China’s industrial output has produced a knock-on effect that’s affecting businesses around the globe. An overwhelming number of companies rely on Chinese factories to provide the products that they sell — products that are no longer reaching company warehouses, let alone store shelves, due to the quarantine.

The spread of the virus is primarily a massive supply shock to the Chinese economy. Production across the country is severely affected by closed factories,” stated Stefan Legge, an economist and trade expert at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.

While not as large an economic powerhouse as China, King County is Washington state’s most populous county that also includes the cities of Seattle and Redmond. The latter houses the headquarters of Microsoft. Meanwhile, tech giants Amazon, Google and Facebook all have offices in Seattle.

Most of these companies, however, have already either allowed or outright ordered their employees in the county to work from home. Being in the information technology and software sector, these companies are probably the least affected by having employees working from home.

Dangers the next county over

A bigger threat to the economy may lie not in King County, but in neighboring Snohomish County. The latter has already seen 18 confirmed cases of COVID-19, making it second only to King County in terms of confirmed cases. Snohomish County is also home to Boeing’s Paine Field assembly plant in the city of Everett.

The Paine Field assembly plant is the largest building in the world by volume and builds some of the world’s largest passenger planes, including the 747, 777 and 787. It also serves as Everett’s largest employer, with over 30,000 people working in the factory. Should the factory be forced to shut down, even temporarily, these 30,000 people would be out of work.

A shut down would also be another blow to Boeing. The aerospace giant is currently embroiled in a scandal after two of its new 737 MAX airliners crashed within five months of each other, causing the fleet to be grounded. The crashes and their ongoing investigation has been estimated to have cost Boeing at least $18.4 billion in 2019 from canceled 737 MAX orders, legal costs, production line suspensions.

The problems with the 737 MAX are already expected to have negative consequences not only on Boeing but on the U.S. aviation industry as a whole. A forced shut down of Boeing’s Paine Field plant could have even direr implications for an already battered industry.

Meanwhile, the fear that this coronavirus outbreak has created is hitting the real economy exceedingly hard.

In fact, the CEO of Southwest Airlines says that his company “lost several hundred million dollars in a week’s time” because people are so afraid to travel right now…

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly told CNBC on Thursday that the company has lost several hundred million dollars in a week’s time thanks to a decline in bookings amid increasing fears over COVID-19. Kelly added that the drop-off was “noticeable” and “precipitous” and has continued declining on a daily basis.

We are seeing similar things happen in the industry after industry.

So what is going to happen if this outbreak continues to intensify in the months ahead?

Needless to say, we could soon be facing a worst-case scenario for the global economy.  According to Egon von Greyerz, the party is truly “over” and we are headed for the worst economic crisis that any of us have ever experienced…

This is it! The party is over. The world is now facing the gravest economic and social downturn in Modern Times (18th century). We are now entering a period of global crisis that will change the world for a very long time to come. This should come as no surprise to the people who have studied history and also read my articles for the last few years. Many others have also warned about the same thing. But since MSM never talks about the excesses in the world or the risks, 99.9% of people are totally unprepared for what is coming next.

Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises, peace, and security, in reality, it’s the yoking of mankind…

We are on the Doorstep of the Great Tribulations…

People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the doorstep Tribulations.

The Bible speaks of a mysterious character called the Antichrist, the false Christ, the man of lawlessness, or the beast. Scripture doesn’t specifically name the Antichrist but does give us several clues as to what he will be like. By looking at the different names for the Antichrist in the Bible, we gain a better understanding of the kind of person he will be.

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Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

U.S. Administration Still Lying to the Public by Claiming It’s All Under Control

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge Themostimportantnews NewsTarget

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StevieRay Hansen

Our social media platforms (reprobates) continue to hide the truth from the American people, by shadow banning. The blood of GOD’s people is on their hands…StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

This day is here– get ready, the virus WILL spreads throughout the US and Europe, governments will respond the same way China’s government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This would lead to civil war in the US because we are armed and many people will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed. The establishment then suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a viral spreader. China is already pushing this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus even local economies become completely centralized as private trade dies. “AntiChrist Is On His Temporary Thorne”
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

The Bible predicts the rise of this type of societal control within the frightening prophecies about the Antichrist, the final world empire called the Beast, and the final economic system using the Mark of the Beast. The electronic tyranny of technocracy that is now being developed and implemented throughout the world is in preparation for the Antichrist’s rise to power. As we see this final empire taking shape in our day, we can know for certain that the End Times is upon us and the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Now is the time to turn away from sin and evil and believe in Jesus before it is too late!

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

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In order for sin to work, there has to be a “suppression of the truth.”

The World leaders Are Having Trouble With The Truth, and The World Has been “Quarantined” Tribulation Is Here…

Thousands of People Are Basically Trapped in a Petri Dish of Disease

Demon Virus
Asked about the virus while traveling abroad last week, Trump said: “We have it totally under control”. In a separate Twitter posting, he offered reassurance but scant detail for his confidence. By Associated Press Updated On: 05:53 PST, Jan 31, 2020

Yes, are we seeing a slowdown in new virus cases reported this morning. We now have 31,481, which does show a day-to-day decline away from an exponential rate of growth if accurate. Yet for those market participants merrily saying this is “just the flu” (there are some) we also have 4,824, 15% of the total, in critical condition and 638 deaths. Further, one arguably cannot measure the death-rate of any virus against the number of currently sick people: you surely measure it against those who eventually recover vs. those who don’t. Given we have 1,563 who have recovered vs. 638 dead (and 4,824 critical) that is a worrying ratio of 29% dead as an end-outcome, which is right up there with the MERS virus from a few years ago – although, yes, there is real reason for us all to hope that number will decline sharply as milder cases will be fully curable. But the simple flu this is not.

WASHINGTON: Wuhan coronavirus: Donald Trump says deadly outbreak ‘very well under control’ as WHO declares the global emergency. President Donald Trump regaled a friendly New Jersey campaign crowd with his thoughts about impeachment, the economy, the border wall, local politics and much more.

But he was conspicuously quiet on January 28 about one big issue keeping much of the globe on pins and needles: the spread of a deadly new type of coronavirus. It has killed more than 170 people in China, sickened thousands more there and led to a handful of confirmed cases in the US, including the first US case of person-to-person transmission reported on by health officials. The State Department on January 30 advised all US citizens against traveling to China.

Trump, a self-described germaphobe, generally has discussed the virus in broad terms, but he offered some of his most extensive comments on the issue to date during an appearance on January 30 at a Michigan manufacturing plant. “Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as some people think it could be, but we’re working very closely with them (Chinese) and with a lot of other people and a lot of other countries, he said. “We think we have it very well under control.”

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

One of the signs of ruling class collapse is when they can no longer enforce the rules that maintain them as a ruling class. When the Romans started making exceptions to republican governance, it was a matter of time before someone simply decided the rules no longer applied to them. Perhaps the robot historians will consider Obama our Marius or Sulla. Maybe that person is in the near future. Either way, the rule of law is over and what comes next is the rule of men.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” as in Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces)

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Our government has been overthrown. As evidenced by Trump’s capitulation on the border, his recent servitude to the GMO industry and his acquiescence to the warmongers, our President has been compromised. Our liberties are being eliminated one by one. Gun confiscation is next. The Constitution is gasping its last breaths. Our borders are destroyed and our culture has been turned upside down by every perversion known to man.

The watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The Watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and this means a power that actually seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.

Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bullshit Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

They are tolerant of everything except dissenting values and opinions — meaning, of course, they are tolerant of nothing that matters, only themselves.”

The Watchman does not confuse truth with consensus. The watchman does not confuse God’s word with the word of those who happen to hold power at present, or with the opinion of the majority. This is because powerholders and the majority can fall victim to a lying spirit-and; this means a power that seizes the majority of experts, the political leadership, and the public.StevieRay Hansen

If you have a news scoop or an interesting story for us, please reach out at [email protected]

StevieRay Hansen, Biological Weapon, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Falsifying Death Toll From Coronavirus, biblical truth, Prophecy, tribulation, antichrist, United Nations Revelation 17 the BEAST+ B.E.A.S.T, US Coronavirus, demon virus, CDC, WHO, end times, No More Electronic Prison, Birth Pains, MSM, High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources, Leftists, President Trump, Project Veritas, revolution, SHTF, Civil War

We are living in exciting times. The Signposts point to Jesus soon return.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Pandora Thomas on March 7, 2020 at 11:37 am

    The 4th Seal Rider Death With Hell Following Is Not For God’s People As Hell Does Not Follow Death For Us, Glory! Time Is Short For Some Of Us.

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