It’s Time to Stand up to Satan Soldiers: Contact Tracing Is Morphing


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Into a Generalized Population Control Program Where Random Homeowners Will Get a Knock on the Door to Ask Very Personal Questions and Solicit Blood Samples…

The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer. They Know If They Crush Society, They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order. The Alternative Would Be FEMA Food Lines, Satan Soldiers, and Billionaire Financier George Soros in Full Stride.

Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order: The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, Bulls*** Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.).

Harris County Public Health will conduct a survey to continue studies on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Representatives with HCPH will go door-to-door to randomly selected homes throughout the county, collecting blood samples to determine the presence of COVID-19 antibodies.

“In an effort to better understand how many people in Harris County may have already been infected with COVID-19, officials with Harris County Public Health (HCPH) will be conducting a survey of randomly selected homes,” Harris County Public Health stated in a release. “The survey will identify people infected in the past with COVID-19 by the presence of antibodies, proteins the body’s immune system makes to fight infections. County residents agreeing to participate in the survey will be tested for the presence of these antibodies.”

HCPH officials will begin visiting randomly selected homes starting from Nov. 15 to Dec. 15 from the hours of 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. HCPH staff will be wearing yellow Harris County Public Health vests and present proper identification. They will also be wearing PPE.

“Participants will be asked to provide answers to survey questions and provide blood samples that will be tested for the presence of antibodies. Once completed, the survey will assist policymakers and health experts understand how vulnerable the community remains to the virus, and how frequently asymptomatic or mild cases occur,” Harris County Public Health stated.

According to HCPH, officials’ goals of the survey are to:

– Understand what caused COVID-19 to spread in certain areas.

– Understand how COVID-19 has spread in Harris County.

– Understand how COVID-19 transmission and infection rates differ among communities.

– Determine the effectiveness of containment strategies that have been utilized during the pandemic.

– Identify the percentage of Harris County residents infected with COVID-19 with no symptoms, and

– Improve public health messaging to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer. They Know If They Crush Society, They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order. The Alternative Would Be FEMA Food Lines, Satan Soldiers, and Billionaire Financier George Soros in Full Stride.

These Governors and Politicians Are Caught up in Their Own Destruction, the Plandemic of All Scamdemic Has Turned on Its Creators and Will Wreak Havoc…

Source: HNewsWire technocracy HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Patrick Galasso on November 17, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    There is not a New World Order conspiracy.
    It is an agenda that has been in play for years and is now coming into full view. Wake up fellow citizens!! See what’s happening. Research the New World Order for yourself and prepare yourself… if not for yourself, do it for your children.

    Any intelligent person examining history and events occurring today cannot describe it as a theory either, rather the New World Order is clearly documented in historical documents in both the words and actions of world leaders.

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