
Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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In modern language, the term sodomy has acquired a broader definition than what is biblically warranted. Today, “sodomy” often refers to any form of non-penile/vaginal sexual act, which includes anal sex and oral sex. If the biblical text is used as the basis for the definition, though, “sodomy” cannot include oral sex or, technically, even anal sex. The strict understanding of sodomy, based solely on the events of Genesis 19, would have to be “forcible anal sex, with one male homosexually raping another male anally.”

The Bible clearly and explicitly condemns homosexuality as an immoral and unnatural sin (Leviticus 18:2220:13Romans 1:26-271 Corinthians 6:9). And the Bible strongly condemns rape, as well (Deuteronomy 22:25-27). So, clearly, the Bible condemns sodomy in the sense of male homosexual rape. The more difficult question is whether the Bible condemns all anal sex.

Militant gays is a term to describe the intolerant behavior of homosexual activists that seek to intimidate, suppress, vandalize, and assault anybody that opposes their homosexual movement. Militant gays seek civil rights, “marriage” for their same-sex partners, adoption of children, and federal and state benefits. They try to indoctrinate younger generations, organize protests to further their agenda and oppose traditional family values. Harmless Christians are almost always their target.

Militant gays have powerful allies including Democrats, Hollywood, Big Media and last but not least lawyers. When they are denied their agenda by legal means or through the democratic process, the results are criminal actions such as mob assaults, death threats, and vandalism. The notion of militant homosexualism has been dismissively laughed off by the mainstream media in the U.S., and even in the United Kingdom, where its mention by Nick Griffin on Question Time issued wrath of derisory remarks from socialist, liberal outlets such as The Guardian.

As predicted, today’s leftist’s shout ”sodomy for all!” and ”humanitarian bombing now!” – long live the rich, screw the poor!

The term ‘gay agenda’ does not come from opponents of homosexual ideology. It was, in fact, the title of an essay written in 1985 by U.S. Academics Marshal Kirk and Hunter Madsen. In that essay they write:

‘The public should be persuaded that homosexual are victims of circumstance, that they no more chose their orientation than, say, their height, skin color, talents or other limitations. We argue for practical purposes that gays should have been considered to have been born gay even though sexual orientation for most seems to be a product of a complex in the interaction between predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and adolescence.’

Yes, Childhood Sexual Abuse Often Does Contribute to Homosexuality What do Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, George Takei, and Milo Yiannopoulos have in common? They are all out and proud gay men and they were all sexually abused as underage minors. Sadly, this is an extremely common occurrence, as there is frequently a connection between childhood sexual abuse and adult homosexuality.

To say such a thing, of course, is to invite a hailstorm of fierce criticism and ridicule: “You bigoted homophobe! These men were born gay, not made gay, and their sexuality is a gift from God, not the result of sexual abuse. Plus, there are plenty of gay men who were never abused and plenty of straight men who were abused as boys and never turned gay.”

Putting the name-calling aside, there is some truth to these statements.

Numbers Don’t Lie

Not all gay men were molested as boys (since there are multiple causes for homosexuality) and not all boys who are molested turn out gay (probably because they were less predisposed towards homosexuality). Still, it cannot be denied that a disproportionately high number of gay men were abused as boys, and that certainly contributed to their sexual and emotional development.

That’s why it was no surprise when Dr. Robert Epstein, the pro-gay editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, noted that gay readers who were upset with an ad that ran in his publication in 2002 sent him letters asserting “that gays have a right to be rude or abusive because they themselves have been abused” (this obviously included being sexually abused).

And that’s why it was no surprise when a 2009 report prepared for a bisexual health summit revealed that 74 percent of bisexuals had been sexually abused as children. (For other studies focusing specifically on the connection between childhood sexual abuse and homosexuality, see here.)

The environment in which we are raised has a profound effect on our ongoing mental and emotional and social development.

As for the notion that people are born gay, not only would that suggest that infants can relate to the concepts of sexual and romantic attraction (which they obviously cannot), but it would also ignore the fact that our upbringing and environment have profound effects on us. Why deny such an obvious reality?

It is well-known that the children of alcoholics have a much higher chance of becoming alcoholics than the general population, and this cannot be blamed on genetics alone. As stated by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Genes are not the only things children inherit from their parents. How parents act and how they treat each other and their children has an influence on children growing up in the family. These aspects of family life also affect the risk for alcoholism.”

In the same way, it is well-known that men who were abused as children are much more likely than the average population to abuse other children as adults. As summarized in a 2001 article in the British Journal of Psychology:

Among 747 males the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences … A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator, as was an index of parental loss in childhood.

But again, none of this should surprise us in the least, since the environment in which we are raised, especially if coupled with major, traumatic childhood experiences, has a profound effect on our ongoing mental and emotional and social development.

Society Ignores the Childhood Trauma of Many Gay Adults

Yet when it comes to homosexuality, it is taboo to connect childhood sexual abuse with subsequent gay identity since: 1) this would contradict the “born gay” myth; and 2) it would underscore the fact that homosexual attractions are not natural and positive.

“Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we’re not allowed to ask about anymore.”

As explained candidly by the lesbian feminist and academic Camille Paglia, “Every single gay person I know has some sort of drama going on, back in childhood. Something was happening that we’re not allowed to ask about anymore.” (She was speaking of bad relationships with parents as well as sexual abuse or other factors.)

In keeping with this, all the professional counselors I have spoken with (including trained pastors and psychologists or psychiatrists) have told me that the vast number of gays they have counseled were sexually abused as minors (some told me this was the case in every instance they encountered).

You might say, “But gays hardly have a monopoly on this. What about the problem of heterosexual schoolteachers having sex with their students, especially female teachers with male students?”

But you miss the point, since: 1) we all agree that this is terrible and abusive, and 2) most of us would agree that such relationships have the real potential of negatively affecting that child’s sexual and emotional development. Yet when it comes to gay men who were molested as boys, we’re told this did not contribute to their (homo)sexual development. More disturbingly, in gay circles, such relationships are often looked at as positive and nurturing, since, it is surmised, the boy was already aware of his same-sex attraction and the older man served as a mentor of sorts.

In Their Own Words

In the words of Harry Hay, the gay icon and founder of the American gay movement:

If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.

You can be assured that such relationships would often become sexual, thereby providing the entry point into the larger homosexual “lifestyle.” (For other quotes from Hay, see here.)

Similarly, the renowned gay activist Larry Kramer opined,

In those cases where children do have sex with their homosexual elders … I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it, either because of a natural curiosity … or because he or she is homosexual and innately knows it. … And unlike girls or women forced into rape or traumatized, most gay men have warm memories of their earliest and early sexual encounters; when we share these stories with each other, they are invariably positive ones.

That’s why “man-boy love” has been celebrated in homosexual culture through the centuries, that’s why there’s a page listing “Historical pederastic couples” on a gay Wikipedia site, and that’s why George Takei could speak glowingly of his first sexual encounter at the age of 13 (with a 19-year-old male camp counselor), at a time when he admits he didn’t know he was gay.

In this light, the outrageous statement by philosopher Michael Foucalt, arguing for lowering the age of consent, doesn’t sound as outrageous: “It is quite difficult to lay down barriers [particularly since] it could be that the child, with his own sexuality, may have desired the adult.”

Ah yes, it was the child asking for it again. This too is sickening beyond words.

The reality is that children, especially pre-teens and young teens, are tremendously impressionable and malleable, as confirmed by this account shared by a Christian family activist (reflecting on his pre-Christian youth):

When I was about 14 or 15, I spent an afternoon smoking pot with a ‘gay’ guy in his 20’s who explained that young people during puberty have a very fluid sexual identity and how easy it had been for him to turn young teen boys into sex partners … A confirming study I later saw said 25% of young teens suffer same-sex confusion but most grow out of it naturally by the end of adolescence.

Ex-gay Robert Lopez, raised by his mother and her lesbian partner, had this to say:

In a society soaked in porn where sexual orientation is discussed openly in front of small children, there will certainly be 12- and 13-year-olds who think they want sex and think they are ready for it. When we discuss ‘gay identity’ with 6th graders, which is very common, what are we discussing? We are talking about sexual acts. Perhaps people need to stand up and resist the Human Rights Campaign’s recent push to force such curricula on elementary and middle schools.

It is truly distasteful to speak of such things, but speak about them we must, given the ever-increasing scope of gay activism, especially in our children’s schools. And with the terribly painful issue of childhood sexual abuse coming to the fore in recent days, let’s use this as a teachable moment.

We can do this by: 1) being on the lookout for signs that our own children may have been abused; 2) refusing to allow our kids to be experimental pawns in the culture wars, because of which we strongly oppose sex-based LGBT curricula in the schools; and 3) no longer denying the common connection between childhood sexual abuse and adult homosexuality, thereby providing a path for healing and wholeness.

By doing these things, we will not only make this a teachable moment, but we will also make it a redemptive one. Source

Anti-Christian sentiment

Deeply anti-Christian Führer
“The Führer is deeply religious but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race.”— Goebbels in his diary in 1939

The anti-christian sentiment is associated with the following phenomena taking place in society:

  • I) Discrimination: Denial of Rights of Christians
    • • Violation of freedom of expression
    • • Violation of freedom of conscience
    • • Violation of parents’ rights with regard to the education of the children[note 1]
    • • Violation of the institutional or collective dimension of religious freedom
    • • Discriminatory “equality” policies
  • II) Intolerance: Marginalization of Christians. The proposition to attack the organized religion was made, for example, by Richard Dawkins, an adherent of Militant atheism[6] and proponent of LGBT ideology Sir Elton John who would like to have all organized religion banned.[7]
    • • Exclusion of Christians from social and public life
    • • Exclusion of Christian symbols from the public
    • • Social disadvantages for Christians
    • • Incitement, insult or defamation
    • • Misrepresentation of Christians in the media through negative stereotyping
  • III) Hate Incidents
    • • Hate crimes against Christians[8] On October 3, 2017 a Charles Miller brutally assaulted 63 year old Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz during an opening prayer that was partially dedicated to commemorating the life of Catholic baseball legend Roberto Clemente, who died in a tragic death in a plane crash en route to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua in 1972.[9]
    • • Hate incidents such as the disruption of services. For example, in 2008 a radical homosexual organization called Bash Back disrupted Sunday services at a Michigan Assemblies of God-affiliated church, throwing fliers, shouting slogans at churchgoers including one that Jesus was homosexual, and kissing each other. The group involved activists dressed in pink and black equipped “with a megaphone, black flags, picket signs, and an upside-down pink cross.”
    • • Vandalism and desecrations


  1. Jump up↑ cf.
    • “Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council shows how everything changes when Same Sex Marriage is legalized. … In the video, Perkins also speaks with two families who discuss their experiences of same-sex marriage being taught in schools. The first family, the Parkers, explain that their kindergarten son was given a book about homosexuality in a “diversity book bag.” The parents were not given prior notification. The second family, the Wirthlins, tell the story of their seven-year-old son coming home from school after a teacher read his class the book, “King and King,” in which a prince falls in love with another prince.”
    • When we went into the school what we requested is a parental notification when these issues are brought up by adults in the school and an option to opt our child out of this type of indoctrination. She objects with administrators and they had said that this was not a parental notification issue – and I said: I’m prepared to sit here all night until I see some form of accommodation as a parent. The accommodation they gave was to put me the handcuffs and sent me to jail. I couldn’t believe that they were willing to arrest my husband at just one parents’ notification, we want to raise our Children to know God and to know His truth.
    • In a shocking and brazen act of governmental abuse of parental rights, Deerfield High School (DHS) in Deerfield, Illinois, has required fourteen-year-old freshmen to attend a “Straight Gay Alliance Network” (GSA) panel discussion led by “gay” and “lesbian” upperclassmen during a “freshman advisory” class which secretively featured inappropriate discussions of a sexual nature in promotion of high-risk homosexual behaviors. Not only has DHS required that its young and impressionable freshmen be exposed to radical homosexual propaganda, but the school has also further required that students sign a “confidentiality agreement” promising not to tell anyone – including their own parents – about the discussion…Remarkably, even after the school district’s surreptitious actions were exposed, parents were nonetheless told that they were not welcome to sit in on the “freshman advisory” and were not permitted to have access to materials used in compiling its activist curriculum.


  1. Jump up↑ Jerry Bergman (20120). Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Caused the Greatest Holocaust in World History. Joshua Press, 199. ISBN 978-18944-00497. “Goebbels’ anti-Christian attitudes were no doubt also influenced by Hitler. He wrote in his diary in 1939, “The Fuehrer is deeply religious but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race.” Bullock adds the “truth is that, in matters of religion at least, Hitler was a rationalist and a materialist.”
  2. Jump up↑ The Observatory’s Report on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe, Report 2011. The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians (NGO) (March 19, 2012).
  3. Jump up↑ Same-sex marriage will impact all families and children, video shows. Catholic News Agency (CNA) (Oct 27, 2008). Retrieved on June 21, 2013.
  4. Jump up↑ Why Your Vote on Marriage Counts. Tony Perkins, President. Family Research Council. 01:45-02:35.
  5. Jump up↑ CWA: School Tells Kids to Hide Pro-‘Gay’ Propaganda From Parents. Concerned Women for America (CWA). Retrieved on June 21, 2013.
  6. Jump up↑ David Berlinski (2009). “Denying Darwin: David Berlinski & Critics”, The Deniable Darwin. Seattle, USA: Discovery Institute Press (reprinted from Commentary February 1998 by permission), 109. ISBN 978-0-9790141-2-3. “But a public charge calls for a public response. In 1992, Mr.Dawkins, John Maynard Smith, and I did share a podium at Oxford University. His hands trembling with indignation, Mr. Dawkins proposed to attack the organized religion; I proposed to attack Richard Dawkins; and John Maynard Smith, seeing that it was required, proposed to defend Mr. Dawkins from my attack. … I have a videotape of our encounter. If he wishes to debate again, Mr. Dawkins need only set the time and the place.” 
  7. Jump up↑ Sir Elton: Ban organized religion. BBC News (12 November 2006). Retrieved on 10 February 2013. “Sir Elton John has said he would like to see all organized religion banned and accused it of trying to “turn hatred towards gay people”
  8. Jump up↑ Abortistas atacan a católicos que defendían la Catedral de San Juan (Abortionists attack defending Catholic Cathedral of San Juan) (Spanish). Retrieved on February 22, 2014.
  9. Jump up↑ Bishop Punched In The Face During Mass In Appalling Attack.
  10. Jump up↑ Gay activists disrupt Sunday service at Michigan church. CNA (13 November 2008). Retrieved on 11 October 2015. “A homosexual activist group on Sunday disrupted services at a Michigan Assemblies of God-affiliated church, throwing fliers, shouting slogans at churchgoers, and kissing each other. David Williams, communications director at the church and son of its pastor Dave Williams, said their slogans included phrases like “It’s OK to be gay” and claims that Jesus was homosexual…”
  11. Jump up↑ John Ritchie (October 21, 2012). Hellish Pro-Abortion Attack on Catholic Cathedral. Retrieved on June 21, 2013. “The only church that illuminates is the one that burns,” they said. Five hundred pro-abortion women spray painted the walls of the Cathedral, ridiculed the Catholic Church, and attacked a group of Catholics with paint, spittle, insults, and blows. The incident took place on Sunday night, October 7 during the 27th National Women’s Conference in Posadas, Argentina when a group of about 500 activists from various feminist groups vented their rage against the Church for its position on abortion and same-sex “marriage.” Although the aggression led to the cancelation of Sunday Masses, hundreds of faithful Catholics, mostly young men, stood at the entrance of the Cathedral, forming a protective prayer chain to prevent its desecration. “Freedom of speech,” “dialogue” and “tolerance” were entirely absent in the scenes that unfolded in front of the Cathedral. Far from it, abortion activists, radical feminists, and open homosexual – some, completely undressed – united to chant phrases such as “Church – garbage – you’re the dictatorship!” The walls of the Cathedral were vandalized with offensive slurs such as “The only church that illuminates is the one that burns.” Source


Violence against Christians is under-reported by the mainstream media, and it doubled between 2017 and 2019.

In 2015 and 2016, the Center for Studies on New Religions was reported that Christians were the most persecuted of any type of group in the world, with almost 600 million Christians being affected by persecution and 90,000 killed in 2016 alone. Between 2005 and 2015, over 900,000 Christians were martyred for their faith. According to Open Doors USA in January 2018, at least 215 million Christians globally face severe persecution, and according to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), over 500 million Christians face persecution. According to Pew Research Center, restrictions on religious liberty increased in 2016 for the second year in a row, with Christianity being the most affected. According to a 2017 report by Open Doors USA, the persecution of Christians is growing and is being seen in an increasing number of countries, and it reported that the number of Christians facing persecution rose 14% between 2015 and 2018. A 2017 report by Pew Research, concerning 2014 and 2015, yielded similar findings.

The countries with the most extreme persecution of Christians, as of 2017, tend to be Muslim nations, even though the most anti-Christian nation is North Korea. As recorded between November 1, 2015, to October 31, 2016, Pakistan had the largest number of Christians killed and churches attacked. The U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom reported in May 2017 that religious freedom around the world was “worsening in both the depth and breadth of violations.”

According to a 2015–2017 ACN study, Christians comprised 75% of all the victims of religious persecution around the globe.[17] According to the news agency Fides, at least 447 Roman Catholic missionaries alone were killed from 2000 through 2017.[18]

Despite strong persecution in the Middle East, thousands of Muslims are turning to Christ.



Like the rest of the West, the Canadian government (currently, the Liberal Party of Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) has become more hostile towards Christianity. In 2017, a local school district, the Battle River School Division, ordered a Christian school to stop teaching “offensive” passages from the Bible, something that would alter the Christian message and omit key portions of the Bible from being taught.

In 2017, the Canadian government chose to ban employers who oppose abortion or homosexual “marriage” from being able to receive summer job grants for students,[99][100][101] and in March 2018, the Canadian House of Commons voted 207–93 against reversing the requirement that employers sign an attestation affirming their support for such issues. In January 2018, Prime Minister Trudeau indicated that pro-life speech is not protected speech. When asked on where the Canadian government limits free speech, Trudeau mentioned abortion, stating that “an organization that has the explicit purpose of restricting women’s rights by removing rights to abortion, the right for women to control their own bodies, is not in line with where we are as a government and quite frankly where we are as a society.”

In June 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled against an explicitly Christian law school, saying that is was “proportionate and reasonable” for some Canadian law societies to deny accreditation to the school’s graduates because the school opposed homosexuality due to its Christian values.

In 2018, Canadian activist Bill Whatcott faced being unjustly sentenced to two years in prison for what his persecutors claimed was his committing “Wilful [sic] Promotion of Hatred against an identifiable group” – AKA passing out pamphlets at a 2016 “gay pride” parade that shared the Christian message that homosexuality is a sin and that repenting of all sin leads to “the free gift of eternal life.”

The New Democratic Party government of Alberta heavily promoted the homosexual agenda in the state’s education system, such as forcing Christian schools to create Gay-Straight Alliance Clubs even if only one student wanted one, and threatened to defund religious schools if they do not remove religious content from their curriculum.

United States

Persecution mainly exists in ridicule, liberal biasbigotry and/or religious discrimination of traditional Christian family values by Hollywood.[108][109][110] If this is further tolerated, there is a distinct possibility that violence against Christians could be next. Numerous Christians, whether business owners or other people, such as Kim Davis or Roy Moore, have been persecuted in various ways (lawsuits, loss of business, arrest, threats, etc.) for holding on to their sincerely-held beliefs and refusing to bow down to the homosexual agenda.

Don Feder, founder of a group called Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation, used his condemnation of the 2005 film “V for Vendetta” to say, “It’s very much in keeping with what has become Hollywood’s standard anti-Christian message – that Christians are hypocritical hate-mongers, with tendencies toward violence, who are waiting to seize the reins of government and persecute unbelievers. David Limbaugh says, “This anti-Christian bias manifests itself in unflattering portrayals of Christians in Hollywood films and entertainment television.

In a government report released in 2016, Martin R. Castro, the chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, claimed that “The phrases “religious liberty” and “religious freedom” will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance.

In 2014, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, a leftist and the first openly-homosexual mayor of the city, illegally issued subpoenas on pastors, ordering them to turn over sermons concerning homosexuality.

On October 1, 2017, a homosexual coffee shop owner kicked several Christians out of his shop because he claimed their very presence “offended” him. Leftist organizations which regularly make demands for Christians to be forced to serve homosexuals with no exceptions, such as the ACLU, hypocritically remained silent on this incident. In one reported instance (out of many), the owners of a Pennsylvania bridal shop chose to close their business because of threats from homosexual activists.

Christianity is increasingly coming under attack at public education institutions. For example, in October 2017, Wayne State University, a public institution, de-recognized InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as the student group required its members to be Christians.

The owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, Jack Phillips, has come under repeated assault for his non-compliance with state-imposed liberal ideology. After winning a Supreme Court case (on very narrow grounds) protecting his religious freedom with regards to being forced to violate his conscience by corrupt Colorado state officials, other left-wing groups, including satanists and transgender people, jokingly requested cakes expressing their anti-Christian points of view, and he even was sued for this with the willing assistance of the same state officials who have been illegally persecuting him in deliberate ignorance of the Supreme Court ruling.

In 2019, the State of California attempted to evict an elderly woman from a veterans’ home because she led Bible studies.


The communist Cuban regime has regularly persecuted Christians.

In 2019, a Cuban pastor and his wife were sentenced to two years in prison for homeschooling their children.



In July 2017, the Queensland Department of Education and Training issued an unofficial policy banning Christmas cards, any reference to Jesus, or anything else that might be seen as Christian evangelizing by primary school students.

Leading up to the 2017 same-sex “marriage” referendum, many Christians and “no” voters were afraid to speak out against legalizing homosexual “marriage” due to the fear of social persecution.

New Zealand

In 2017, Family First, a socially conservative organization that supports marriage being defined as between a man and a woman, had its status as a charitable organization wrongly taken away by the Charities Registration Board due to its stance on marriage.

In 2019, professional rugby player Israel Folau was fired from Australia’s rugby team simply because he spoke out against Australia’s legalization of same-sex “marriage” by quoting Scripture when his team publicly supported the decision. Source

Liberal censorship

Liberal censorship refers to liberal attempts to mute all opposition to liberal beliefs, is one of the core tenets of liberalism, and is an almost exclusively liberal practice in modern times. Deceitful techniques of liberal censorship include:

  • On college campuses, liberals censor a conservative speaker by claiming he somehow makes some feel “unsafe”
  • Liberals exaggerate offhand remarks by sports players in an attempt to chill their speech, particularly if the comments are contrary to the homosexual agenda
  • The Huffington Post censored an article on the possible relationship between school shootings and violent video games[1]
  • Ben Carson was forced to withdraw as commencement speaker of his own school, Johns Hopkins University, because of his criticism of same-sex “marriage”
  • Liberal opposition to free speech forced Tim Tebow to cancel a speaking event at a large church because its pastor has opposed the homosexual agenda
  • Opposing information for women that would let them know that abortion increases their risk of breast cancer, as confirmed by numerous studies
  • Expelling a young athlete from the 2012 Summer Olympics because she tweeted a joke about immigration, despite her apology, thereby destroying her dream and years of hard work
  • Monopolizing discussions and repeatedly talking more than the other side, despite saying nothing coherently
  • Censoring readership of the Bible by deceptively pulling people from it, as in their formative years
  • Feigning offense in order to censor classroom prayer and religious symbols
  • Branding statements as “hate speech,” with the ultimate goal of marginalizing the Bible in that way
  • Intimidating sponsors of conservative speaking events by harassing them
  • Seeking information about donors to traditional marriage referenda in order to harass them
  • Engaging in violent protests at conservative events, vandalizing conservative wikis on the Internet (particularly Conservapedia), or censoring by forcing the removal of conservative YouTube videos via frivolous and baseless “hate speech” claims
  • Getting a legitimate contributor banned from all or part of a website because of remarks he made on a different website
  • Censoring quotations from the Bible that contradict their personal opinions of what God meant to say
  • Censoring conservative speech on liberal-controlled comment forums while allowing liberal hate speech and attacks on conservatives to remain; any complaints to the site administrators or moderators regarding their behavior on the boards is often ignored

Liberals inevitably demand censorship of ideas that challenge and counter their views due to their fear of opposing views, ideas, and facts, and thus attempt to silence all criticism of their ideology by slandering conservatives and other opponents as “racist” and “reactionary“, legally enforce political correctness, and establish legislation making many forms of religious speech illegal under misnamed “hate speech” laws. This is especially true in its most extreme political manifestation, Communism.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee makes this claim:

  • Realizing that their ideas couldn’t compete in the Free MarketDemocrats schemed for ways to crush conservative talk radio‘s success. Their answer? The so-called “Fairness Doctrine” which, despite its name, was anything but fair except to those in the liberal media. The revival of the “Fairness Doctrine” would have the chilling effect of censoring conservative talk radio and freedom of speech by requiring radio stations to air liberal content. Democrats would demand that talk stations air liberal content or their station license would be revoked. It’s unfortunate that Democrats are willing to trample on our First Amendment rights for political gain.[2] Fortunately, Ronald Reagan put an end to the forced inclusion of liberal content on talk stations with the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 and, as expected under a free market, the liberal talk format faltered and largely collapsed (including the demise of the short-lived liberal Air America radio network).

In an attempt to divert attention from this demand, liberals charge that conservatives also censor when they can. An example some give is Conservapedia. They claim that edits that disagree with the prevailing conservative viewpoint here regularly lead to a block, even though Conservapedia does not block for ideological reasons.

Unlike liberals, Conservapedia does not censor on ideological grounds. Occasionally it is necessary to take action to prevent liberals from abusing its hospitality to ideas by seeking to damage or destroy the project through waves of vandalism from outside and deep cover subversion from within by the site’s few regular liberal-leaning editors. Such action is necessary to protect and defend freedom of expression.

Opposition to Christianity

Many individuals, groups, and even cultural movements in modern times are antichristian. This means they actively seek to attack, undermine, and denigrate the Christian faith while deceiving the public about the nature of Christianity, its heritage, and accomplishments. Read

StevieRay Hansen
Conservative Christian World News

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28.)

John Wesley who said that what we tolerate in our generation, will be embraced by the next. Wesley is 100% correct! We are living in sick times.

Usually, the Lord doth no great thing for or against his people, without giving warning of it before it comes.

They perverted justice among themselves (v. 7): “You turn judgment to wormwood, that is, you make your administrations of justice bitter and nauseous, and highly displeasing both to God and man.’’ That fruit has become a weed, a weed in the garden; as nothing is more venerable, nothing more valuable, than justice duly administered, so nothing is more hurtful, nothing more abominable, than designedly doing wrong under color and pretense of doing right. Corruptio optimi est pessima —The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst.

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

2 Corinthians 4:8-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

“Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change.

My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms, into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Dave fowles on July 15, 2019 at 9:03 am

    Please notify me of new posrs

  2. Patrick Galasso on June 30, 2019 at 1:16 pm

    This was the price to be paid as Pastor Chuck Baldwin said in his speech, What Every Christian Should Know about the New World Order, “…Perpetual war is a tool of globalists to enslave us.

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