Our Un-Godly Politicians Are About to Find out What the Meaning of Mocking God’s People Consist Of


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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“The Kiss of Death, Pestilences Has No Cure”, Someone Must Drain The Swap

As I’ve said from the beginning, there’s a reason for This Death Angel and our Un-godly politicians are about to find out what the meaning of mocking God’s people consist of, “THE KISS OF DEATH PESTILENCES HAS NO CURE”

Pelosi: ‘As the president fiddles, people are dying’

She said the White House must further ramp up its efforts…

Nancy Pelosi
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  • Global case total tops 600k
  • Global COVID-19 death toll tops 30k
  • US death toll tops 2k
  • After Trump earlier said he was weighing enforceable quarantine order for all the tri-state area, late on Sunday he said that “on the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut” he would not be imposing a quarantine.
  • Japan fast-tracks approval of treatment drug for COVID-19
  • Third UK minister self-quarantines after showing symptoms of the virus
  • Calif. death toll tops 100
  • Trump tells NBC reporter that quarantines of New York, NJ & Conn. were “possible”
  • Axios reports infant dies in Chicago after testing positive for COVID-19
  • Italy case total surpasses China
  • Spain reports the deadliest day yet
  • UK case total climbs north of 17k
  • France reports another 5k case
  • Navy hospital ships leave for New York, LA
  • Abe says he’s “just barely avoiding” declaring a national emergency
  • Yale University slammed for denying aid to the city of New Haven
  • Shinzo Abe promises unprecedented stimulus package
  • Trump gives Pentagon power to call up retired soldiers and reservists
  • NYPD detective dies from COVID-19
  • Italian centennarian survives the battle with COVID-19

*   *   *

Update (2025ET): Have sparked fears earlier that Trump would impose a full-blown quarantine on the tri-state area, late on Sunday the president tweeted that a “quarantine will not be necessary” (for now).

Trump’s decision is likely in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s fiery objection, who said that any federal quarantine on metropolitan New York would wreak havoc on commerce and markets and be a declaration of war against the states. “It would be chaos and mayhem,” Cuomo said Saturday on CNN, responding to President Donald Trump’s suggestion that such a move could be made very soon. ”I don’t think it’s legal.”

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump · 14h

On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the….

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….Federal Government. The quarantine will not be necessary. Full details will be released by CDC tonight. Thank you!68.2K7:19 PM – Mar 28, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy24.6K people are talking about this

Update NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted that there is a nearly 2k case in NYC alone as of Wednesday afternoon and that 11 NYC residents had died from the virus. That 1,871 number is up from 1,339 this morning…


  • US deaths hit 114
  • Senate to vote on 2nd economic rescue bill
  • Iran reports another 147 deaths
  • Hong Kong reported 14 new confirmed cases
  • Brazil Senate Chief tests positive
  • France case total nears 2,000, death toll passes 250
  • NYSE to close floor trading
  • McConnell promises vote on 2nd economic bailout package by Friday
  • Kudlow says the US might capitalize troubled companies by buying stock
  • WHO declares virus “enemy of humanity”
  • State Department suspends visa services
  • Germany sees 1k new cases as total nears 10k
  • Kudlow says stimulus package should be $1.3 trillion
  • Merkel warns country facing the biggest challenge since WWII
  • European Union seals borders
  • PM Johnson prepares ‘London Lockdown’ plan
  • Trump says China hasn’t asked the US to suspend tariffs
  • UAW succeeds in pushing Detroit automakers to shut down factories
  • The UK reportedly about to close schools as Boris scrambles to catch up with policy U-turn
  • ECB holding emergency call over virus response
  • Facebook launches coronavirus website information center
  • France follows Germany by eliminating bank capital buffers
  • HUD suspends evictions
  • Cuomo bars NY companies from having more than 50%
  • Wal-Mart shares hit a record high
  • US, Canada agree to close the border
  • Cuomo says the state “looking into” reports of Covid-19 cluster in Borough Park
  • White House now pushing to send 2 $1,000 checks to every American
  • Spanish Olympic Committee head says Tokyo Games should be postponed

Despite myriad misgivings, the Senate passed the first economy-focused coronavirus relief package on Wednesday. A couple of hours later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said a second stimulus bill (the third bill dedicated to fighting the virus) could be passed as soon as Friday, even as Mnuchin and Pelosi continue to haggle over the details.

That bill could include $500 billion in direct payments to Americans, another $100 billion for industries in need of rescue, $300 billion in small and medium business loans, and possibly more. The dollar-amount, which keeps moving higher (Kudlow most recently put it at $1.3 trillion) is intended to shock and awe the public and quiet the panic as millions of Americans file for unemployment.

Yesterday, Mnuchin told lawmakers that if they didn’t pass the bill, that unemployment in this country could hit 20% – though Trump said that’s an “absolute, worst-case scenario”, and “we’re nowhere near it.”

We suspect sentiment regarding the bill’s chances is going to start having an impact on equity prices.

Meanwhile, the total number of global coronavirus cases has climbed to $214,000.

*  *  *

 Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow made some more bullish comments after his interview with Fox News, telling reporters with the White House pool that the administration could even resort to direct purchases of equities – a de facto nationalization – as part of its bailout package.

“Whatever it takes,” Kudlow said, at one point.

Meanwhile, after a handful of futures exchanges closed floor trading, the NYSE has decided to follow suit, closing floor trading (aka the CNBC live set) and move to only electronic trading beginning on Monday, according to NYSE owner IntercontinentalExchange.

In other news, the president of the Brazilian Senate has tested positive for Covid-19.

Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority
Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world:

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Now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned to watch for “pestilences” in the last days.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure

The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, WGO and CDC Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge?

If a mandatory vaccination program were to be implemented again in the U.S. for (“Chinese virus”) COVID-19, the government would have to reassure the public its previous negligence of such side effects would not be repeated, an unlikely scenario after the corporate breach of trust exposed on Wall Street in recent years involving large pharmaceutical firms. Regardless, Big Pharma is already partnering with the U.S. Army to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus which would have to be tested and evaluated before licensing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended for use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), both of which partner with the WHO whose largest financial contributor is the U.S. government.

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Second US Congressman Tests Positive For Covid-19


  • US deaths hit 114
  • Senate to vote on 2nd economic rescue bill
  • Iran reports another 147 deaths
  • Hong Kong reported 14 new confirmed cases
  • Brazil Senate Chief tests postiive
  • France case total nears 2,000, death toll passes 250
  • NYSE to close floor trading
  • McConnell promises vote on 2nd economic bailout package by Friday
  • Two Congresswomen tests positive
  • Conn. reports first fatality
  • Kudlow says US might capitalize troubled companies by buying stock
  • WHO declares virus “enemy of humanity”
  • State Department suspends visa services
  • Germany sees 1k new cases as total nears 10k
  • Kudlow says stimulus package should be $1.3 trillion
  • Merkel warns country facing biggest challenge since WWII
  • European Union seals borders
  • PM Johnson prepares ‘London Lockdown’ plan
  • Trump says China hasn’t asked the US to suspend tariffs
  • UAW succeeds in pushing Detroit automakers to shut down factories
  • UK reportedly about to close schools as Boris scrambles to catch up with policy U-turn
  • ECB holding emergency call over virus response
  • Facebook launches coronavirus website information center
  • France follows Germany by eliminating bank capital buffers
  • HUD suspends evictions
  • Cuomo bars NY companies from having more than 50%
  • Wal-Mart shares hit record high
  • US, Canada agree to close border
  • Cuomo says state “looking into” reports of Covid-19 cluster in Borough Park
  • White House now pushing to send 2 $1,000 checks to every American
  • Spanish Olympic Committee head says Tokyo Games should be postponed

*  *  *

Update (2040ET): Utah Congressman Ben McAdams has become the second member of the House of Representatives to test positive.

“Today I learned that I tested positive,” he said in a statement.

Rep. Ben McAdams@RepBenMcAdams

Please read my statement on contracting #COVID19. I have self-quarantined since first having symptoms and consulted with my doctor. #utpol

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Both Congressmen are Republicans.

Update (1845ET): In another alarming development, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont on Wednesday confirmed the state’s first death linked to Covid-19: An 88-year-old man who was recently admitted to a hospital in Danbury.

Governor Ned Lamont@GovNedLamont

It is with sadness today that we are confirming the first death of a person in Connecticut due to severe complications from COVID-19. The patient, a man in his 80s, had recently been admitted to Danbury Hospital, where he was receiving treatment. (1/4)3813:02 PM – Mar 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy288 people are talking about this

The first fatality “really brings it home”, Lamont said during an interview on MSNBC. “We don’t want Italy to happen in Connecticut,” Lamont said, explaining that this is why he moved early to close schools, restaurants, gyms and other public areas.

Watch This Reprobate Spin The Truth

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

BiblicalBiblical ProphecyCDCCoronavirusdisobedienceFood ShortageHospitalsinfectionsoutbreakpandemicPestilencePublic HealthrevelationsStevieRay HansenTriblutionvirus

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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