Watchman: “The Worst Is Yet To Come” Pestilence Is Lethal, Its Not The Flu Bro

HNewsWire: Around 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, the news started to spread that LeBron James’s son Bronny had a heart attack while playing hoops on Monday. James, who will be a freshman at the University of Southern California this fall, passed out while practicing at the school’s basketball center on Monday morning. TMZ said that an ambulance took him to the hospital right away. The medical staff at USC took care of him right away. According to a statement from the James family, he has been moved out of the intensive care unit and is in stable health. The statement also asked for “respect and privacy for the James family.” This is a reasonable request, especially since James’s family did what Jamie Foxx’s did not and put out a simple, clear statement about his health. But Bronny James’s fall will, at…


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Edward O’Hara Did you know that Paul’s teaching that he calls “the mystery that was hidden from ages past” in Col.1 speaks of the church leaving this place for heaven?  We can only see this when we understand correctly who the “he who withholds” is that Paul says holds back “the man of sin” so he will be revealed “in his time” in 2Thes.2:6-9. This is a clue to the timing of the “caught up” that is our blessed hope. Because only in this dispensation do men have the indwelling Holy Spirit. So when that is to be no more then the rapture happens.  When we add to this the message in John16:7-11 where Jesus told the disciples He had to leave or the Holy Spirit could not come we see another clue to this timing. It is from this message, coupled…


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Watchman: Daily Devotional, He Is Coming Soon, and His Reward Is With Him, and He Will Give to Each Person According to What He or She Has Done

Watchman: Daily Devotional “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48). The concept of “to whom much is given, much will be expected” implies that we are accountable for what we have. It is anticipated that if we are gifted with skills, fortune, knowledge, time, and the like, we would utilize them to honor God and help others. Jesus had just delivered a story about being prepared for His coming. His disciple Peter inquired if the story was just for them or for everyone. Jesus responded with another parable in which He describes a “loyal and intelligent manager” as one who distributes food and other allowances “at the appropriate moment.” When the master arrives and discovers that his devoted servant…


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Watchman Says the Mark Mandated: Satan Soldiers at the World Economic Forum Have Decided That All Citizens Must Be Implanted With a CBDC Microchip in the Very Near Future in Order to Properly Engage in Society and Do Basic Things Like Buy Food and Water—We Have No Say in the Matter

HNewsWire: Implanted under the skin until Elon Musk’s handlers get NeuraLink ready for primetime… The WEF has declared that all citizens must be implanted with a CBDC microchip in the very near future, in order to be able to fully participate in society and do basic things such as purchase food and water. According to Professor Richard Werner, in the very near future citizens will “need to use the latest technology” such as a “CBDC chip implant” in order to access their bank accounts. Professor Richard A. Werner is an economist and professor of banking and finance. He is known as the proponent of a new post-crisis monetary policy he called Quantitative Easing (“QE”) – which he proposed in Japan in 1995 as chief economist of a British investment bank. He has also worked as a researcher at the University of……...

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Watchman Update: 5/9/23 Governments Around The World to Restrict Movement of The People HardLockDown Coming Fall 2022–2023…

HNewsWire: Why so serious?  Why are they so indignant over lack of vaccination for a virus with a median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23%? While speaking at the Brainstorm Health conference by Fortune Magazine held in Marina del Rey, California, in April 2023, Chelsea Clinton asserts that vaccine hesitancy and outright rejection have been an “unfortunate” side effect of the coronavirus pandemic.  She goes on to promote a partnership with the World Health Organization and the Gates Foundation to push a program of mass jabs for children to make up for declining vaccination rates. “I think we are less prepared today than we were, arguably, in January 2020—partially because of the lack of trust and confidence in not only our scientists, but in science itself, and certainly in public health professionals. We all deserve to hopefully not be as…


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Update:12/24/22 @ 12:03 AM… Death Angel On The Loose, The Godless China COVID Pestilence Has Arrived: Emerging Evidence Suggestions That the COVID Variant Is a Very Real Threat Warp Tribulation Speed

I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. Godless China’s Post-Zero-COVID Surge Is Infecting 37 Million People Per Day HNewsWire: In a stunning admission, according to estimates from the government’s top health authority, nearly 37 million people in China may have been infected with Covid-19 on a single day this week. This is a shockingly stark divergence from the extremely low ‘official’ case count (which reported just 62,592 symptomatic) and utterly dwarfs the previous global daily record of about 4 million, set in January 2022, as Omicron spread… The new data was provided in a closed-door meeting by Sun Yang, a deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, on Wednesday. According to two people familiar with the matter, The FT reports that Chinese officials estimate about 250mn people or 18 per cent…


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Scientists Warn About Dangerous “Tipping Point” Where Covid-19 Goes From Mild To Deadly

The virus is a Pestilence, there’s no other word for it, prepare for HELL ON EARTH… Because of government lies, we have to assume that the crisis is more pervasive than we know.  And so far the average American is oblivious to it… The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure… Up-Date: 3/13/20 @ 1:35 PM CST Iran Is Building so Many Burial Pits That Satellite Photos Were Able to Detect Them. satellite photos were able to detect them Iran has been rapidly expanding a major cemetery in Qom, the area worst hit by the country’s novel coronavirus outbreak, satellite images obtained by CNN reveal. The country has reported at least 10,075 confirmed coronavirus cases and 429 deaths, the third-highest number of cases after mainland China and Italy. The satellite images from March 1 and…


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Academia Seems to Be the Route the Globalists Will Take to Vaccinate Every Human on the Planet. One Small Detail

God Fearing Bible Believing Christians will never agree to the vaccination or microchip, hear Me, elitists, Go To Hell…  State laws that turn unelected members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices into de facto lawmakers and automatically mandate all current and future federally recommended vaccines without any public discussion or vote by duly elected state legislators. Under the U.S. Constitution, state legislatures hold the majority of power to pass public health laws, so vaccine laws are state laws. If states hand that constitutional authority over to an unelected federal government committee, the people no longer can work through their elected state representatives to make sure laws do not force involuntary medical risk-taking and punish citizens exercising civil and human rights.  It is clear that Pharma and medical trade lobbyists partnering with government officials to implement the National Vaccine Plan…


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We’ll See China-Style Social Credit Systems Under the Guise of Immunity Passports and Contact Tracking Which Is Already

Being Discussed in Past-Tense as Fait Accomplice… At some point over a few short months the nation-state and WHO response to a comparatively lightweight pandemic (in terms of case fatalities without underlying co-morbidity factors) has transitioned from being typically ham-fisted and inept into operant conditioning of the masses in order to inculcate them into a state of learned helplessness. Take everything you thought you believed about self-reliance, industriousness, thrift, personal responsibility, entrepreneurship, or pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and flush it down the toilet. It’s all meaningless because now, the only thing that matters is what the government thinks about your business. Should it be permitted to operate? Do you have the green light to collect rent from your tenants on the property you own? Or will you have to first comply with some social justice rental quotas, give your…


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Update 11/8/21 Pestilence Is a Housecleaning For Corrupt Judges and Politicians, As U.S. Leaders Beginning to Self Quarantine — Pestilence

Jen Psaki Caught COVID and DISAPPEARED, Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’ — Gavin Newsom Hasn’t Been Seen in Public in Eleven Days Ever since White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that she had a case of Covid-19, despite being fully vaccinated, she has been absent from the public spotlight. This week her role was taken by Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who just might be the least credible person on the planet. Psaki disclosed on October 31 that she had a “breatkthrough case” of Covid-19 in what she characterized as an abundance of transparency. “Psaki, who is fully vaccinated, said she has experienced only mild symptoms,” NPR reported. “In a statement, she said she had not had contact with senior White House officials since Wednesday — four days before she tested positive — and last saw Biden on Tuesday, when they were wearing…


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