Transgenderism, Androgyny, and the Occult


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Transsexualism, also known as transgenderism, Gender Identity Disorder (GID), or gender dysphoria, is a feeling that your biological/genetic/physiological gender does not match the gender you identify with and/or perceive yourself to be. Transsexuals/transgenders often describe themselves as feeling “trapped” in a body that does not match their true gender. They often practice transvestism/transvestitism and may also seek hormone therapy and/or gender reassignment surgery to bring their bodies into conformity with their perceived gender.

The Bible nowhere explicitly mentions transgenderism or describes anyone as having transgender feelings. However, the Bible has plenty to say about human sexuality. Most basic to our understanding of gender is that God created two (and only two) genders: “male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). All the modern-day speculation about numerous genders or gender fluidity—or even a gender “continuum” with unlimited genders—is foreign to the Bible.

The closest the Bible comes to mentioning transgenderism is in its condemnations of homosexuality (Romans 1:18–321 Corinthians 6:9–10) and transvestitism (Deuteronomy 22:5). The Greek word often translated “homosexual offenders” or “male prostitutes” in 1 Corinthians 6:9 literally means “effeminate men.” So, while the Bible does not directly mention transgenderism when it mentions other instances of gender “confusion,” it clearly and explicitly identifies them as sin.

 The Image of the Beast

Revelation 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. (15) And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

I believe that tampering with the integrity of man is a KEY sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God will put a stop to this at His return. It appears from Revelation 13:15 that man will succeed in creating a transhuman, which the Bible calls “The Image of the Beast.”….

From charting the advancement toward a transhuman being, it is possible to get an idea of how close man is to God’s judgment. God must stop the creation of transhumans because these creatures are not created in His image and likeness; therefore, they cannot be redeemed through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The cutting edge of technology advancements that are directly leading to the Image of the Beast. These advancements are reported under headings that include: Artificial intelligence, Computer Brain, Digitized Mind, Robotic Body, Cyborg, Genetic Armageddon, Chimera, and Advanced Technology.

Revelation 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

German (1750) Hermaphroditic figure, the accomplishment of the magnum opus, according to Manly P. Hall, in "The Secret Teachings of All Ages"

German (1750) Hermaphroditic figure, the accomplishment of the magnum opus, according to Manly P. Hall, in “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”

Anyone with eyes to see is aware of the gay/transgender agenda that’s being pushed on us. According to a recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) study, only a little over 3 percent of the American population is homosexual. An even tinier percent is transgender. Yet the entire culture is being turned on its collective head in an effort not just to accept this dysfunction, but to force everyone to celebrate it, whether they agree with it or not.

It’s apparent that there is an agenda which is being driven from hell by both elites and media, with the population being indoctrinated and subdued so that there will be no dissent. But why is this occurring? That’s the subject we address in this post as it appears we are now living in the “Days of Noah”. It doesn’t have anything to do with tolerance but indoctrination; it’s because the satanic elite who are behind so much change see androgyny as the ultimate state of being. According to occultists, only gender-neutrals can rise to godhood. The fallen angels they worship are seen as androgynous, and this is driving the modern transgender program. Of course, this is in direct contradiction to God’s word:

Genesis 5:1-2 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them …

This is a long-term goal of the elite, first openly articulated in the work of Saint-Simon(a French social philosopher and reformer) around 1813, which through his disciples led to many of the tenets of Marxism in the mid-nineteenth century. But it really came into its own as an agenda to pursue with the 1893 Parliament of World Religions at the Chicago World’s Fair. This is where the goal of a one-world religion and political system was first embraced openly by organized religion, although the work of Saint-Simon laid the groundwork for the linking of the two areas in modern theory.

On another level, there are plans to undermine traditional Judeo-Christian morality and to destroy the family and the social structure which requires strong families. In order to bring about a new paradigm, a one-world government and pagan religious structure, it’s first necessary to do away with any sense of traditional values. Because of this, it isn’t just the transgender/gay agenda which is being thrust upon us.

But at a deeper level, there’s more than just social transformation going on. This is about spiritual transformation, and the goal of preparing society to accept the Antichrist and the pagan religious system which will be part of the 666 Beast System, spoken of in the Bible. It’s just around the corner, so the indoctrination is proceeding at an increasingly rapid pace. It’s about Satan’s goal of destroying everything in creation as God originally made it, and especially the destruction of humanity created in God’s image. It’s occurring quickly because the time for his rise is almost upon us. Thankfully, his reign will be short-lived, as the Bible not only tells of this system’s rise but of its total destruction at the return of Christ. 

Genesis 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

That’s why it’s time to draw close to Christ, to spend time in His Word, and to repent both for our individual sins, and for those of the nation. Use the information contained in this blog to reach those who either are falling prey and buying into to this massive campaign of corruption and transformation or who are too cowed by the fear of consequences over political incorrectness to stand strongly against these forces. It’s time to make living for Christ, and reaching others for Him, the priority in life.

Romans 1:26, 28  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature…And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Thomas (formerly Tracey) was unveiled on Oprah in 2008

Thomas (formerly Tracey) was unveiled on Oprah in 2008

How The Trans-Agenda Seeks To Redefine Everyone  As you can see, they are really serious about destroying male/female distinctions and identity. This is an excellent article from The Federalist, worth reading for a good overview of how this agenda is being implemented, both socially and legally.

“The transgender movement has strong totalitarian overtones that Americans don’t fully understand.

Did you think only women get pregnant? Or only women get abortions? Planned Parenthood and NARAL—ironically both pro-abortion organizations that self-identify as champions of women’s rights—may soon be trying to change your mind about that.
So what does this mean and why should we care? Well, maybe Exhibit A should be Oprah Winfrey introducing us to “the first pregnant man” in 2008. This would be a woman named Tracey who “transitioned” to being Thomas by having a double mastectomy with a dose of hormones to produce facial hair and such. Thomas thought it would be nice to have a baby someday, and so decided to keep “his” vagina, uterus, and ovaries intact. But for some reason, even though Thomas was legally documented as male, she (oops!) needed a sperm donation. (Life isn’t fair.)  In this scheme of things, using the pronoun “she” to refer to a person who goes through pregnancy and gives birth to a child is grounds for punishment.

So what does it all mean? At root, this isn’t really about people like Thomas. It’s mostly about everybody else. It’s all about changing you and your self-concept. As fringy as they may sound, injecting such lies into our language—“the pregnant man” and the push to separate the word “pregnancy” from the word “woman”—are clear signals that we are moving steadily towards erasing all gender distinctions in the law.

And why should we care? Because erasing gender distinctions, especially as they apply to childbearing and rearing, would serve to legally un-define what it means to be human. A new legal definition of human—as neither male nor female—would apply to you whether you like it or not. Already, there is social pressure for everyone to comply with the gender theory notion that biological facts are mere “social constructs.”
We should especially care because we are well on the way to enacting such laws already.”

Willow & Jayden Smith Promoting The Satanic Illuminati Agenda to Confuse The Sexes!  This video by The Vigilant Christian explores how the children of Hollywood stars like Will Smith, who has been a large donor to the Church of Scientology and who has been promoting the transgender program, are using their children as role models to push this agenda on the younger generation. Notice how the daughter was named after her father, while the son was named after his mother. This is a well-planned campaign that dates back a long way.

The Agenda Behind Bruce Jenner’s Transformation 

“Bruce Jenner is now known as Caitlyn Jenner and, for some reason, all media outlets have converged to turn this personal transformation into a massive, all-encompassing media event. Why is that? Because Jenner’s transformation was not personal, it is a planned event meant to support an ongoing agenda.

Jenner’s transformation was not intimate nor personal. It was a grand, ceremonial, ritualistic event that symbolizes a change in society as a whole. An important part of the elite’s agenda is to debase, confuse and mix up the natural, harmonious order of things. It is about steering away from what is real, pure and authentic to move towards to the fake, artificial and the constructed. For this reason, there one aspect of the Agenda that is becoming increasingly apparent : The feminization of the male and the masculinization of the female. Under the guise of “empowerment”, men who act like females and females who act like men are not only accepted, but celebrated. I personally do not have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with the other side of this agenda: Men who act like traditional men (and do not feel the need to apologize for it) are now portrayed as evil and wrong. And, all of a sudden, portraying a stay-at-home mom who takes pride in cooking for her family is considered “sexist”.

In other words, it is about a complete reversal of gender roles. Simply by looking at our genetic make-up and the behavior of most mammals, one can observe that males are engineered to hunt, provide and protect while females are made to “nest”, care and nurture, While modern living has made these traits less dominant, they are nevertheless part of our core being. And mass media is heavily focusing on promoting the exact opposite of this. It is about the attacking the mind with messages that conflict with our natural inclinations….”

Deuteronomy 22:5  The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

CAITLYN JENNER: Transhumanist & Occult Ritual Sacrifice  This video explores the links between transgenderism and transhumanism, something we have been fully covering in this blog. The focus is on “defiling the temple” of our bodies and features quotes by prominent transhumanists about the role of transhumanism and the destruction of sex as God designed it after the singularity. It also discusses the occultic/Masonic belief that androgyny was the original state of man, and how mankind must return to this state to progress spiritually.

“What we are seeing is in line with the occult philosophy of androgyny, as they believe humanity will be in a state of godhood in the neutral gender state. As such, it is my belief that Bruce Jenner is actually a victim of the fallen one, who has been deceiving the world to partake in this acceptance.Because the whole notion is against our inherit GOD given moral compass.”

 Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana - then and now - tongue out imitating goddess Kali and topknots mimicking horns

Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana – then and now – tongue out, imitating Hindu death goddess Kali, and topknots mimicking horns

MTV VMAs 2013: It Was About Miley Cyrus Taking the Fall There’s a nefarious program underway to corrupt the young by making girls more masculine, and boys more effeminate. Along with this is the destruction of their innocence, through a sophisticated plan (often using Disney children) to lead the young toward adoration of their media idols, then when both parents and kids have bought into them, to destroy their wholesome images, using them to transform their followers as well. Best known of these are Miley Cyrus, whom millions of children loved as “Hannah Montana” and who has become a drug-advocating, trashy-acting bad girl (see the video below). Or Katy Perry, who has made videos catering to children, but who also has led rituals at events like award shows and halftime programs, clearly advocating and utilizing witchcraft.

“Miley Cyrus’ display at the VMAs was qualified by many as “trashy” and “embarrassing”. It was indeed a strange sight to see. It was as if she was doing it on purpose to embarrass herself. Well, here’s a moment of clarity: It WAS done on purpose and, moreseo, it was ALL staged.

 As a product of Mickey Mouse programming, Miley underwent a classic “good girl gone bad” treatment. Once a good, wholesome daddy’s girl, Miley has turned into a bratty freak who keeps sticking out her tongue and twerking for no reason. While most people are probably tsking at Miley, they do not realize that this whole thing coincided with the release of her new album – and that it was all ordered by her handlers. In other words, she was selected and programmed to be this year’s main example of a “good girl gone bad”, a process the occult elite wants the public to constantly witness. They want the masses to see innocence and wholesomeness turn into sleaze and trash. They want pop culture and the youth in general follow the same process. While alchemy is about turning stone into gold, the masses are made to witness the opposite process.

Miley’s VMA performance is about a child star who was beloved by millions of young people showing what the industry has done to her. It is about shattering the innocence of her fans by having them witness her metamorphosis into one giant sex-obsessed caricature. I’m using the word caricature because it is safe to say that Miley was not 100% herself during the VMA’s. Her demeanor was characteristic of a Beta programming slave who had the switch turned “on”.  It was, however, not only about being overtly provocative. It was also (and mostly) about being annoying and embarrassing herself – as if it was a sick, humiliating ritual. Dressed and styled to look like a bratty child, jumping around with giant teddy bears, Miley’s performance was all about getting a negative reaction from the public while continuing the ongoing agenda of denaturing everything that is related to childhood.”

Miley Cyrus 2015 Illuminati Programming (R$E)  This video is done by a solid Christian, to expose the agenda and turn viewers toward the truth of Christ, so any improper body images used are blacked out/covered. It covers the “good girl gone bad” programming being used to corrupt youth and hyper-sexualized girls, as well as the move toward masculinizing women and feminizing men. Miley’s appearance here is reminiscent of Lady Gaga in the Intel commercial which promoted the Grammy Award ceremony. Both are transformed into very masculine versions of their former selves, as if before our eyes.

For a video exploring this transgender agenda with a less refined, but practical analysis see: Truth About Caitlyn Jenner What The Media Won’t Say (Redsilverj). See also: Bruce Jenner’s Transformation is Illuminati Goddess Ritual! (2015) This video covers the occult rituals and symbolism behind the present move toward the celebration of transgenderism. It reveals a number of areas in the media related to Bruce Jenner’s “transformation” which has been portrayed as normal and courageous, despite its obvious sickness.

The evil being pushed through his change and through other media sources is being used to indoctrinate and shape beliefs for those susceptible to media influence. Especially troubling is that family members, including Jenner, identify themselves as conservative Christians. This is high-level deception, and part of the destruction of the American male as a strong influence.

We are truly living in the Day of Noah and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ cannot be far off when He will put end to this perversion of His creation.


Revelation 14:9-11 … If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of  his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Source

What about the possibility that those suffering from transgenderism have a brain that functions as one gender while the rest of the body is biologically the other gender? The Bible does not even hint at such a possibility. However, neither does the Bible mention hermaphroditism (a condition in which a person has both male and female sexual organs), which undeniably occurs (although extremely rarely). Further, people can be born with or develop all kinds of different brain defects or malfunctions. How can it be said that it is impossible for a female brain to be in a male body (or vice versa)?

With hermaphroditism as evidence, it cannot be said that if the Bible does not mention something it does not occur. So, it might be possible for a person to be born with a brain wired in such a way that it contributes to gender dysphoria. This could also be an explanation for some instances of homosexuality. However, just because something might have a biological cause does not mean embracing the effects is the right thing to do. Some people are wired with sexuality on hyper-drive. That does not make it right for them to engage in sexual immorality. It is scientifically proven than some psychopaths/sociopaths have brains with severely weakened impulse-control mechanisms. That does not make it right for them to engage in every deviant behavior that crosses their minds.

No matter if the gender distortion has a genetic, hormonal, physiological, psychological, or spiritual cause, it can be overcome and healed through faith in Christ and continued reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit. Healing can be received, sin can be overcome, and lives can be changed through the salvation that Jesus provides, even if there are biological/physiological factors. The Corinthian believers are an example of such a change: “And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11). There is hope for everyone, transsexuals, transgenders, those with gender identity disorder, and transvestites included, because of God’s forgiveness available in Jesus Christ.

StevieRay Hansen

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Like Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament who served secular kings, we are called to serve everyone and help them fulfill their divine destiny. Jesus made it clear that people who want to lead or be great must be the servants of all. Serving is the way of leadership in the kingdom.

Forcing our way onto the world is not great leadership. Some accuse us of doing this very thing because we speak up on moral issues. It is important that we speak up on issues, but it’s also equally important that we love everyone no matter their persuasions.

Someday Jesus will rule the world; in the meantime, we should just serve well and let our good works speak of our Father who loves everyone.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!


Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on May 15, 2019 at 5:26 pm

    Dishonesty has become the American way of life, whether it be televangelists, lawyers, realtors, or your doctor. All people care about anymore is legally protecting themselves. Consequently, we live in a paranoid society of thugs, liars, cowards, and deceivers who only do what’s best for themselves. They couldn’t care less about doing what’s right, only what’s convenient for them. You’ll get the short end of the stick every time with people. They’ll try to con you out of your money, lie about you, gossip, and hurt you just because they can.

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