Update: Correction Pale Horse In Play: Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in Children Have Been Reported Throughout the World, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Informed HNewsWire How Many of These Hepatitis Cases Are Vaccinated Children
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Update: Correction Pale Horse In Play: Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in Children Have Been Reported Throughout the World, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Informed HNewsWire How Many of These Hepatitis Cases Are Vaccinated Children

HNewsWire: Satan Soldiers Are Killing Our Children,

According to the World Health Organization, health authorities in 33 countries have received reports of 920 likely instances of severe acute hepatitis of unknown origin in young children (WHO). On May 19, 2008, a lady examines a microscope.

The health service stated in a news statement on Friday that the newest report on the epidemic shows a rise of 270 cases since it presented data last month showing 650 cases of severe acute hepatitis were detected in youngsters between April 5 and May 26.

The bulk of the instances, 460 in total, are in Europe, with 267 from the United Kingdom alone. In the United States, about one-third of the likely cases have been recorded.

The epidemic was originally recorded in the United Kingdom in April, and it has now spread to dozens of other nations.According to the research, over half of the 422 instances in which gender and age-related details are available happened in boys, with the majority of them being under the age of six.

According to the WHO, 45 children with acute hepatitis needed liver transplants, and there were 18 fatalities, the majority of which occurred in the Americas area.

Researchers have been working hard to figure out what's causing the strange spike in severe episodes of hepatitis—or liver inflammation—in young children. They've also speculated on a probable connection to COVID-19.

The WHO said on June 24 that acute hepatitis is "currently rated as mild" globally, citing many variables. The cause of this severe acute hepatitis is unclear and is being researched. WHO presently has little epidemiological, laboratory, histological, and clinical data.

Because of the limited increased monitoring techniques in place, the actual number of cases and geographical dispersion may be underestimated. The method of transmission of the etiologic agent(s) has yet to be established.

Although no evidence of healthcare-associated illnesses are known, human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out due to a few reports of epidemiologically connected cases. On September 17, 2020, a fireman from the Marseille Naval Fire Battalion delivers a nose swab to a kid at a COVID-19 testing station in Marseille, France. (Reuters/Eric Gaillard) Possible Causes

Infection with adenovirus, a common pediatric virus known as F41, may be the main theory for the majority of cases, according to US health experts. According to the UK Health Security Agency, adenovirus, a viral infection that often causes the common cold, was found in 75% of verified cases tested in the UK in April (UKHSA).

"The dominant hypothesis continue to be those involving adenovirus; nevertheless, we continue to study the possible involvement of SARS-CoV-2 and strive to rule out any toxicological component," the UKHSA said at the time.

According to the WHO, early studies show that adenovirus is still the most often found infection among patients with accessible data. Adenovirus infection was discovered in 45 percent of cases in the United States, whereas it was found in more than half of cases with accessible data in European areas.

According to the WHO report, researchers investigating a possible relation to the CCP virus discovered COVID-19 in 15% of hepatitis cases of unknown origin in European countries and 10% in the United States.

The CDC and WHO have previously said that they do not think COVID-19 immunizations are connected to the hepatitis cases since many of the children who have acquired the illness have not received the vaccine. They have also ruled out COVID-19 as a possible cause.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is usually caused by a viral infection. The viruses hepatitis A, B, and C are typically connected with the illness, but experts add that long-term or severe alcohol use, drug overdoses, prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs like acetaminophen, and pollutants may also cause liver inflammation.

According to the Mayo Clinic and other health experts, symptoms of hepatitis include jaundice, or yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, as well as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dark-colored urine, joint pain, lack of appetite, fever, and exhaustion.

SRH: Pestilence is a deadly disaster, usually a disease, that affects an entire community. Pestilence is contagious, virulent, and devastating. For example, the Black Plague in Europe that killed over thirty percent of the population during the late Middle Ages was a pestilence. In the Bible, pestilence is a sign of God’s judgment on a nation or people group (Deuteronomy 32:24; 1 Chronicles 21:12; Ezekiel 7:14–15). The God who protects and blesses is also the God who sends disaster and pestilence when it accomplishes His righteous purposes on earth (Isaiah 45:7; Ezekiel 5:16–17; Amos 4:10). Pestilence is promised as part of God’s final judgment on the world in Revelation 18:8.

The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” in new versions of the English Bible. However, because the word is often paired with both of those, it may imply a greater devastation than mere physical disease. Pestilence incorporates any and all forms of public and mass destruction and often accompanies famine (Ezekiel 7:15) or war (Jeremiah 21:9). Jesus forewarned of pestilence when He described the end times (Luke 21:11).

HNewsWire: A New Twist from Satan's Soldiers Oh, now it's fresh fruit causing hepatitis. These people are truly evil CDC, W.H.O, FDA and these governments that have Hitler's boot on the back of the people's neck.

The epidemic of hepatitis A in two nations is being linked to the sale of fresh organic strawberries at various outlets, according to government organizations.

It's possible that a multi-state outbreak of hepatitis A infections linked to FreshKampo and HEB organic strawberries purchased between March 5, 2022, and April 25, 2020 is being investigated by the FDA and its partners, which include the CDC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, among others. That's according to an FDA statement.

According to the FDA's warning, frozen strawberries should not be consumed. Aldi, HEB, Kroger, Safeway, Sprouts Farmers Market, Trader Joe's, Walmart, Weis Markets, and WinCo Foods all sold the berries. People in California have been infected 15 times and in Minnesota and North Dakota once.

The epidemic has not resulted in any fatalities. As reported by the Daily Mail, FreshKampo, a California-based firm that grows and sells strawberries, packed the fruit with the Texas-based HEB.

On March 5, 2022, through April 25, 2022, fresh organic strawberries marketed as FreshKampo and HEB brand names were bought by a number of people who were sick as a result of this epidemic, according to FDA data.

There have been incidents of illness linked to fresh organic strawberries bought from FreshKampo or HEB in California, Minnesota, and Canada," says the study. The FDA estimates that symptoms would appear between March 28 and April 30, 2022.

In a Biblical Event, Pestilence Is on the Move: Mysterious Cases of Hepatitis Among Children Have Been Documented in at Least 25 States, According to a New Report


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States have reported that there are over 100 instances of acute hepatitis B in children throughout the country. Health authorities in Hawaii have verified that they are looking into an acute hepatitis B case in a kid.

It is now the 25th state to have recently reported at least one incidence of pediatric hepatitis with no known cause. The youngster, who is under the age of 10, was admitted to a Maui hospital in late April with stomach discomfort and a fever, according to the state's Department of Health.

At the end of April, the youngster was admitted to the hospital with stomach discomfort and fever." This patient had a thorough medical examination and evaluation. According to the agency's statement to the local press, "no reason has been discovered at this time. Is the youngster still being cared for in the hospital?

CDC and the health department are working together to determine the etiology of the hepatitis case.

A CDC official, Dr. Jay Butler, said that 109 cases had been recorded, along with five fatalities, in a teleconference last week. Butler reported that a considerable number of liver transplants were also required.

Cases have been reported by the CDC from Alabama to Arizona to California to Colorado to Delaware to Florida to Georgia to Idaho to Illinois to Indiana to Louisiana to Michigan to Minnesota to Missouri to North Dakota to Nebraska to New York to Ohio to Pennsylvania to Tennessee to Texas to Wisconsin. According to Butler, at least one case has been documented in Puerto Rico.

Even if adenoviruses are implicated in the recent episodes of acute hepatitis, researchers are still unsure whether they're the cause. The hepatitis instances are not linked to the COVID-19 and COVID-19 immunizations, according to Butler, the CDC, and other health officials. The vaccination has not been administered to the majority of the affected youngsters.

Nine previously healthy youngsters in Alabama have been diagnosed with hepatitis of unknown origin, prompting a nationwide health notice from the CDC on April 21. COVID-19 was not found in any of the children ages 1 to 6, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) may be caused by a wide range of factors, although hepatitis A, B and C viruses are the most well-known culprits. According to health experts, hepatitis may be caused by excessive and prolonged alcohol use, drug overdoses, certain medications, and pollutants.

When you have hepatitis, you may have the following signs and symptoms: jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dark urine, joint pains, lack of appetite, fever, and exhaustion.

More Suspected Cases of Unexplained Acute Hepatitis in Children Have Been Reported in Japan, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Has Gone Missing or Brain Dead


According to the Japanese Health Ministry, at least seven suspected instances of acute hepatitis (liver inflammation) in youngsters have been found across the country, albeit the exact cause of the cases is still unclear at this time.
A photograph shows a lady pushing a stroller while strolling with her children through a park in Tokyo.

The first case was reported on April 25th, and the second case was reported on April 28th. On May 6, the ministry released a statement stating that four further potential cases had been reported (pdf). All of the patients are under the age of sixteen.

According to The Japan Times, one of them tested positive for COVID-19, while the other tested positive for Adenovirus Type 1. The ministry did not specify if these were two unique persons or whether it was the same person who contracted both viruses.

According to the report, the seven documented incidents included children who were hospitalized to hospitals between October 1, 2021 and May 6, 2022, with some of them having already been released from the facility. A liver transplant was not performed on any of the patients.

On May 3, the World Health Organization (WHO) informed news outlets that there were at least 228 suspected cases of hepatitis C in at least 20 countries, including Denmark, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, and France. Hepatitis C is a virus that causes liver disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on April 23 that the cases involved children ranging in age from one month to sixteen years old, with many of them experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting prior to presenting with severe hepatitis and jaundice (yellowing skin and eyes).

According to the researchers, none of these instances included any of the major virus strains that cause acute viral hepatitis (hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D, and E). "International travel or linkages to other nations have not been recognized as factors based on the information presently available," the report said.

The Jakarta Post reported on May 3 that a strange type of hepatitis has been connected to the deaths of three infants aged two, eight, and eleven, all of whom were under the age of two. The Health Ministry said that the youngsters suffered from diarrhea and jaundice, and that the matter was still under investigation at the time of publication.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States said on Friday that it was examining more than ten instances of a strange type of hepatitis in youngsters, noting that five of the children had died.

During a briefing, Dr. Jay Butler, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's deputy director of infectious diseases, said that the agency is examining 109 instances of acute hepatitis in 24 states and Puerto Rico. Despite the fact that the source of the epidemic is yet unknown, he noted that almost half of the youngsters had adenovirus infections.

The Health Security Agency of the United Kingdom revealed (pdf) that the country's case count had increased to 163 since the beginning of January, and that 11 children had undergone liver transplants as of this writing. Officials in the United Kingdom have ruled out the COVID-19 vaccination as a possible cause.

It was noted in the study that "there are less than five older case-patients who have been documented as having had a COVID-19 immunization prior to hepatitis start," and that the majority of the afflicted youngsters are too young to get the injection. "There is no indication of a relationship between COVID-19 immunization and acute hepatic syndrome," the researchers concluded.

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Update: Ten More States Have Reported Unexplained Hepatitis a Outbreaks Among Children

HNewsWire: After the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a national health notice on April 21 about a strange cluster of the virus, at least ten other states throughout the United States are reporting similar instances of severe acute hepatitis—a liver disease of unknown origin.

It involves previously healthy children ranging in age from one month to sixteen years, many of whom are suddenly developing liver disease and manifesting symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting, as well as jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), which is caused by hepatitis A virus infection.

As reported by local television station KSTP-TV on April 30, a representative for the Minnesota Department of Health said the agency is looking into multiple occurrences of unexplained hepatitis in youngsters.

He said that two of those youngsters, one of whom is an infant and the other who is two years old, had needed liver transplants. One of them is still on the line.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) issued a health warning on April 27 after the report of four incidents among youngsters, two of which resulted in serious outcomes, one of which required a liver transplant, and one of which ended in death.

According to the New York Post, similar occurrences have also been recorded in Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, New York, North Carolina, and Tennessee, as well as other states.

Since November 2021, nine instances have been documented in Alabama, according to the state's Department of Public Health, which released a statement on April 15.

Meanwhile, the state of California is looking into seven incidents, the first of which was reported in October 2021, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

It is believed that an epidemic of severe acute hepatitis may be connected to an outbreak of adenovirus, a viral illness that is often associated with the common cold.

Ali Bay, a spokesman for the California Department of Public Health, told the San Francisco Chronicle that "we do not know yet whether adenovirus had a role in these unusual diseases or if these instances are linked."

We recommend parents and guardians to use common sense general precautions to avoid infection and sickness, such as excellent hand hygiene, covering coughs and sneezes, and keeping children home from school or daycare while they are sick, even if just a few instances of this unusual disease have been documented.

A health advisory issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this month asked all clinicians to be on the lookout for symptoms and to report any suspected cases of unknown origin to their regional and state health departments. The health organization said that it is also collaborating with state health authorities to see if there are any other instances in the United States and what may be the underlying cause.

While this is happening, the World Health Organization has reported at least 169 cases in 12 countries as of April 21. These countries include the United Kingdom (including Scotland), Israel (including Jerusalem), Denmark (including Ireland), the Netherlands (including Amsterdam), Italy (including Norway), France (including Rouen), Belgium (including Brussels), and the United States (including New York).

According to the World Health Organization, seventeen children have needed liver transplantation, with at least one death documented.

According to authorities, adenovirus has been found in at least 74 instances thus far.

According to the health organization, "while adenovirus is a possible hypothesis, investigations are currently underway to determine the causative agent." The organization also noted that this hypothesis "does not fully explain the severity of the clinical picture" and that "the implicated adenovirus type, has not previously been linked to such a clinical presentation."

The CDC said that several aspects, such as increased vulnerability among young children as a result of a lower level of adenovirus circulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the possible development of a new adenovirus, and COVID-19 infection, still need to be explored further.

They ruled out any possible linkages to COVID-19 immunizations, stating that the great majority of the afflicted children with severe hepatitis had not been vaccinated against the virus.

CDC correspondence with HNW, Dear HNewsWire, If we understand your submission correctly, none of these children were at the hospital because of a current SARS-CoV-2 infection. Most of the children affected were too young to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. This information will continue to be collected and analyzed as we identify potential cases and CDC will share information as it develops.

Update: 4/25/22

HNewsWire: According to the World Health Organization, at least 169 children ages one month to 16 years old have been infected with acute hepatitis in at least 11 countries.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, which filters the blood, aids in the fight against infections, and processes nutrients.

At least one kid has died as a result of the condition, and 17 have had liver transplants. The bulk of the cases, 114, were recorded in the United Kingdom, with 13 from Spain, 12 from Israel, nine from the United States, and a few from Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, France, Romania, and Belgium. The majority of the patients did not have a fever or any of the usual viruses that cause acute viral hepatitis, such as adenoviruses, which cause hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. According to the WHO, it is unclear whether there has been an increase in hepatitis cases or an increase in knowledge of hepatitis cases that occur at the predicted rate but go unreported. "While adenovirus is a viable candidate, examinations for the causal culprit are underway." According to the Saturday statement, the clinical syndrome "among identified cases is acute hepatitis (liver inflammation) with markedly elevated liver enzymes," with many suffering from gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting "preceding presentation with severe acute hepatitis" as well as elevated levels of liver enzymes or alanine aminotransaminase and jaundice.

Hepatitis symptoms:

  • dark urine.
  • pale, grey-coloured poo.
  • itchy skin.
  • yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice).
  • muscle and joint pain.
  • a high temperature.
  • feeling and being sick.
  • feeling unusually tired all the time.
  • loss of appetite.
  • tummy pain.

Most of the cases did not present with a fever, according to the WHO, which added that an investigation needs to focus on factors such as "increased susceptibility amongst young children following a lower level of circulation of adenovirus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the potential emergence of a novel adenovirus, as well as SARS-CoV-2 co-infection."

What else could be in play

HNewsWire Contacted the CDC for Comment, but Received No Response as of Press Time.


HNewsWire: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health alert after the discovery of adenovirus and hepatitis infections in youngsters in Alabama. On Sept. 30, 2014, a general view of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta.

They said that a "cluster of youngsters" had been afflicted with both hepatitis and adenovirus after a November 2021 notification to the CDC by physicians at a big hospital in Alabama.

The hospital notified the CDC of "five pediatric patients with substantial liver damage, including three with acute liver failure, who also tested positive for adenovirus," the agency said, adding that the youngsters were previously healthy and did not have COVID-19.

"Case-finding efforts at this institution discovered four more pediatric patients with hepatitis and adenovirus infection from October 2021 to February 2022," the FDA said. Two of the patients needed liver transplantation, but none of them died.

Apart from the nine cases in Alabama, two have been detected in North Carolina, according to health department officials speaking to local media.

Authorities are now conducting an investigation into a possible relationship between pediatric hepatitis and viral infections. Additionally, the FDA has requested physicians and state public health authorities to notify it if children under the age of 10 have increased aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotransferase levels, which may indicate liver concerns.

"Earlier this month, the United Kingdom reported cases of pediatric hepatitis in children who tested negative for hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D, and E, including those with adenovirus infection," the agency noted.

Additionally, the CDC said that five children tested positive for adenovirus type 41, which "usually manifests as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever" and "is often accompanied by respiratory symptoms."

At least 100 children under the age of ten in the United Kingdom have been diagnosed with acute hepatitis as a result of an unknown source, officials said. Officials in the United Kingdom said that there is "no relationship" between the instances and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Cases have also been reported in Denmark, Spain, and the Netherlands, according to a Tuesday notice by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Hepatitis is an inflammatory illness of the liver that may be caused by a virus, alcohol, prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen, excessive dosages of some herbal supplements, toxins, and a variety of medical problems. Hepatitis viruses, which are transmitted by body fluids, may potentially infect the liver and cause inflammation.

Abdominal pain—specifically in the upper right region of the abdomen, just behind the ribs—dark-colored urine, light-colored feces, and jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

SRH : The CDC, the Who or No Other Organization on the Face of the Earth Can Predict Pestilent — Only God Controls Plagues and Weather — These People That Claim to Predict and Understand Complicated Viruses Are Brain Dead and Useless to God’s People

CDC health officials are now working vigorously to trace contacts of anyone directly exposed to a Dallas resident who recently returned to the US on a trip to Nigeria. The man is now in isolation at a Dallas hospital after testing positive for an extremely rare disease known as Monkeypox – said to be the first ever case of its kind in Texas.

It’s also the first case seen inside the United States in two decades, with the last significant outbreak in 2003 including 47 reported human cases. The infected person flew into Atlanta international airport on July 8, and then on to Dallas Love Field the next day.Illustrative CDC file photo of Monkeypox infected person.

Dallas health officials have declared there’s “no cause for alarm” given monkeypox has a lower fatality rate than smallpox. The two diseases are similar in that they can cause a severe rash which lasts for about a month. But the rash causing large swollen bumps all over the body appear particularly nasty and painful-looking in the case of Monkeypox.

However monkeypox may not be as easily spreadable given it’s carried by rodents or other animals and human-to-human transmission is through bodily fluids and respiratory droplets.

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One thought on “Update: Correction Pale Horse In Play: Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in Children Have Been Reported Throughout the World, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Informed HNewsWire How Many of These Hepatitis Cases Are Vaccinated Children

  1. All this evil and now they are reporting S.A.D.S.(Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) as if it is a new mysterious cause of death. Like it’s earlier cousin S.I.D.S., this affects adults just as the former affects babies. For seemingly no reason they just die. Even though everyone who is dying of this has taken the jab. It is an incalculable evil that has brought this upon humanity. Hopefully we will see these evil doers brought to the gallos sooner rather than later.

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