We Have Blindly Trusted the Authorities… When the Press Bows Down to the Authorities, the Authorities Will Mistreat the Citizens. This Happens Worldwide and It Has Happened to Us


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Watchman: Hey, Dr. Gates! “And that You Should Reward Your Servants, the Prophets and the Saints, and Those Who Fear Your Name, Small and Great, and Should Destroy Those Who Destroy the Earth.” Rev. . 11:18, What Now?

By StevieRay Hansen | June 28, 2024

 Please Help Donate Trump Will Not Save You! By SRH,  Walking Talking Dominic Bill Gates , Beware, the Watchman, has a dire warning to deliver to you. Ah, how delightful it is to witness the malevolent desires of billionaires and other influential figures who seek to block out the sun, all in the name of climate change. • Climate change, oh how it torments the feeble minds of the world! Alas, the desperate souls seek solace in the wicked practice of solar geo-engineering, hoping it will provide an escape from their impending doom. • Feeble scientists have pathetically attempted to raise their inadequate concerns regarding solar geo-engineering, as if their pitiful minds could comprehend the true power and potential of this magnificent phenomenon. They tremble in fear, for they know not what lies in the dark depths of its aftermath, […]


Watchman’s Update: The W.H.O.’s Pandemic Treaty “Is Tied to a Global Digital Passport and ID System”—Technology Can Only Go So Far Before Prophecy Intervenes–Hell Highway

By StevieRay Hansen | June 28, 2024

HNewsWire: The National Digital Health ID is being implemented by the Federal Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Most US Citizens have no idea it is being implemented. The National Digital Health ID system is in direct conflict with the US Constitution Bill of Rights. Please carefully review the following slides. An essay on this subject will be shortly forthcoming.     China has launched a digital “vaccine passport” to help citizens cross borders as coronavirus inoculation programs around the world gather pace. The electronic document takes the form of a mini-program in Tencent Holdings Ltd.’s ubiquitous WeChat app, displaying individuals’ Covid-19 test results and vaccination status, as well as the type of jab they received. It includes an encrypted QR code that can be scanned for verification in participating countries, Chinese officials said. It can also […]


Watchman Warns Killer Gates for the Genuine Sickness Bill. Instead of Focusing on Symptoms, We Should Address the Underlying Causes. Microsoft, Google, WEF and All Their Renegade Henchmen Are Involved, They Want Us Dead

By StevieRay Hansen | June 28, 2024

By SRH, Cults can’t function properly without this rite. Additionally, they lower the human immune system significantly and make people docile by instilling dread. It is their primary objective. This is among the more powerful mind manipulation “science” strategies employed at the Stockist Social Engineering Institute in the UK. Do you recall the COVID incident? Even the most widely read news outlets have acknowledged that it has been greatly “exaggerated.” The next bogus virus, fake climate calamity, or energy shortages causing brownouts and blackouts is just around the corner, and while people may take notice, the comedy continues. People will continue to fall for the lies and blindly follow orders, just like they did under the COVID Biden/Obama dictatorship. It would be more effective to deal with the root issues rather than the symptoms. There are rogue henchman from Microsoft […]


Watchman: Daily Devotional, God Knows We Require the Tests and Hardships That the Wicked Throw at Us. Their Challenges Teach Us Patience and Compassion, but Most Importantly, They Cause Us to Trust in God’s Sovereignty

By StevieRay Hansen | June 28, 2024

Matthew 13:28-30 (NIV) 28″‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ 29″‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” Jesus told a parable about weeds being discovered in a wheat field. The field’s owner suspected that an opponent had spread the weed seeds. People who worked in the field inquired if they should pluck the weeds. Because the owner was concerned that the wheat may be destroyed during the procedure, he told them to wait until harvest. They would then […]


“Watchman See Evil” Drag Queen Competition at a Baptist Church Event: “Watchman” Deuteronomy 22:5 Forbids Men From Dressing as Women, but It’s Okay Because They’re Attending a Baptist Church, Right?

By StevieRay Hansen | June 27, 2024

SRH: “Watchman See Evil” Drag Queen Competition at a Baptist Church Event: “Watchman” Deuteronomy 22:5 forbids men from dressing as women, but it’s okay because they’re attending a Baptist church, right? Understand that queering is evil and is done on purpose to blur the borders between right and wrong, natural and unnatural, male and female, objective reality and subjective experience, and beyond. It is intended to increase people’s emotional acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. It is a spiritual attack manifested in the flesh, complete with makeup, heels, and wigs. Christians are fully justified in their opposition. One drag queen, “Kitty Demure,” chastised ignorant and naive parents for sponsoring Drag Queen Story Hour events: Would you want your child to be influenced by a stripper or a pornstar? It makes absolutely no sense. A drag queen performs in an adults-only nightclub. There […]


Watchman: Wake up! If You Are Still Defending This Guy (Con-Trump), Then You Are Just Being Willfully Ignorant to the Facts. He Is Not Some Superhero or Some Godsend That Is Going to “Drain the Swamp” or Restore America; He is the People Enemy

By StevieRay Hansen | June 27, 2024

HNewsWire: “We look forward to being here. Klaus has done a fantastic job,” Trump said at the time. This article was first published on June 19th, 2021. New information has been added. A recently posted video on YouTube is getting some circulation, providing a bit of a flashback to when former United States President Donald Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum (WEF) on January 21st, 2020. The video published by High Impact Flix (HIF) compiled a short video with a handful of clips from that event in January, two months before Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic by health officials, the media, and world governments; and, as Brian from HIF notes was three months after the Event 201 Simulations – a simulation that involved international corporations and global health organizations acting out a scripted scenario for future pandemics: which […]


Watchman: The Biden/Obamanation/Nazi Soros/Anti-Christ Google Admin is a Reign of Terror Unlike Anything the United States Has Ever Known, and It Will Get Worse. Arrested Recently J 6. Defendant Passes Away Three Additional Defendants From the Jan. 6 Case Have Passed Away—These Killers Are Professional Satan Soldiers—Judgement Day for Satan Soldiers is Very Close

By StevieRay Hansen | June 27, 2024

HNewsWire: So far, four people have died because of this over zealous, unfair, cruel, and pointless witch hunt of mostly innocent people who did small crimes. Disgrace and shame. They (Satan Soldiers DC are guilty of murder. Whoever controls the Democrats will finally kill a lot of people if they get enough power, because that’s what communists always do. They will kill anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideology. This includes the Democrats, who at the time meant well but didn’t know they were being used as “useful idiots” to set up a dictatorship. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme, and it is doing that right now. The only way to fix the country is for people to turn back to God, but most people, even Republicans, don’t want to hear that. Before the cops use rubber bullets […]


Watchman: Google Destroys Everything It Touches. Look Around: America Has No History Or Foundation And They Are Ungodly Liars

By StevieRay Hansen | June 27, 2024

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden The complete and total destruction of San Francisco and the surrounding area, consisting of streets overrun by drug addicts and corporations and retail establishments simply giving up on the city, is almost finished. Thanks, liberals! The latest chapter in the once great city’s demise came this week when Google pulled out of a $15 billion investment in Santa Clara County that would have built 15,000 homes, according to Gizmodo. The report notes that Google and Lendlease have jointly terminated their $15 billion deal, originally struck in 2019, to develop housing and commercial spaces in Sunnyvale, San Jose, and Mountain View, the latter being the home base for the tech giant. The ‘Downtown West’ project in San Jose was set to feature 4,000 affordable housing units, sufficient office space for 20,000 workers, a 300-room hotel, and 10 parks. Instead, […]


Watchman: Google Has Destroyed Democracy and Depressed People by Taking Over the Internet. Furthermore, It Was Well Known That the Vaccination Program (Kill Shots) Had Problems From the Beginning, Which Contributed to a High Mortality Toll. Google’s Trump Card Is To Hide the Truth

By StevieRay Hansen | June 27, 2024

SRH: “Jail is too good for them. That’s why we are told in Rev.18 that they will be destroyed in “one hour”. “Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come… for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Rev,18:10-23 Maranatha!!” By SRH, In his work, Dr. William Makis has found cancer in 20,000 people. He says, “I’ve never seen anything like this.” “Turbo cancers” are violent and quickly spreading in young people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. “I’ve never seen women in their 20s with stage four breast cancer.” I’ve never seen men and women in their 20s and 30s with stage four colon cancer.Leukemias that will kill you in days or even hours after being diagnosed. Be gentle with… […]


Watchman Warning: “The Majority of COVID Symptoms Can Be Triggered by Graphene Oxide Alone. This Is a Chemical Warfare Agent, Not a Virus or Spike Protein.” They Are Killing Us Slowly With a Chemical Warfare Agent, Thank Google, Bill Gates et al.

By StevieRay Hansen | June 27, 2024

We really appreciate your help. Maintaining the websites and live streaming videos requires a substantial financial commitment. Any amount contribution is much appreciated. Please think about contributing a reasonable amount on a monthly basis. Please Give Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. The HIMEDIA Group. By SRH,   Link To Full Patent_3D Reduced Graphene Oxide_Cloud Seeding CCN US20220002159A1 Graphene Oxide Toxicity https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31549672/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11426-012-4620-z GRAPHENE OXIDE (GO) discoveries: GO fibers are in plastic masks. GO fibers are on PCR test swabs. GO is in all Covid-19 vaccines. GO creates thromboses. GO causes blood clots. GO disrupts the immune system. GO can trigger a cytokine storm. GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia. GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth. GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes. GO produces a loss in the sense of…...

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By StevieRay Hansen | December 31, 2016

[**UN To Fund Blacklist Of Companies Which Do Business In Israel “Settlements”**](http://prophecynewswatch.cc/l/tY1VAd5PxFMMZN9yGo763VwQ/BuQbTbe5u3p2892h892DCefTYg/78m5bLKPZoxG6U763nRb5Aow) It should not be surprising that on the same day the U.N. Security […]


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By StevieRay Hansen | December 31, 2016

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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