Up-Date: Jan 4, 2020 Prophecy Unfolding: The Retaliation Begins


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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For First Time In History, Iran Unfurls Red Flag Of Revenge Over Holy Dome Of Jamkaran Mosque

For the first time in the history of Iran, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkaran Mosque symbolizing both blood spilled unjustly and serving as a call to avenge people who are killed.

“Those who want to avenge the blood of Hussein,” the war flag reads the words.

The red flag was raised on top of one of the biggest and most important mosques in the holy city of Qom. This was done in honor of Qassem Suleimani and other officers people who were assassinated by the US.

Therefore, Iran pledged that it will avenge their martyrdom.


“No More Threats” – Trump Warns Iran “52 Targets Will Be Hit Very Fast & Hard”

Following today’s mortar attacks
, and bellicosity from various Iranian (and Iran-backed) leaders, President Trump has responded in words (for now), warning Iran in three short words: “no more threats!”

In three short tweets, Trump explained he is done being threatened…

“Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader”

Then reminded his followers just exactly what Soleimani had done…

[Soleimani] had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently hundreds of Iranian protesters.

He was already attacking our Embassy, and preparing for additional hits in other locations. Iran has been nothing but problems for many years.”

Then came the warning:

“Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran &  the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!

Not quite as aggressive as the “fire and fury” tweet directed at North Korea, but with the red flag of jihad flying in Iran, we suspect they get the message from the US president.

Trump’s warning follows Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s comments stressing that avenging Soleimani and the other martyrs is a duty of all resistance mujahidin around the world. Source ZeroHedge

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Retaliation Begins Multiple Mortar Attacks On US Presence In Iraq, Hezbollah Warns Security Forces “Stay Away” this could be the spark that unites the Middle East, the Antichrist appears, tribulations are in full seven-year swing…

U.S. Army paratroopers from the 2nd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat

US, Israel brace for Iranian retaliation in wake of Soleimani killing

Iran reserved the right to take revenge against the United States for the death of Soleimani, he said in comments made late on Friday and reported on Saturday by Tasnim.


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visits the family of the Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani, head of the elite Quds Force, who was killed by an air strike in Baghdad, at his home in Tehran, Iran January 4, 2020 (photo credit: OFFICIAL PRESIDENT WEBSITE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visits the family of the Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani, head of the elite Quds Force, who was killed by an airstrike in Baghdad, at his home in Tehran, Iran January 4, 2020(photo credit: OFFICIAL PRESIDENT WEBSITE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)

Iran will punish Americans wherever they are within reach of the Islamic Republic in retaliation for the killing of military commander Qasem Soleimani, Tasnim news agency quoted a senior Revolutionary Guards commander as saying, Reuters reported on Saturday morning. General Gholamali Abuhamzeh, the commander of the Guards in the southern province of Kerman, raised the prospect of possible attacks on ships in the Gulf. Read More Related Articles

Recommended by Iran reserved the right to take revenge against the United States for the death of Soleimani, he said in comments made late on Friday and reported on Saturday by Tasnim.“The Strait of Hormuz is a vital point for the West and a large number of American destroyers and warships cross there … vital American targets in the region have been identified by Iran since a long time ago … some 35 U.S. targets in the region, as well as Tel Aviv, are within our reach,” he said. Also on Saturday morning, a Lebanese Hezbollah official said the response of the Iran-backed “axis of resistance” to the killing of Soleimani will be decisive, the al-Mayadeen TV said on Saturday. The leader of Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc in Lebanon, Mohamed Raad, was referring to a swathe of Iran-backed groups from Lebanon to Yemen which have increased Tehran’s military influence in the region. Raad said the United States “made an error” in targeting Soleimani and that they will recognize that in the coming days, the channel reported.

Solemani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, along with at least 10 other people, were killed in an attack by US forces in Baghdad on Friday.”At the direction of the President, the US military has taken decisive defensive action to protect US personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization,” the Pentagon wrote in a statement. In a speech to the American people, US President Donald Trump called Soleimani the “number one terrorist anywhere in the world.”   Source

Tags HezbollahIranDonald TrumpIRGC

Update: There are unconfirmed reports that US aircraft have attacked Iranian positions near the eastern Syrian city of Al-Bukamal.

Evan Kohlmann@IntelTweet

There are unconfirmed reports from Iranian sources that U.S. aircraft have attacked Iranian positions near the eastern Syrian city of Al-Bukamal.1501:36 PM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy171 people are talking about this

Strategic Sentinel@StratSentinel

Fire can be seen in the distance after reports of airstrikes near Al-Bukamal and #Iraq 1211:48 PM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy78 people are talking about this



  • Multiple ‘Katyusha’ unguided missiles/mortars fired into two regions near Baghdad.
  • Green Zone neighborhood in Baghdad, comes under mortar shell attack: 5 ppl wounded.
  • Balad airbase (hosts US troops) near Baghdad hit by missiles: 3 Iraqi soldiers wounded.
  • Explosion heard at Al-Kindi base in Mosul (which houses US troops): no details on injuries yet
  • Hezbollah warns Iraqi Security Forces to stay away from US bases.

Aldin @aldin_ww

Iraqi Kata’ib Hezbollah warning Iraqi Security Forces should stay away from US bases starting Sunday evening.

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4511:45 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy56 people are talking about this

*  *  *

As 1000s march in the streets of Baghdad to moutn the death of Soleimani, Al-Arabiya (and other local news sources) report rockets have landed in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, where the US Embassy (among other things) is located.

Witnesses told Reuters that an explosion was heard in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad

سكاي نيوز عربية-عاجل@SkyNewsArabia_B

شهود لرويترز: سماع دوي انفجار في العاصمة العراقية بغداد16610:49 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy38 people are talking about this

Sky News Arabia reports that the missile landed in the Green Zone in Baghdad and closed the entrance to the road leading to the American embassy.

سكاي نيوز عربية-عاجل@SkyNewsArabia_B

مراسلنا: سقوط صاروخ على المنطقة الخضراء في بغداد وإغلاق مدخل الطريق المؤدي إلى السفارة الأميركية27210:53 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy109 people are talking about this

An unguided ‘Katyusha’ rocket was reportedly launched…

Hamoud_Mohammed@news_hamoudReplying to @news_hamoud

Iraqi police sources: A Katyusha rocket landed inside the Green Zone [near the US Embassy] in Baghdad. pic.twitter.com/7ybzDMlNy9311:23 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Hamoud_Mohammed’s other Tweets

Dozens of US Apache helicopters are now seen overhead…

News flash@BRNewsFlash · 5hReplying to @BRNewsFlash

#BREAKING: unconfirmed reports of Missile impacts in the vicinity of US Embassy in #Baghdad

The missile did not hit the target!

News flash@BRNewsFlash

Numerous U.S. helicopters in the air over #Baghdad, #Iraq.
After Rocket hits Baghdad’s, Green Zone. Entrance to the U.S. Embassy remains closed.3911:02 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy54 people are talking about this

President Rouhani reportedly threatened a “lightning strike” against America…

Additionally, there are now reports that multiple rockets have struck Balad Airbase, located just north of Baghdad, that hosts US troops…

Evan Kokkinos@evankokkinos97

#BREAKING: Multiple rockets strike Balad Airbase north of #Baghdad housing #US troops.#Iraq #IranWar #Iran #Suleimani #MiddleEast #WWIII

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511:27 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy16 people are talking about this

A third mortar attack is reportedly underway at the US military base at Al-Kindi in Mosul…

Sotiri Dimpinoudis@sotiridi · 3hReplying to @sotiridi

#Update: Up to 4 Mortars have impacted inside the military base of Al-Kindi, where there are Kurdish coalition forces of the #US, at the city of #Mosul of Kurdistan in #Iraq.

Sotiri Dimpinoudis@sotiridi

#Update: Picture of inside the military base of Al-Kindi in #Mosul in #Kurdistan in #Iraq now being reported about 10 mortars hit inside the compound and around the compound. Reports also suggest that a number of #US troops are located at the base.#Iran

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4812:50 PM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy71 people are talking about this

Meanwhile, Iraqi police have opened fire at armed PMU militiamen during the funeral procession. Source

Babak Taghvaee@BabakTaghvaee

Happened in #Baghdad, the counter-terrorism unit of #Iraq|i Police opened fire at armed #PMU militiamen during the funeral of Abu-Mahdi al Muhandis & Qasem #Soleimani!21210:58 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy209 people are talking about this

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Prophecy Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes in Real-Time

Explosions Reported Near US Embassy & Balad Airbase In Baghdad, Several Wounded

Iran right now is reeling from the assassination, but the leadership is dominated by hardliners and the question is how, not whether, they will respond.  For markets, the key issue is the impact of the Iranian response on oil prices.

Our base case here is that a full-blown war between the U.S. and Iran is unlikely, though we appreciate the old adage that nothing brings a country together more effectively than an external threat, and Iran’s government right now is extremely unpopular.  Sanctions imposed by the U.S. have crushed the economy and driven up inflation, triggering protests last month in which several hundred protesters were killed by the army and police.  It is reasonable to think, then, that the leadership will seek to use the assassination to divert attention from the grim economy.  But Iran’s leaders probably aren’t suicidal; we doubt they will take action that will trigger airstrikes on Tehran.  The infrastructure of the oil sector, though, is a likely target in the event of tit-for-tat escalation.

Iran’s military reaches via proxies across the Middle East gives the leadership plenty of options, including retaliatory assassination attempts, kidnappings, bombings of U.S. government facilities, and attacks on shipping and other privately-owned U.S. entities.  Iran might also seek to draw Israel into a conflict via Hezbollah in Lebanon.  We can’t rule out some sort of grand-scale attack, but an array of smaller-scale activity is our core bet.  The risk that something bigger will trigger a real war, however, likely will put a premium on oil prices for the next few months, at least.


  • Multiple ‘Katyusha’ unguided missiles/mortars fired into two regions near Baghdad
  • Green Zone neighborhood in Baghdad, comes under mortar shell attack: 5 ppl wounded.
  • Balad airbase (hosts US troops) near Baghdad: 3 Iraqi soldiers wounded.

*  *  *

As 1000s march in the streets of Baghdad to mourn the death of Soleimani, Al-Arabiya (and other local news sources) report rockets have landed in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, where the US Embassy (among other things) is located.

Witnesses told Reuters that an explosion was heard in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad

سكاي نيوز عربية-عاجل@SkyNewsArabia_B

شهود لرويترز: سماع دوي انفجار في العاصمة العراقية بغداد13810:49 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy32 people are talking about this

Sky News Arabia reports that the missile landed in the Green Zone in Baghdad and closed the entrance to the road leading to the American embassy.

سكاي نيوز عربية-عاجل@SkyNewsArabia_B

مراسلنا: سقوط صاروخ على المنطقة الخضراء في بغداد وإغلاق مدخل الطريق المؤدي إلى السفارة الأميركية21810:53 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy94 people are talking about this

An unguided ‘Katyusha’ rocket was reportedly launched…

Hamoud_Mohammed@news_hamoudReplying to @news_hamoud

Iraqi police sources: A Katyusha rocket landed inside the Green Zone [near the US Embassy] in Baghdad. pic.twitter.com/7ybzDMlNy911:23 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Hamoud_Mohammed’s other Tweets

Dozens of US Apache helicopters are now seen overhead…

News flash@BRNewsFlash · 53mReplying to @BRNewsFlash

#BREAKING: unconfirmed reports of Missile impacts in the vicinity of US Embassy in #Baghdad

The missile did not hit the target!

News flash@BRNewsFlash

Numerous U.S. helicopters in the air over #Baghdad, #Iraq.
After Rocket hits Baghdad’s, Green Zone. Entrance to the U.S. Embassy remains closed.2311:02 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy34 people are talking about this

President Rouhani reportedly threatened a “lightning strike” against America…

Additionally, there are now reports that multiple rockets have struck Balad Airbase, located just north of Baghdad, that hosts US troops…

Evan Kokkinos@evankokkinos97

#BREAKING: Multiple rockets strike Balad Airbase north of #Baghdad housing #US troops.#Iraq #IranWar #Iran #Suleimani #MiddleEast #WWIII

View image on Twitter

111:27 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Evan Kokkinos’s other Tweets

Meanwhile, Iraqi police have opened fire at armed PMU militiamen during the funeral procession.

Babak Taghvaee@BabakTaghvaee

Happened in #Baghdad, the counter-terrorism unit of #Iraq|i Police opened fire at armed #PMU militiamen during the funeral of Abu-Mahdi al Muhandis & Qasem #Soleimani!13010:58 AM – Jan 4, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy129 people are talking about this

Developing… Source ZeroHedge HNewsWire

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Gun Grab Pre-Tribulation’s… Virginia AG Says 2A Sanctuaries “Have No Legal Force”… 

Prophecy Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes in Real-Time

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People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the doorstep Tribulation.

Beth Moore So-Call Minister Says Nation Has to “Repent” for “Sins” of “Nationalism” and “White Supremacy” First… The Word of God proclaims, “A woman should…

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In Sunday’s letter, the signatories called out the condescending elitism of its author, outgoing Christianity Today Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli.

“It was astonishing to us that your editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, further offensively dismissed our point of view on CNN by saying, ‘Christianity Today is not read by the people – Christians on the far right, by evangelicals on the far right – so they’re going  to be as dismissive of the magazine as President Trump has shown to be.’ It also came to our attention, that Mr. Galli has written other statements about Americans who chose Donald Trump over Secretary Clinton in 2016, referring to them as ‘These other evangelicals [who] often haven’t finished college, and if they have jobs, and apparently most of them don’t, they are blue-collar jobs or entry-level work’ as he describes himself with pride as an ‘elite evangelical.’” (emphasis added)

Galli delivered this disparaging quote of Trump-supporting evangelical Christians in an essay entitled “Looking for Unity in All the Wrong Places,” included in the book Still Evangelical?, published by IVP Books in 2018.

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More than one hundred influential evangelical Christian leaders sent a letter to the president of the far-left magazine Christianity Today, chastising him for publishing a commentary on Thursday calling for the removal of President Trump.

The letter addressed to Christianity Today president Timothy Dalrymple on Sunday, was signed by well know evangelical Christians, including Dr. James Dobson, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former head of the Family Research Council Gary Bauer, author Eric Metaxas, and pastors Robert Morris, Tommy Barnett, and Jentezen Franklin.

“We write collectively to express our dissatisfaction with the editorial Christianity Today published on Thursday, December 19, 2019, calling for the removal of our duly elected President, who was put into the office at the behest of over sixty million voters,” the letter began.

“The editorial you published, without any meaningful and immediate regard for dissenting points of view, not only supported the entirely-partisan, legally-dubious, and politically-motivated impeachment but went even further, calling for Donald Trump not to be elected again in 2020 when he certainly survives impeachment,” the signatories wrote in the letter.

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Thanks to people like Pastor Steven Anderson and the choir of preachers he has assembled within the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement there has been a resurgence in what is called the Reprobate Doctrine. A Biblical doctrine that demonstrates in scripture, that God will turn people over to their vile lifestyles as a curse, blinding them to salvation in Jesus, giving them over to a devil’s hell for eternity. A doctrine that I believe is completely Biblical and defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is unmistakably visceral language.

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Corrupt elected officials are going to disarm the America people, it’s coming, and it will be sooner rather than later. SRH…

Red Flag laws become a self-fulfilling prophecy for the state. The politicians have already proven they will unthinkingly write these laws, and law enforcement personnel will undoubtedly continue to subject themselves to the dangers of enforcing these laws. I am asking everyone to count the risks, and prepare for the worst knowing that the government has decided to invade homes, steal property, and disarm citizens. The public trust has been dashed to pieces in the face of Red Flag laws.

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The Bible indicates that there will be a great apostasy during the end times. The “great apostasy” is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The KJV calls it the “falling away,” while the NIV and ESV call it “the rebellion.” And that’s what apostasy is: a rebellion, an abandonment of the truth. The end times will include a wholesale rejection of God’s revelation, a further “falling away” of an already fallen world, Chick-fil-A is Without a doubt Falling…

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We tend to report on how Baltimore City’s socio-economic crisis is sending the region into a collapse. Now there’s a new report that appears to be literally from a third world country! 

Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young warned in an interview this week with WBAL News’ Vanessa Herring that a white van has been running around the city targeting young girls for their organs, reported The Baltimore Sun.

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China, the Mad Dog from the North, Biblically Speaking They Are Very Dangerous, Political loyalties are very limiting for prophetic people, a prophet must be totally loyal to God and to his law.

People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the doorstep Tribulation.

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Trans Children is Just an Experiment, Great Britain is one of the enablersBritain’s first transgender couple has stoked controversy by revealing that they will allow their 5-year-old child to also begin gender transitionsome parents have become worthless enablers of child cruelty

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It looks like we are entering the days where the truth of God’s Word will be blotted out of existence on the internet. The inventor of the internet has just launched a new ‘contract’ to so-called ‘fix’ the internet: World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee on Monday unveiled a ‘Contract for the Web’ to halt ‘misuse’ by governments, companies, and individuals … If we don’t act now – and act together – to prevent the web from being misused by those who want to exploit, divide and undermine, we are at risk of squandering its potential for good … His unveiling of the final document on Monday comes as government, business, and civil society leaders gather in Berlin for the four-day UN Internet Governance Forum … He called on governments to strengthen laws and regulations … More than 150 organizations including companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Reddit … have backed the plan.”

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The Ride Will Get Nasty From Here, NWO… The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that EU governments can order Facebook to take down content worldwide…

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To Be Clear, This is NOT Democrat-Republican Fight; Instead, it’s a Battle Between GOD and The Anti-Christ

Something is seriously starting to break in China’s financial system.

 The identity and actions of these world powers are described primarily in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation. The king of the west is the Antichrist who will lead the ‘revised’ Roman Empire [the seventh kingdom] and its western allies. The ‘revised’ Roman Empire today is the European Union in transition. The king of the south is Egypt and its southern Islamic allies. The king of the north is Russia (described as Gog in Ezekiel) who will lead the nations of the Black Sea region and Caucasus Central Asia (ancient Scythia), and Iran (ancient Parthia). The king of the east is China and its Asiatic allies.

Three days after we described the self-destructive doom loop that is tearing apart China’s smaller banks,  where a second bank run took place in just two weeks – an unprecedented event for a country where until earlier this year not a single bank was allowed to fail publicly and has now had no less than five bank  high profile nationalizations/bailouts/runs so far this year – the Chinese bond market is bracing itself for an unprecedented shock: a major, Fortune 500 Chinese commodity trader is poised to become the biggest and highest-profile state-owned enterprise to default in the dollar bond market in over two decades.

In what Bloomberg dubbed the latest sign that Beijing is more willing to allow failures in the politically sensitive SOE sector – either that, or China is simply no longer able to control the spillovers from its cracking $40 trillion financial system – commodity trader Tewoo Group  – the largest state-owned enterprise in China’s Tianjin province – has offered an “unprecedented” debt restructuring plan that entails deep losses for investors or a swap for new bonds with significantly lower returns.

Tewoo Group is an SOE conglomerate, owned by the local government and operates in a number of industries including infrastructure, logistics, mining, autos, and ports, according to its website. It also operates in multiples countries including the U.S., Germany, Japan, and Singapore. The company ranked 132 in 2018’s Fortune Global 500 list, higher than many other Chinese conglomerates including service carrier China Telecommunications and financial titan Citic Group. Even more notable are the company’s financials: it had annual revenue of $66.6 billion, profits of about $122 million, assets worth $38.3 billion, and more than 17,000 employees as of 2017, according to Fortune’s website.

The state-owned company is neither publicly-listed nor rated by the top three international rating companies, although it does have publicly traded bonds whose performance in recent months has been nothing short of terrifying for anyone who thought purchasing a company explicitly backed by Beijing can never fail.

As one can deduce from the above chart, the first time Tewoo Group’s financial difficulties emerged was in April when it sought debt extension from its lenders on its offshore, dollar bonds and sold copper below market rates amid a cash crunch. At that time, Fitch Ratings – the only rating agency to appraise the company’s credit standing – slashed the company’s credit score first from BBB to BBB- on April 18, and then by a whopping six notches, from BBB – to B- on April 29, to reflect its weak liquidity and higher-than-expected leverage.

According to Bloomberg, the company has proposed an exchange/tender offer on the three-dollar bonds due to mature over the next three years, as well as a perpetual note. What makes what would otherwise be a mundane exchange offer in the US, is that this is the first-ever distressed plan of its kind from a state-owned Chinese firm.

What is just as striking is that the Tewoo Group – with its $66 billion in revenues and $38 billion in assets – is likely to default on its $300 million dollar bond due Dec. 16, a Bloomberg source said, unless the exchange is consummated. This means that the company’s bondholders have just a few weeks to decide between either taking as much as 64% in losses or accepting delayed repayment with sharply reduced coupons on $1.25 billion of dollar bonds, something which the rating agencies will describe as an event of default.

de facto default by Tewoo would be considered a “landmark case,” said Cindy Huang, an analyst at S&P Global Ratings. Central government support for SOEs is likely to be selective in the future, while local government aid will be limited by the slowing economy and weaker fiscal position, she said.

The “distressed exchange offer” comes after Tewoo Group said last week it would be unable to pay interest on a $500 million bond, prompting Industrial & Commercial Bank of China to transfer $7.875 million to bondholders on its behalf. ICBC provided a standby letter of credit on the note – a pledge to repay if the borrower can’t. However, the firm’s remaining $1.6 billion of dollar bonds lack such protection.

Worse, Tewoo Group is already ineffective default after some of its units previously missed local debt payments – in July, Tianjin Hopetone missed a coupon payment on its 1.21 billion yuan note sending the company’s dollar bonds tumbling below 50 cents on the dollar, while Tianjin Haoying Industry & Trade missed a loan interest payment due in June. Also in July, rating agency Fitch – which somehow missed all of this when it was rating the company investment-grade – withdrew its rating on Tewoo Group due to insufficient information to maintain the ratings. It last rated the issuer at B-.

And as furious bondholders scramble to demand an explanation how a state-owned enterprise can default, Beijing is already bracing for the inevitable next steps: earlier this month, Tianjin State-owned Capital Investment and Management, an entity wholly-owned by the Tianjin municipal government, was appointed to manage the company’s offshore debt. For now, the entity has no plan to hold controlling stakes in Tewoo Group, although that will likely change as soon as the company’s financial situation fails to improve. Meanwhile, Tewoo Group said it plans to take a series of debt management measures, by which we assume it means it will restructure its debt.

The fact that a state-owned enterprise such as Tewoo has just days before it defaults, in either a pre-pack or “freefall” form, suggests that Beijing will no longer bail out troubled SOEs, let alone private firms, perhaps due to the strains imposed by the economy which is slowing the most in three decades. It also raises concerns over Tianjin, where it’s based, following a series of rating downgrades and financing difficulties suffered by some of the city’s state-run firms. The metropolis near Beijing also has the highest ratio of local government financing vehicle bonds to GDP in China.

In short, if they’re a glitch with Tewoo’s default, the Chinese dominoes could start really falling.

Since the first SOE bond default emerged in China’s domestic market four years ago, 22 such firms have failed to make good on a combined 48.4 billion yuan ($6.9 billion) onshore bonds as of the end of October, according to Guosheng Securities. However, as Bloomberg adds, despite periodic scares such as late repayment, Chinese SOEs have yet to suffer any high-profile default in the dollar bond market since the collapse of Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corp. in 1998.

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Tewoo would be precisely that high-profile default.

There were early signs of Tewoo Group’s debt crisis. The bankruptcy of Bohai Steel Group in 2018 triggered systemic risk in Tianjin’s financial market. The incident involved a large number of local companies and financial institutions, which recorded huge amounts of bad debt. Financial institutions became more conservative in their lending standards, and this resulted in liquidity issues for a number of Tianjin enterprises.

At the same time, Beijing’s deleveraging and capacity reduction reforms made it difficult for a traditionally highly-leveraged company like Tewoo to raise financing. The default in May 2018 by Hsin Chong Group Holdings Limited, a company controlled by Tewoo, showed further signs of financial problems at Tewoo Group.

While normally such a critical company as Tewoo would be quietly bailed out by either Beijing or the local province, investors told Bloomberg that the company’s excessive debt levels will limit Tianjin authorities’ ability to lend support to the city’s troubled firms, prompting them to shun the latter’s debt. In July, Tianjin Binhai New Area Construction & Investment Group postponed plans to sell a three-year dollar bond offering amid such concern.

Tewoo’s debt issues that had surfaced from its current crisis may be only the tip of the iceberg. Tianjin’s economic growth has slowed down sharply since the beginning of 2016. GDP growth dropped to 1.9% in the first quarter of 2018. Even as it started to rebound thereafter, the outlook is still pessimistic, with GDP growth in 2018 less than 4%, which ranked last in the country according to iFast.

On the other hand, according to a 2016 report released by rating agency Moody’s, state-owned enterprises in Tianjin recorded an aggregate liability-to-fiscal revenue ratio of more than 600%, which was the highest in the country.

At the same time, as shown in Tianjin municipal government’s most recent three-year revenue and debt data, the Tianjin government’s fiscal revenue has declined significantly since 2017. Fiscal revenue fell by close to RMB40 billion in 2017, while government borrowings rose rapidly. By the end of 2018, debt owed by the Tianjin government was almost double its fiscal revenue.

The bankruptcy of Bohai Steel, a Tianjin SOE, in 2018 may also be a sign that the Tianjin government has lost control over the local debt crisis. Other than Bohai Steel and Tewoo, there have been a number of state-owned companies in Tianjin that are fighting to stave off insolvencies, such as Tianjin Real Estate Group Co. Limited, which owes RMB200 billion in debt. From the above observations, we think that in the event of a default by Tewoo, the company is likely to go into bankruptcy reorganization in a similar way as Bohai Steel, which has brought in capital from the private sector for its corporate restructuring. But for bondholders, recovery of their investments may be difficult, and potential loss heavy.

So with Tianjin unlikely to step up, in the aftermath of Tewoo’s proposed debt restructuring, which will indicate that Beijing will no longer bail out even SOEs, investors’ skepticism about state support for such state-linked firms will collapse, and a default could have wider implications on how investors assess and price their bonds in the future, said Judy Kwok-Cheung, director of fixed-income research at Bank of Singapore.

“Investors would be going back to basics in assessing credit risk in that the company’s stand-alone ability to repay is the first line of defense when it comes to non-repayment risk,” said Kwok-Cheung.

In short, “investors” would be reacquainted with a thing called “fundamentals.” The horror, the horror.

* * *

It gets worse: should Tewoo’s default spread to provincial-backed debt, an already ugly situation could quickly turn catastrophic as Tianjin has the highest debt burden among megacities and provinces in China according to S&P. Earlier this year, Fitch cut ratings on several government-related entities from the city, which is reliant on heavy industry and commodities trading. As a result of having the highest debt, Tianjin also has to slowest growth – Tianjin’s local economy grew by 3.6% last year, the slowest in China; at the end of last year, Tianjin’s government had 407.9 billion yuan worth of debt outstanding, or about 22% of the size of its economy, said the Chinese credit risk assessor.

And just in case the upcoming Tewoo D-Day isn’t troubling enough, Moody’s said that it expected the number of Chinese defaults to continue to rise in 2020 as economic growth sputters and the government attempts to rein in support to indebted companies. Specifically, Moody’s expects 40-50 new defaults in 2020, up from 35 this year, according to Ivan Chung, head of greater China credit research and analysis at Moody’s.

“The regulators’ intention is to reduce moral hazard” while at the same time ensuring any defaults “won’t undermine socioeconomic stability or trigger systemic risks,” Chung said on Wednesday, who added that whereas state support may be available for companies engaged in social welfare projects, for those that are more commercial in nature, “government support may not be so forthcoming,” he said.

Which is the worst possible news for Tweoo’s bondholders?

So what happens next?

Tewoo’s bondholders must quickly decide whether to accept the exchange/tender proposal by December 9 and 10 respectively, with the settlement date due on or around December 17. Since an event of default is now assured, the next big question is what will bondholders of China’s other SOE’s – those who bought bonds on the assumption that China will always bail them out – do next? A flurry of aggressively selling may be just the catalyst that cracks the market if it emerges in the extremely illiquid days just before Christmas. Source

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America’s stability is increasingly an undercurrent in political discourse. Earlier this year, I began a conversation with Keith Mines about America’s turmoil. Mines has spent his career—in the U.S. Army Special Forces, the United Nations, and now the State Department—navigating civil wars in other countries, including Afghanistan, Colombia, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. He returned to Washington after sixteen years to find conditions that he had seen nurture conflict abroad now visible at home. It haunts him. In March, Mines was one of several national-security experts whom Foreign Policy asked to evaluate the risks of a second civil war—with percentages. Mines concluded that the United States faces a sixty-per-cent chance of civil war over the next ten to fifteen years. Other experts’ predictions ranged from five percent to ninety-five percent. The sobering consensus was thirty-five percent. And that was five months before Charlottesville.

The pattern of civil strife has evolved worldwide over the past sixty years. Today, few civil wars involve pitched battles from trenches along neat geographic front lines. Many are low-intensity conflicts with episodic violence in constantly moving locales. Mines’ definition of a civil war is large-scale violence that includes a rejection of traditional political authority and requires the National Guard to deal with it.

Based on his experience in civil wars on three continents, Mines cited five conditions that support his prediction: entrenched national polarization, with no obvious meeting place for resolution; increasingly divisive press coverage and information flows; weakened institutions, notably Congress and the judiciary; a sellout or abandonment of responsibility by political leadership; and the legitimization of violence as the “in” way to either conduct discourse or solve disputes.

As the civil war explodes across America, we are very likely to see the power grid disconnected from liberal stronghold cities as a tactic to plunge those cities into chaos. Watch for tactical disruptions of fuel, food, water, and electricity. Or, come to think of it, you could just move to California right now and let PG&E do this for you anyway. Note that in the last 30 days, millions of Californians have already lost power due to obligatory blackouts that California’s criminal politicians falsely claim is due to “high winds.” It’s absurd. Wind doesn’t cause power lines to spontaneously burst into flame. In truth, California’s power grid is collapsing, and “wind” is just the excuse to cover up the reality. The real story is that California doesn’t have the power capacity to feed its grid anymore, and they’re just making up fake excuses for shutting things down.

If you want a glimpse of what’s coming in a civil war scenario, check out this story from the Omaha World-Herald entitled, “Days of terrifying darkness, cold and hunger amid PG&E’s sweeping power blackouts.” Some highlights: Despite attempts to prepare after a shorter outage earlier this month, the duration of the blackout frayed both tempers and order. Gas tanks were siphoned, generators “are like diamonds,” said one resident. Cellphones are still sporadic; news remains mostly word of mouth.

“It’s insane,” Huchingson said. “It’s horrible and just totally unacceptable.” When deep darkness took over by 7 p.m. in the scattered towns around Clear Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the state, there was a “tension in the air,” said resident Susan Blunt, a feeling that while a threat may not be imminent, sunset held a primal menace. The sheriff declared a state of emergency, citing “conditions of extreme peril.” “Not only are we in the dark, but it also’s almost like we are completely shut off from the world and that makes it even more terrifying,” said Annette Carter on Tuesday. “I can handle a lot of stuff, but my kids being in fear and not being able to reach out to the world and find out what’s going on … that’s problematic.”

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Should the patriot uprising fail to take down the enemies of America, we will see Democrats seize total power and shift into a violent authoritarianism phase, complete with a nationwide police state, total control over all speech and the targeted executions of Democrats’ political opponents.

Mass executions and a “political holocaust” of death to all conservatives. Having survived the patriot uprising, authoritarian Leftists will coordinate with the deep state and the complicit media to call for and condone the mass executions of all who supported Trump, the patriots or even the very idea of America. Calls will go out for mass executions in the streets across America, and lunatic Leftists will be happy to comply.

As Dave Hodges writes in this story, “Schiff Is Following In the Path of Hitler In Leading the Overthrow of the US Government- America Should Expect a Holocaust to Follow Impeachment“:

Adam Schiff should be considered to be a modern-day Adolph Hitler… After Hitler assumed the dictatorial mantle of power, he still had to contend with the opposition power, the Communists. Hitler created the mother of all false flags, at that time, and burned down the Reichstag. Then he proceeded to murder his opposition in the name of preserving the country in the face of falsely accused treason. One by one the Communist leadership was murdered.

In order to consolidate power, Hitler then went after segments of the population. Everyone knows about the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the medically infirm. However, under the guise of protecting Germany from the “Jewish conspiracy” dissidents were targeted and many were accused of being members of the four primary persecuted groups.

So what happens when Schiff’s people complete their coup against the President? If history sets the example as it did in Russia and Germany, there will be a two-stage coup. The first stage will compromise the Republicans and kill the ones like Rand Paul and Gohmert as being enemies of the state. I expect MS-13, the assassins of choice for the drug cartels, to be the executioners. This is why they were brought here. When the top-level tier of political opposition is eliminated, then it is time to turn their attention to you. America will then find out why the NSA, Google and Amazon spies relentlessly on the public… Many of you reading these words will become Adam Schiff’s version of the modern-day equivalent of Jews and you will be exterminated and as many have pointed out, you will die at the end of a guillotine and your spare parts (ie organs will be trafficked).

 The complete censorship of all conservatives, Trump supporters, Christians and gun owners who weren’t already executed by the left-wing mobs. As part of the move to demonize and mass murder conservatives and Trump supporters across America, censorship by the tech giants will be ratcheted up to extreme levels. Popular browsers will block all websites labeled “disinfo” by the government, forcing independent media to go “underground” or resort to old school techniques to share information, such as printing hard copies, sharing thumb drives or operating on the darknet.

The complete elimination of the Second Amendment and nationwide gun confiscation. To make sure the American people cannot defend themselves against the dictatorial police state run by Demoncrats, the Second Amendment will be repealed and all Americans will be required to turn in their guns to government officials in the name of “stopping terrorism.” Those who refuse will be shot if found with firearms of any kind. The tyrannical regime will send federal agents house to house, kicking in doors, tossing flashbangs into baby cribs, torturing families in their own living rooms or doing whatever it takes to take their guns.

Expect strong resistance from armed Americans. If authoritarian, lawless Democrats attempt this move, they will need a steady supply of body bags for their own operatives who will quickly discover that millions of Americans will shift into guerrilla warfare mode and begin targeting the very teams dispatched to engage in gun confiscation. The average lifespan of a federal agent on a gun confiscation rotation will probably be about three days.

 The government seizure of all domain names of anti-establishment websites that dare to question official narratives. All websites that support Trump or criticize the Demoncrats will be completely disconnected from the internet, likely by rigging the domain name server (DNS) system to exclude all such sites by labeling them “hate speech” or “terrorist propaganda.” InfoWars, Breitbart, Natural News, The Gateway Pundit, Big League Politics and many others will be scrubbed from the internet, and their founders will be literally hunted and shot on sight, if they can be located.

Watch for bounties to be placed on the heads of people like Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson. This is how the corrupt, lawless government will try to get former employees to turn against the very people who are trying to save America from tyranny.

A whole new era of pedophilia, child abuse, chemical castration, language police, and Hollywood insanity

The final stage of the Democrat blowout will delve into full-blown Satanism and debauchery, targeting children and teens. It wasn’t just Bill Clinton who raped young girls for pleasure (which is why Jeffrey Epstein was eliminated); it’s a routine pursuit of nearly all Democrats in power. They ritualistically abuse children for dark soul reasons involving blood rituals and the “harvesting” of psychological terror. This is why so many Democrats are engaged in child trafficking and child abuse, by the way.

 Democrats will call for open support of the actual raping of children by drag queen teachers in the name of “tolerance.” Children will be taught to submit to rapings by transgenders in the name of “tolerance,” and told that to say no to a greasy fat man wanting to feel your junk is a form of “hatred” against “diversity.” Parents will celebrate the mandatory rapings in the name of progressivism, and they will line up to hand their children over to school-organized “rape parties” which are today’s Drag Queen Story Hour events taken to the next level. (See below for more examples that things are already moving in this direction.) Progressives will call for all baby boys to have their genitals mutilated to halt “male privilege” and end masculinity once and for all. It will become mandatory to chemically abuse male children in order to destroy testosterone and “medicate the evil male gender” out of them. The precursor to this is already in place with media assaults on the male archetype, depicted across nearly all “woke” films and advertisements which portray men as bumbling, stupid idiots or monstrous rapists. Notice how nearly every hero in new “woke” movies is a dainty female who somehow beats to crap out of monstrous males? That’s mental programming for the chemical castration phase that will begin in California, modeled after vaccine mandates which set the precedent that the state can force you to take any chemicals it demands. (Vaccine villain Richard Pan, a legislative prostitute of Big Pharma, was behind all that. No doubt he will also endorse mandatory government-run chemical castrations of male children, too.)

 Orgy training in public schools, involving live LGBT pedophiles performing sex acts in classrooms while progressive parents cheer. Way beyond “sex ed,” public schools will actually host anal sex orgies, complete with on-site instruction and demonstrations involving pedophile teachers. Classrooms will become orgy theaters, with live video streaming sold online to raise money to fund “public education.” (It’s really more like pubic education, in case you haven’t noticed.)

If you think this is an exaggeration, note that Austin public schools have just approved sex role playing indoctrination training for all public school students, where they are required to participate in role-playing scenarios involving “coerced oral sex,” anal sex and drunk sex. As The College Fix reports:

A controversial sex-ed curriculum for third through eighth grades that has connections to Planned Parenthood has been approved by the Austin Independent School District, despite fierce opposition.

The curriculum “normalizes child sex” using role-playing games. “Caryl Ayala, the director of Concerned Parents of Texas, told KVUE that the curriculum’s goal is ‘to normalize these behaviors and to teach them to children so that they can feel OK with engaging in these behaviors,’” reports The College Fix.

The nationwide celebration of infanticide and public displays of infant murder, celebrated by Democrats. Just recently on Halloween, some crazed Satan worshiper drag queen depicted cutting a baby out of her womb, drinking the blood and severing its head, all while people in the bar cheered the sickening display. Under the authoritarian power of the Democrats, child murder will only increase as progressives cheer infanticide and late-term abortion as being “progressive” and even “loving.” Here’s a still photo from the video. As you view the photo below, note that this is what nearly all Democrats now celebrate in America, because they have truly become DEMONcrats who are run by demonic forces:


 Satan worship in all U.S. public schools and college campuses, complete with mandatory indoctrination training for all students who will be required to bow down before Satan and worship the “liberty” of hating God and Christ. Schools will demand that students hate God and Jesus Christ while proclaiming their love for Satan. Demonic rituals will be incorporated into classroom activities, and Satan worship clubs will be heavily promoted by school administrators and teachers (this part has already begun). Christians will be demonized, of course, as “bigots” and “haters,” and any parent who refuses to submit their child to Satanic rituals and child rape / transgenderism training will be visited by Child Protective Services and flagged as a danger to society. (Read Demonic.news for more coverage of rising demonic influences in modern society.)

 The opening of child prostitution centers in public schools and college campuses, where schools raise money for school programs by prostituting young girls and boys to paying pedophile customers who are all celebrated as “education supporters.” Teen Vogue magazine recently published an article promoting the virtues of child prostitution, and this is the same magazine that previously included articles teaching teens how to engage in anal sex. Notably, there isn’t a single mainstream book store or retailer that has pulled this magazine from the shelves.

This same magazine also says men can have periods and that biology isn’t real. In another issue, Teen Vogue called for abortion clinics on all college campuses so that college students could engage in unprotected sex while having easy access to abortions and infanticide services.

It’s not a huge leap at all to realize that the radical, deranged Left is going to push for prostituting children and teens in both public schools and college campuses. Any parent who resists the insanity will be silenced and shamed as “intolerant” of so-called “progressive lifestyles,” where prostituting children for profit is fully embraced by progressives.

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Defending Trump isn’t just about Trump; it’s about defending HUMANITY from Democrat demons

As you can see from the list above, defending Trump from the deep state isn’t merely about protecting one man from a malicious, illegal coup attempt. It’s about defending American values from the deranged, demonic Leftists who now openly demand the complete destruction of every last shred of human decency and morality.

Democrats are not just mentally ill and brainwashed, they are demon-infested non-human entities who demand the sacrifice of children to satiate their own sick, perverted proclivities. Even right now, MMR vaccines given to children across America are deliberately engineered with the entire gene sequence of an aborted human baby as a way to contaminate new children in a cannibalism ritual that involves injecting infants with the blood of other dead babies who were killed via abortion.

This is all explained in this bombshell vaccine video, below:

Just think: If they can put genetically modified cancer genes into MMR vaccines for children, what else are they doing to your children? What are they willing to do to your country? Your liberties? Your humanity?

What you need to realize is that Democrats are not fully human. They are demonic, anti-human, anti-America, anti-freedom enemies of life, liberty and happiness. They seek the total destruction of religion, freedom, self-reliance, knowledge and truth. That is their true goal, and their agenda of censorship, infanticide, authoritarianism, economic destruction, child rape and the brainwashing of the masses is now on full display for the world to see.

More than at any other time in history, the demons are coming out of the Demoncrats, and they are now performing Satanic rituals right in public, in full view, with no apologies whatsoever. Witches are casting “curse spells” on President Trump, too, as they try to invoke the powers of darkness and destruction to take down America and end humanity once and for all.

You are not watching a political fight, folks: You are watching a spiritual battle between good and evil.

And you’d better pray that God intervenes, or it’s over for us all. The demon uprising is real, and it’s accelerating. And yes, they’re coming for your children. They run the media, the vaccine industry, the medical schools and the public schools. They control everything except your mind, and even your mind is under constant assault via the psychic warfare tactics of fake news, false flag events, censorship and disinformation.

Stay informed and be ready to defend humanity, or you and everything you love will be destroyed by design. Source: NewsTarget

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Something big is looming, God biblical prophecy is folding…I know you’ve felt it in the pit of your stomach… that feeling that the market is going up for all the wrong reasons and will soon come crashing down, yet again…That feeling that somehow, somewhere along the way, America has gone terribly wrong, it’s called turning our backs on God.

I can’t tell you when things got this bad. I can’t tell you why millions of Americans continue to vote for the most corrupt government in U.S. history, hoping the next guy will somehow be better than the last… or when money from their corporate masters overtook the concerns of you and me.

But I will tell you that people are starting to notice. And they’re not happy about it. Colorado, Texas, Maryland, and California all have secession movements underway. Congress is so divided, it actually allowed the government to shut down.

Some are saying it’s a Civil War-type environment. It’s no wonder more citizens think the American Dream is more dead than alive.

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The Pentagon has admitted that they are concerned that widespread civil unrest will hit U.S. streets in the very near future. 

The Department of Defense has begun funding universities to research the areas in society that are likely to breakdown and the risks that would come with a breakdown of society at large.

Anonhq.com reports: The program costs millions of dollars, and is designed to derive “warfighter-relevant insights”. According to the Pentagon, the purpose is for senior officials and decision-makers in “the defense policy community” to come up with contingency plans should widespread social unrest occur.

The Minerva Initiative has existed as far back as 2008, and the operation began as the global financial crisis first struck. A full list of the studies being don can be found on the Minerva Initiative’s own website.

Known as the “Minerva Research Initiative”, the DOD had partnered with universities in order to “to improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the US.”

One was a Cornell-led study which was also managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. It tried to create a model “of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions.”

By studying past cases of mass social unrest (such as the “the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey”) and the “digital traces” of online user behavior, the Pentagon was hoping to determine “the critical mass (tipping point)” of social contagions… They were trying to find out just how many outraged netizens and how many outraged posts would lead to actual demonstrations.

Such forewarning would obviously allow the Pentagon to act beforehand, perhaps by swiftly censoring Facebook, or by imposing a curfew in affected areas. If things ever got that bad that you had to act against the government… they already have you checkmated.

The Cornell study had analyzed Twitter and Facebook posts and conversations so that it could “identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized.”

A more recent study by the University of Washington together with the US Army Research Office “seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate,” along with their “characteristics and consequences” and focuses on “large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in the enduring activity.”

This is basically an attempt at decrypting movements like Anonymous so that the DOD could create its own manipulated variants or act beforehand to stop us from rising up.

“Who Does Not Become a Terrorist, and Why?” is another DOD Minerva Initiative-funded project.

This one seeks the tipping point for “supporters of political violence” to become active terrorists. From the study:

“In every context, we find many individuals who share the demographic, family, cultural, and/or socioeconomic background of those who decided to engage in terrorism, and yet refrained themselves from taking up armed militancy, even though they were sympathetic to the end goals of armed groups. The field of terrorism studies has not until recently, attempted to look at this control group. This project is not about terrorists, but about supporters of political violence.”

Another 1.9 million dollar Minerva project tried to “anticipate what could happen to societies under a range of potential climate change scenarios.”

Professor David Price, a cultural anthropologist at St Martin’s University in Washington DC and author of Weaponizing Anthropology: Social Science in Service of the Militarized State:

“When you looked at the individual bits of many of these projects they sort of looked like normal social science, textual analysis, historical research, and so on, but when you added these bits up they all shared themes of legibility with all the distortions of over-simplification. Minerva is farming out the piece-work of empire in ways that can allow individuals to disassociate their individual contributions from the larger project.”

Professor Price is a veteran of such matters; The Pentagon’s Human Terrain Systems (HTS) program was previously uncovered by him. In HTS, social scientists would be embedded inside of military field operations, as well as training operations set in regions “within the United States”

The HTS training scenarios “adapted COIN [counterinsurgency] for Afghanistan/Iraq” to fit within the context of domestic situations “in the USA where the local population was seen from the military perspective as threatening the established balance of power and influence and challenging law and order.”

“Conspiracy Theorists” who believe that Jade Helm amounts to training for an eventual US-based scenario, who are skeptical of the sudden militarization of the police force, the spike in police murders as well as Homeland “Security’s” decision to purchase 1.6 billion extremely lethal hollow-point rounds (which are forbidden by international law for use in war), have just been vindicated by the actions of the US military itself. In the face of an ever-worsening wealth-gap between the richest and the poorest, it would defy logic for the government to NOT be preparing to protect itself from you.

Of course, it’s a conspiracy theory to ever question your betters, or to think critically of the same regime that murdered 500,000 to 1.3 million people in Iraq for fake nuclear WMDs… Source

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StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

The risk of loss in trading futures and options on futures can be substantial. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, although it is believed that the sources are reliable and the information accurate. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for direct or indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or for any other damages relating or arising out of any action taken as a result of any information or advice contained in this commentary. The author disclaims any express or implied liability or responsibility for any action taken, which is solely at the liability and responsibility of the user. Steve Meyers

The silencing of the American people before 2020?

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

The Left, a broad term for Liberal Socialist Democrats that can only be explained fully by using the Bible explanation of the human race is as follows. A servant of Satan, because you are either saved or lost. This election has brought out the true nature of who you serve. Simply put, it’s Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Christians against the rest of the world. The Left’s Love applies only to those who believe as they do. They Love evil and commit Anarchy against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. On this Friday, Inaugural Day for the swearing-in of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States the Left wants to commit widespread Anarchy to shut down the swearing-in ceremony. Their goal of transforming America, which was founded in Judea Christian values into a Pagan Nation is almost complete. Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

8 thoughts on “Up-Date: Jan 4, 2020 Prophecy Unfolding: The Retaliation Begins

  1. Websters Dictionary 1828: “MILITIA”
    MILI’TIA, noun [Latin from miles, a soldier; Gr. war, to fight, combat, contention. The primary sense of fighting is to strive, struggle, drive, or to strike, to beat, Eng. moil, Latin molior; Heb. to labor or toil.] The body of soldiers in a state enrolled for discipline, but not engaged in actual service except in emergencies; as distinguished from regular troops, whose sole occupation is war or military service. The militia of a country are the able bodied men organized into companies, regiments and brigades, with officers of all grades, and required by law to attend military exercises on certain days only, but at other times left to pursue their usual occupations.
    Websters Dictionary 1828: “ARMS”
    ‘ARMS, noun plural [Latin arma.]
    1. Weapons of offense, or armor for defense and protection of the body.
    2. War; hostility.
    Arms and the man I sing.
    To be in arms to be in a state of hostility, or in a military life.
    To arms is a phrase which denotes a taking arms for war or hostility; particularly, a summoning to war.
    To take arms is to arm for attack or defense.
    Bred to arms denotes that a person has been educated to the profession of a soldier.
    3. The ensigns armorial of a family; consisting of figures and colors borne in shields, banners, etc., as marks of dignity and distinction, and descending from father to son.
    4. In law, arms are any thing which a man takes in his hand in anger, to strike or assault another.
    5. In botany, one of the seven species of fulcra or props of plants, enumerated by Linne and others. The different species of arms or armor, are prickles, thorns, forks and stings, which seem intended to protect the plants from injury by animals.
    Sire arms are such as may be charged with powder, as cannon, muskets, mortars, etc.
    A stand of arms consists of a musket, bayonet, cartridge-box and belt, with a sword. But for common soldiers a sword is not necessary.
    In falconry, arms are the legs of a hawk from the thigh to the foot.
    Websters Dictionary 1828: “DEER RIFLE”
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    It is very plain that the INTENT of the 2nd Amendment is for WAR. Weapons of war, which include so-called Assault Rifles, and any other “ARMs” carried for the PURPOSE OF WAR. Any Democrat/RINO COMMUNIST/NAZI Registration or Confiscation, is not only an Infringement and Affront, it is also an ACT OF WAR by ENEMIES of the People.
    In such case it is time to take up ARMS against them, to destroy those who intend to destroy us, and the BLOOD that bought our Liberty and Freedom.
    A Minimum of 200 MILLION Innocents and Powerless were DISARMED by Communist and Nazis just like the Democrats/RINO’s, in the last Century. Then they were MURDERED by the SAME. This is why they have installed a surveillance grid on the entire Nation. They intend to make themselves God. God does not bleed, nor does he work in Washington DC.
    Fight to live or die. Fight not and die. Sad what it has come to. Will be even sadder to see what they will force upon the People. Those who see themselves as God, always do the same thing, they MURDER the People.

  2. “Red Flag” Laws. Key word RED. As in Red COMMIE. This should be perceived in no other manner. It speaks clearly and precisely as to it’s true nature.
    A minimum of 200 MILLION Innocents and Powerless who were first DISARMED, in the last century, were not murdered by the man with a gun. They were MURDERED by “Common Sense” LEADERS. Every single time, without fail. Our true enem,y is that which JFK spoke of in his speech about Secret Societies and Secret Courts, bnefore the British owned-and-operated CIA, Johnson, Mafia murdered him. The man told us there was a CONSPIRACY. Those who murdered him created the mid control term “Conspiracy Theory”. Every REAL Conspirator since, has used that term to dissolve proper discourse and true thought. Our enemies are infiltrated into and control our Voting Systems, Courts, Congress, Towns, Cities, etc.. Once they remove our ability to wage WAR against them, they will begin to murder us also. The true definitions and intent of the terms “Militia” and “Arms”, are found in the 1829 Webster Dictionary. The TRUE INTENT of the 2nd Amendment stands quite obvious and without doubt. It is for WAR and nothing else. War against CRIMINAL Govt. bent on the SUBJUGATION and DISARMING of the PEOPLE, to be precise. Not a Civil War. Neither a Revolution. A war of RESTORATION now appears inevitable. Unless you want to try to beat the odds, predicted by historical account. Thew odds of the People not being murdered by a Commie Govt. that disarms them are ZERO. See any Democrats around that are not COMMIES these days?

  3. “…a sellout or abandonment of responsibility by political leadership…”. DOES. NOT. APPLY. HERE. 45 IS standing in the gap with his leadership, and we WILL see it through WITH him!

  4. If you support women having the right to vote, then you are responsible for this perversion. Don’t come crying to me when the fagmosexuals come to take your children away if you think men and women are equal. If you can’t tell the difference between men and women, you are a homosexual whether you admit it or not.

    1. The one world religion is already in place, it is called Dun worship(Heliocentrism) and has been for a long time. Most people already buy into it including you. By the way, the Gog invasion happened in 1948,the Ashkenazim invaded as they were from the North, you know the ones who say they are jews(pretend Hebrews) but are not.

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