27 mins read

Watchman Reporting the Banking Industry’s Collapse Has Begun With Useless FDIC–Insured Big Tech Silvergate Bank Announced on Wednesday That It Was Liquidating Its Assets and Closing Down. Today, the Four Largest American Banks Lost $52 Billion in Valuation as the Dow Fell 540 Points–Tribulation Moving Forward–God Warned Us!

HNewsWire: Economic Collapse Is ‘By Design’ and Orchestrated HNewsWire: America’s economic crisis is deepening “is “by design,” “everything was planned,” With two quarters of negative growth, we’ve already entered a technical recession. Democrats are fomenting an economic calamity as a pretext for consolidating even more power and control in the hands of the government and its affiliated corporations. “They’re just buying time because they know things are going to get much worse; it’s all planned because they need that moment of catastrophic economic collapse to drive through their socialist scheme.” Political observers are warned not to dismiss political elites as oblivious to the consequences of their own abuses of power. “I’m fed up with people giving them the benefit of the doubt. They said it was only temporary because they didn’t know what else to do. They were, of course, […]


12 mins read

Watchman Warning: Update 3/10/23 More Bank Closures Today–This Is Only the Tip of the Iceberg in Terms of Bank Failures and Bank Runs That Await Depositors, and I Am Not Alone in Stating So, Since the United States and Several European Countries Are Already Bracing for Bank Runs, Plan For Survival

Last week, Pam Martens, writing for Wall Street on Parade, reported that bank runs were happening at Silvergate Bank, a U.S. FDIC insured bank… HNewsWire: While the global financial system has not yet completely collapsed, bank runs that began in 2022 with the fall of FTX and the billions of dollars lost when depositors were unable to withdraw their funds continue to occur today in 2023, albeit without receiving top news attention. Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade revealed last week that bank runs were taking place at Silvergate Bank, an FDIC-insured bank in the United States. Silvergate, a federally insured bank, has recently severed relations with cryptocurrency. A depositor never likes to hear from a bank that holds his or her life savings that it is concerned about its “capacity to continue as a going concern.” Regrettably, those exact lines were […]


1 min read

Watchman Warning: A New Bill Would Classify Conservative Speech As ‘Domestic Violence Extremism’

HNewsWire: Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson is aggressively pushing legislation that would establish a 13-member panel to determine what constitutes disinformation and misinformation rising to the level of “domestic violence extremism,” according to The Center Square. The panel would also collect data on incidents of their pickings of domestic violent extremism and classify noncriminal activities or speech as such. Free speech advocates blasted the bill for targeting conservatives and criminalizing anyone who expresses an opinion that runs counter to a regime-approved narrative. “This commission is specifically designed to target conservatives and quash any government opposition, which is why the legislation purposefully ignores Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremists. Indeed, it expressly supports those tactics,” wrote Seattle KTTH talk-show host Jason Rantz, who called it “the most dangerous bill in legislative history.” According to Rantz’s interpretation of comments that AG Ferguson made in a…...

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23 mins read

Watchman Warning: Ukrainian Nazis Tortured Women in Mariupol Those of You Who Think Putin Is a Monster Should Look on the Other Side of the Border. Ukraine Is a Nazi Haven, and Those (Nazis) Are Brutal (Photos, Video, 18+ Only)

HNewsWire: Ukraine is Europe’s most corrupt nation. Igor Kolomoisky, a prominent Ukrainian oligarch located in Switzerland, is Zelensky’s puppet. Kolomoisky was the owner of the television station that aired the serial “Servant of the People.” Zelensky was cast as the show’s main character, a schoolteacher who spoke out against corruption and went on to become Ukraine’s president. The presentation was about becoming a member of the European Union and NATO. It was a type of fairy tale offered to Ukrainians. By the year 2049, Kyiv/Kiev has become a prosperous, modern European metropolis in the drama. Kolomoisky founded the “Servant of the People” party in 2018. Zelensky campaigned as its presidential candidate and was elected in 2019. After Kolomoisky’s puppet Zelensky was elected president of Ukraine, he appointed a slew of Jewish cronies in positions of authority in Zelensky’s government. Furthermore, […]


1 min read

Watchman: A Federal Judge in Missouri Has Ruled That Missouri’s Second Amendment Law Is Unconstitutional. Another Obama/Sorso Upward Mobility Swine, Add the Politician Trying Suppression’ Over Unearthed January 6 Video, It’s Getting Ugly, and the People Will Suffer

SRH: When one considers the cruel tyrants of the past, one incident stands out: the first thing they did was disarm the people and imprison intelligent people. Hitler literally authored the book on wickedness. HNewsWire: What do you expect from an Obama appointee? Today, nearly all liberals see the Constitution as an unacceptable document that should be ignored lest it interfere with their quest to subjugate the populace. A federal judge determined Tuesday that a Missouri law that would have penalized police for enforcing federal gun regulations was illegal, providing a victory to the Biden administration’s Department of Justice, which filed suit against the statute last year. The Department of Justice claimed that the statute undermined federal narcotics and weapons investigations by imposing severe fines of up to $50,000 on police forces that “infringed” on Missourians’ Second Amendment rights by…...

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5 mins read

Vladimir Kvachkov, a Former Military Intelligence Officer in Russia: “Plandemic” Is Planned Depopulation

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 27:12 HNewsWire: Although he does not mention 5G or any radiation aspect of the Corona scam, former Colonel of the Russian Military Intelligence Vladimir Kvachkov states that the current Coronavirus pandemic (or lack of?) is serving 4 main purposes: 1) Depopulation initiative 2) Political control over the remaining population 3) Deflation of the current financial bubble 4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors Treat your skin well. Our soaps are gentle and produce a smooth creamy lather that is nourishing to your skin. They are handmade in small batches. We use only high-quality natural ingredients. No chemicals, no sodium laurel sulfate, no phthalates, no parabens, no detergents. GraniteRidgeSoapworks Source: lionessofjudah  HNewsWire  HNewsWire Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email […]


1 min read

Watchman: We Are in the Midst of the Biggest and Darkest Scandal in American History, but the Elite Media Will Not Connect the Dots and Investigate It. Therefore HNewsWire Will Give You the Facts

HNewsWire: COVID-19, a disease that no one argues originated in Wuhan, China, has killed over 1.1 million Americans and 6.8 million people globally. It has left millions of others with long-term health issues. Children who were essentially unaffected by COVID-19 have lost at least a year of education as a result of teachers’ unions and completely incorrect, damaging public health policies. Because of their forced solitude and lack of social contact, many children suffer from depression and other mental health issues. That’s either a line from a Violent Femmes song or the government telling the American people about COVID-19 and the press repeating it without inquiry. The word “lying” appears at least 45 times in the song, qualifying the Femmes for a position in the legacy media. So-called journalists relayed whatever that government shills told them while censoring or undermining…...

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1 min read

Watchman Has Uncovered Some Facts: Menachery et al. Reveal in a 2015 Research That the COVID Virus Was Created in the United States

Was it a leak or release? I say release. Intentional or accidental? Well, that is the key issue and I say either, yet still saying accidental but also I would say that if it is shown deliberate, then we would be saying someone deliberately released this from a lab. HNewsWire: See this paper: “SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence” by Menachery et al. and published March 2016; this paper with the 2015 publication tells us that these malfeasance created this; why? Dr. Paul Alexander Why? Like for the mRNA technology gene injection, why develop this, these chimera deadly coronaviruses? Was this developed in a lab? Yes. US lab, likely. This one paper, and their 2015 ‘NATURE’ paper, shows clearly that COVID virus was developed in collaboration between U.S. and Chinese researchers (main funding by US) and this collaboration played a…...

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16 mins read

Watchmen Issues Warning, Our Politicians Sold out Americans—the W.H.O. Agreement is Written Specifically to Avoid Senate Approval, and Congress,Will Biden Need Senate Approval for W.H.O. Accord? NO… Hell on Earth AKA Tribulation 

HNewsWire: The Biden administration is in the active phase of drafting a legally binding pandemic agreement that would empower the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) to shape national policies concerning pandemic “prevention, preparedness, and response.” Serious failures by the WHO in handling the Covid pandemic made many Americans question the supranational body’s competence, but U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra was not one of them. On September 27, 2022, Becerra joined with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to announce the “U.S.-WHO Strategic Dialogue,” which provides for a “historic new financial intermediary fund” and development of a “new pandemic instrument.” That latest included, among other things, the “targeted amendments” to the International Health Regulations (IHR), a treaty the United States ratified back in 2005. In December 2022, 194 member states of the WHO, including the United States, agreed to develop a “zero draft” of a […]


2 mins read

Watchman: This Is Basic Immunology and Vaccinology and It Behooves Us as to How Inept and Stupid the Vaccine Developers and FDA Officials Are. You Can Never Ever Get Ahead of a Mutating Respiratory Virus With a Vaccine, Period!

HNewsWire: We told them the COVID bivalent boosters (BA.4/.5 sub-variant/clade) will fail, as usual, did not listen, & it DID fail & again I present 2 examples; CDC, NIH, FDA etc. scientists are idiots, morons. DR. PAUL ALEXANDER FEB 24 We have written and publicly stated this and Venden Bossche leads in this that the COVID-19 virus (basically any respiratory virus e.g. the flu) evolves and adapts way too quickly to be able to develop boosters that can handle newly emerging variants. This is basic immunology and vaccinology and it behooves us as to how inept and stupid the vaccine developers and FDA officials are. You can never EVER get ahead of a mutating respiratory virus with a vaccine, PERIOD! Especially if you are placing the target antigens under selective pressure as we have done day one with COVID virus. Such […]


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