Vladimir Kvachkov, a Former Military Intelligence Officer in Russia: “Plandemic” Is Planned Depopulation

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 27:12


Although he does not mention 5G or any radiation aspect of the Corona scam, former Colonel of the Russian Military Intelligence Vladimir Kvachkov states that the current Coronavirus pandemic (or lack of?) is serving 4 main purposes:

1) Depopulation initiative

2) Political control over the remaining population

3) Deflation of the current financial bubble

4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors

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HNewsWire: To acquire control over every aspect of your life, including your health, finances, and food supply, propaganda and pervasive censorship have been used. The major media is an important participant and has played a crucial role in creating fear.

The COVID-19 fraud is the work of global elites, the pharmaceutical industry, and complicit politicians working to a globalist agenda. Its apparent goal is the eradication of human rights and freedoms, the destruction of democracy for purposes of population control, and the extortion of enormous sums of money from nations on the pretext that a disease, COVID-19, invented by the WHO, poses a serious threat to those countries' populations.

• The lie that a novel coronavirus called SARS CoV-2 has been discovered in and isolated from human beings and demonstrated to be the cause of a sickness termed COVID-19 forms the basis of this agenda. All of this has not occurred.

• A spike protein created by a genetic sequence revealed in a US patent from 2007 is the suggested treatment for this purported deadly virus.
Thousands of individuals have died as a result of the Kill Shot "vaccines" based on this sequence. millions more people hurt and maimed all around the world.

• The misapplication of a PCR technique without established diagnostic (clinical) value provided the statistical underpinning for this phantom pandemic. It has only generated useless "COVID-19" case numbers and has not identified a single case of a novel ailment.

• As a result, the New Zealand government is accused of irresponsible criminality, including violations of human rights, crimes against humanity, democide, acts of terror, and mass murder, and is implicated in the global COVID-19 deception.


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