Is the Christmas celebration a pagan or christian observance? I think it depends on whether you think of Christmas as commemorating Jesus' birth, or appreciation for the gifts that Santa Claus is touted to bring. Do we give gifts in remembrance of the greatest gift ever given from God to men? Or do we give them in appreciation for our family and friends?

At the Christ-mass do we think of the birth of the one who came in the same flesh and blood all men have so He could join with all men in our mortality and our death? Or do we come together to celebrate by giving gifts to those we know because they mean so much to us? Whether you believe it or not these are the things that make the difference for us between Christmas being a pagan or Christian observance.

As a believer in Jesus the Christ-mass must have Jesus at the very center of everything that it means to us. Is.7:14 tells us that this birth was a miracle because He was not only born of God. He was also born of a virgin. And that God did this to be a sign to Israel that this baby was their promised messiah.

If the story of Santa Claus is at the center of your christmas then it says nothing about a birth. And certainly nothing about a virgin birth. And makes God a being who gives good gifts only when men's good works warrant. And makes His promise to come into the world clothed with the same flesh and blood all men have irrelevant.

But, if Jesus is at the center of your Christ-mass then this miracle birth will be the fundamental reason behind your gift giving. For His coming is the greatest gift of all to all. Because by coming as a man it was made possible for God to relate to us on our level. To tell us of His unconditional love for the whole world with no regard to their being naughty or nice. And that He did not come into the world to condemn the world. But, that the world might be saved through faith in Him.

If the story of Santa Claus is at the center of your christmas your giving and receiving of gifts are conditional. Based upon whether you have been naughty or nice. If you have been naughty you get a piece of coal. But, if you have been nice you will get a more pleasing gift.

Could it be that the coal represents the fiery hell many have been falsely taught people will be sent to as punishment because they are bad?

And could it be that the more pleasing gift represents heaven that people who have been good get to go to?

And could it be that the naughty/nice relationship to the good or bad gift is really satan's way of putting this false notion of sowing works and reaping the consequences in our minds from the time we are a child? Planning for this to cause us to believe that God's gift of eternal life is based on our behavior?

Instead of by faith without works as the Bible teaches?

If so, then the story of Santa Claus is a complete perversion for children so that they will be less likely to believe the gospel preached by the apostles when they hear it. Because they will instead have had ingrained in their thinking the pagan message of salvation by works. A message now preached by most religions, and especially christian cults because of the doctrine of original sin.

Many have been deceived by the cult of Augustine to reject the plain teaching in the Bible that shows Jesus and Adam had the same flesh and blood that all men have. Even though 1Cor.15:45-48 and Heb.2:14 show this to be absolute truth.

I have read recently messages about Jesus' birth from men like Hank Hannegraff and Greg Laurie and others that shows their belief that Jesus did not come in the same flesh all men have. Even saying that Adam’s flesh when he was made was not the same as all men. By this they show that they are members of the Augustinian cult. A cult that interprets the Bible through the prism of gnostic heresies. Because these people accept the invented doctrine of original sin to deny the doctrine of Christ just as the Santa Claus story does. And by doing so they make works the determining factor for salvation.

But, as a believer in the Biblical Jesus be sure Jesus is at the center of your Christ-mass by making this a time to celebrate the greatest gift ever given to man. The virgin birth that brought to the world the only begotten Son of God. A being that was both fully God and fully human. Having the same flesh all men have. And His Spirit in the container of His flesh that was fully God. The Christ child whose name was Immanuel. Which means God with us.

And make sure any gift giving and receiving carries with it the same unconditional gift attitude that it is meant to commemorate. That is, the gift of eternal life afforded to all men through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

And if you do not yet know this Immanuel then today is your day. If you will confess Jesus is Lord. And believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. Then you will be saved.

Not from naughty to nice. And not through works no matter who they say has done them. But, from unbelief to trusting in Jesus. From mortality to immortality. And from being only natural as the flesh birth from your mother's womb made you. To a spiritual birth that happens when we put our trust in Jesus and His resurrection.

Do this and you will be a child of God. Do this and you will be heir to His kingdom. Do this and you will have eternal life. Do this and the Christ-mass will mean all it should mean for those who trust in Jesus. Do this... and I will see you there or in the air!

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