The christian must be acutely aware so that he recognizes what is going on all over the world today in the light of what the Bible says it is. A fight between the 10 horns that have made an agreement with the beast, and the harlot that will be destroyed by that union. Rev.17:15-18.

In Rev.17 we see that John is told "The woman that you saw is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth". That city was Rome when John wrote this, just as it is Rome today through the harlot religion of Roman Catholicism and her daughters. She rides the beast just as all the Caesars did that went before they began to be called popes. She is behind everything deep state. 

But christian, please note that it is not God nor God's people that destroys her. It is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns that destroys her. The same beast, minus 3 horns as per Dan.7:8, that fights against Jesus when He returns.

Rev.17:14 tells us "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."

So stay focused on Jesus, christian. Do not get caught up in this conflict as if it is God fighting against evil. That's not what this is. This is not God's kingdom. If it was Jesus said "Then would my servants fight for me". John18:36. 

So while any fight we may find ourselves in may be a fight for what is right. It is not yet a fight for the kingdom of God. That will happen only when Jesus returns to earth and us with Him at the end of the great tribulation.

For now the scriptures tell us that the christian must be patient as they wait upon the Lord. Rev.13:9,10 says- "If any man have an ear, let him hear.

He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."

Maranatha!! Come quickly Lord Jesus!!


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